Well, tonight I even proved myself wrong! I could see the small disk of the planetary as an ill-defined smudge with averted vision in my 10-inch at 260x and with NO filters. Plus, the skies were only...
I add an observation and sketch with 27-inch.
Under high magnification and good seeing, an unequal ring was visible, without showing the faint CS.
sketch: 27", 837x, NELM 6m5+, Seeing II
With a 20" at 272 + UHC: "Another nice disc. like the previous one (IC-351). Easy to see; no central star; even glow.
With an 18" at 286 + O-III: "Bright, disc-shape, similar to Uranus."
Hi, here’s my observation from 7/26/2011: IC 2003 planetary nebula in Perseus; mag: 11.5 ; size: 7” x 6” ; small but fairly bright disc; I used my 14.5 StarStructure with a 7mm Nagler.
Nothing beats an original catalog. Information from the source. Pristine discoverer's notes or information unaltered by later publications that often introduce, rather than take away room for...
Ah! Mr. Extragalactic Knots himself, I knew you'd have something to bring within the galaxy.
Yeah, I picked it after seeing Hydra cut the meridian in my early mornings, but I didn't remember that...
"I know you're asking yourself, how has this not been featured as the Object of the Week before! I was looking over the OOTWs in Hydra on Adventures in Deep Space and was surprised to see it so short...
Brilliant post, Steve! I just stumbled upon it a week ago and now got a chance to observe them with my 16-inch. Very cool find of Swift and kudos to Corwin for solving the mystery!
Scott H.
Thanks, Howard.
Critical I'm always be with my own results, I favor Peter's result over mine. He captured the wider NW arm, I missed because of the two high magnification and too low EP?
@ Jiri: Thanks!
@ Akarsh: What you marked with a question mark, suspecting Sharpless 2-263 is indeed correct, albeit that the nebula's primary ('historically first') designation is Cederblad 44,...
I looked at the lambda Orionis nebulosity last winter from Death Valley using my 18" telescope. I had a 31mm Nagler on it, which gives about 7mm exit pupil and was using an H-Beta filter. I just...
To M 83 I had two memorable moments.
First night was 18 years ago at the highest accessible road in the Alps (9600 ft) with an incredible transparency this night. We observed M 81 with naked eye...
Nice quartet of clusters, Howard. Easy to find but mostly overlooked by its more prominent neighbors around NGC 633 and NGC 7790.
I just visited all clusters with my smaller 6-inch and travelled...
Pitching in with an observation from the early morning of 7 October 2021 (session / blog), even when I could only make out the brighter northwestern part.
14" SCT @168x / 29' filtered and...
Got out last evening and found this little planetary with my 16-inch while high overhead. While visible at 150x and 300x without a filter, a filter did help. In fact, I tested and found that it gave...
The Lambda Orionis Nebula Sh2-264
is my typical glactic DSO for the X.mas Season, and otherwise an indicator for the transparency of the night skies. Seen the last time with unaided eyes and...
Thanks for all the encouragement and kind words, Uwe and Wouter. I invested a lot of time in the site and I'm glad to hear that it has helped the community.
The list is definitely in addition...
This region - a term I have come to use for, well, regions that are too large to simply call a group of nebulae - was first cataloged in 1951 by Georges Courtès as nr. 128 on his list. Gaze & Shajn...
Very nice choice, Uwe! I have tried to observe some of these large emission nebulae from dark locations in Chile. On March 17, 2023, I tried the Lambda Orionis Ring with my 20" from the Rio Hurtado...
Drawing M 83 with a 16" in Namibia (Hakos) in 2012 was a turning point for me. This is an absolutely amazing galaxy. I can still remember as the details unfolded in the eyepiece after 4-5 hours of...
During my 2022 Namibia trip I observed and sketched M83. Here the majestic galaxy is almost in zenith when it culminates and it showed! The central bar is easily seen, as well as the inner spiral...
I've made numerous observations of M83, but I'll highlight three of the more memorable ones from very different locations.
13.1" (2/19/04, Costa Rica): this impressive galaxy was viewed carefully...
Hi, here's my observation from 5/19/2012: On a night of mediocre seeing, Messier 83 galaxy in Hydra ; mag: 7.6 ; size: 13.8' x 12.9' ; very bright and large ; bright central bar with brighter core ;...
Unfortunately, I have only two observations of M83. The first is from 1993 with my old 20-inch Obsession:
"Large with faint outer area and a fuzzy stellar core. Seemed asymmetrical with a bar...
I also have only one observation of NGC 1316, this with my 28-inch f/4 scope from 2017 at Chickahominy Reservoir. This was an excellent sight given its low altitude from 43.5 north latitude: