Owen I said that all wrong. DSF has taught me a lot. I often review Reiner Vogel's observing as well as Alvin Hueys and
Adventures in Deep Space
Please forgive and let me try this again, I did take out Abell 21. I am just trying to put a list of bipolar planetary nebula together. I asked a few years back what to observe and Steve Gottlieb suggested Orion 600 Deep sky. When through about half. I was surprised there are only about a dozen PNe and more RN and BN …
NGC 650/651
CRL 618
HD 44179
J 900
M 1-7
NGC 2346
NGC 2371/2
NGC 2392
NGC 2440
OH 231.8+4.22
Jones-Emberson 1
NGC 2818a
IRAS 09371+1212
CW Leo
LoTr 5
NGC 6302
IRAS 17150-3224
Sa 2-237
Hen 3-1475
IRAS 17441-2411
PN Hb 5
NGC 6445
HD 168625
NGC 6537
IRAS 18059-3211
MWC 922
IRAS 19024+0044
IRAS 19255+2123
NGC 6853
Sh 2-106
NGC 6881
IRAS 20068+4051
CRL 2688
NGC 7026
Ou 4
Sh 1-89
IRAS 22036+5306
IC 5217
Pn Hb 12
HD 179821
Thank you Mark