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Thread: Object of the Week December 6, 2020 – NGC 157 The Superman Galaxy

  1. #1
    Administrator/Co-Founder Dragan's Avatar
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    Object of the Week December 6, 2020 – NGC 157 The Superman Galaxy

    MCG 2-2-56
    PGC 2081


    Constellation: Cetus

    RA: 00 34 46.6
    DEC: -08 24 03

    Type SAB(rs)bc
    Mag: 10.4
    Size: 4.2’ x 2.7’

    Nearly 237 years ago to the date, William Herschel first observed NGC157 using his 18.7” speculum reflector on the 13th of December 1783. Positioned rather nicely between 2 ~8th magnitude stars just 4 degrees east of Iota Ceti. NGC 157 is a wonderful, nearly face on spiral in the constellation Cetus.

    NGC 157 is unique in that its rotation curve, or the plotted orbital velocities of stars across its disk relative to the core, varies tremendously and actually increases the further one measures from the core ("1961ApJ...134..874B Page 874", 1961). A typical rotation curve one would expect to see shows velocities increase exponentially as you get closer to the core of a galaxy and drop off the further you are from the core. Not just that, this drop off, also called the “turnover point”, in gaseous and stellar velocities correspond with the drop off in luminosity of the galactic disk. NGC 157 actually exhibits a rise in orbital velocities, past this turnover point.

    Back in 1959 when this phenomenon was first observed using the 82” at McDonald Observatory, astronomers were quite perplexed by these findings. Several theories have been brought forth to attempt and account for these measurements, including but not limited to (Kanipe & Webb, 2017.)

    • A disturbance by a companion – even though one isn’t near enough to substantiate this claim.
    • A dark matter halo.
    • A merger of two equal mass gas disks some time ago

    Whatever the reason, it makes for an interesting mental exercise while at the eyepiece to consider that something is effecting this galaxy in such a way that it doesn’t behave like your prototypical spiral galaxy.

    Although I titled this weeks OOTW NGC157 The Superman Galaxy, I didn’t come up with the name. I’ve discovered that NGC 157 is also labeled as such on the ESO website. A few other individual observing reports I found online mention the moniker as well. But NGC157 isn’t alone as I feel several other objects are worthy contenders of the “Superman Galaxy” nickname. Our own Wouter makes mention of it in reference to Mark Friedmans OOTW on NGC7479 back in 2014. M83 – the first time I’ve heard of this - has been granted use of the nickname in this newspaper article from Naples Florida, although the author incorrectly refers to M83’s home constellation as Hydra, the sea monster. Even the incredibly stunning NGC 4535 The Lost Galaxy in Virgo could be deserving!

    So in close, if you’re out observing this month, be sure to give NGC157 a go in the early evening. Visible in all manner of apertures, to best see the S in this “superman galaxy”, you’re going to want to use a bigger scope. The apparent S-shape, mottling throughout its arms as well as a nice bright concentrated core await you if you have access to a scope larger than about 18 inches. I have no record of ever seeing this object in Jimis 48 – I sure wish I did though.

    As always,

    “Give it a go and let us know! Goodluck and great viewing!”

    Clear Dark Skies,
    Dragan Nikin
    25" f/5 Obsession #610 "Toto"
    30" f/4.5 OMI EVO #1 "Tycho"

  2. #2
    Member Raul Leon's Avatar
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    Hi, here's my observation from 11/29/2019: Ngc 157 galaxy in Cetus ; magnitude: 10.4 ; size:
    4.2'x2.7' ; large and fairly bright face on spiral with two stars superimposed. Some mottling observed within central area in good seeing.I used a 10mm Ethos at 158x with my 14.5 Starstructure Dob f/4.3
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Raul Leon
    14.5 Starstructure Dobsonian f/4.3

  3. #3
    Member akarsh's Avatar
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    Incidentally, I observed this galaxy recently in my October observing run from north-eastern California.

    Oct 17, 2020; 18" f/4.5; Here's what my notes say:

    6mm Delos [~340x]
    "Spectacular galaxy! Too much detail [for me] to sketch. Reminiscent of M33. Many tightly wound arms and knots!"

    It's not common for a "random" NGC galaxy to show so much spiral structure in an 18" to my eyes, so this one was special. I didn't notice the "S"-shape although I did sense several arms, perhaps because I was biased only by an overexposed POSS image and not an image showing the full dynamic range. Reminds me of Howard's post on the "Herschel's Ring" of M51
    28" f/4
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  4. #4
    Member Steve Gottlieb's Avatar
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    I was fortunate to view NGC 157 through Jimi's 48" a little over a year ago - ah, those days when we could travel freely!

    At 610x; showpiece spiral with the sweep of two prominent spiral arms outlined by dust lanes, forming a striking, stretched "S" pattern, similar to Superman's logo! Overall, elongated 3:2 SW-NE, ~3'x2'. At the center was a very small, intense nucleus.

    A beefy spiral arm was attached at the west side of the nucleus. It displayed a high contrast due to inner and outer dust lanes with a brighter, curving arc at its southwest end. This arm rotated clockwise towards the southeast side and hooked towards the northeast. The second thick arm as attached on the east end of the nucleus. It also showed a high contrast arc along its northeast portion, then rotated sharply clockwise towards the west and angled southwest to the west of the central region.

    Two mag 13.6/15.3 stars (0.6' apart) lie 1.3' NE of center. A dusty triangular wedge (between the spiral arms) extended from these stars towards the core.
    24" f/3.7 Starstructure
    14.5" f/4.3 Starmaster
    Adventures in Deep Space
    Contributing Editor, Sky & Telescope

  5. #5
    Hi All,

    I observed this galaxy, both with a 10" and a 25" scope.
    With the 10", no details could be seen,but in the other hand, the "S" was obvious and three HK83 regions could be identified.
    Detailed report here:

    Clear sky

    NGC 157 T254 BL Chabottes 1999_2.jpgNGC 157 T635 BL 2013 09 05.jpg

  6. #6
    Member Howard B's Avatar
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    Scappoose, Oregon USA
    I was there with Steve last October and observed NGC 157 with him and Jimi through his 48-inch scope"

    "This is gorgeous! Two full spiral arms full of knots gives this galaxy lots of visual motion. Great stuff! 610x, 21.44 SQM."

    NGC157sketch_crop.JPG NGC157sketch_crop_invert.JPG

    This is an object I have yet to observe with my 28-inch scope so I can't compare the views.
    30-inch f/2.7 alt-az Newtonian
    Contributing Editor, Sky & Telescope magazine

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I've logged two observations Dragan. While the 4" binocular telescope showed the galaxy as a structureless direct vision object, the 16-inch could reveal the nice spiral structure.

    sketch: 16", 257x, NELM 6m5+, Seeing III
    Clear Skies, uwe

    27" f/4,2

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