Abell Galaxy Clusters v1 - Alvin Huey
AbellGalaxyClusters v1.pdf

Clear Skies Observing Guides - Victor van Wulfen
http://www.deepskyforum.com/showthre...=7679#post7679 (with links to Victors homepage)

Deep Sky Forum 2012 OOTW - Alvin Huey
DSF 2012 OOTW v1.pdf

Deep Sky Forum 2013 OOTW -
Alvin Huey
DSF 2013 OOTW v1.pdf

Far Out Galaxies of the NGC/IC Catalog - Jimi Lowrey
Farout NGC-IC.pdf

Flat Galaxies v2 - Alvin Huey
FlatGalaxies v2.pdf

Galaxy Groups v1 - Alvin Huey
GalaxyGroups v1.pdf

Galaxy Trios v7 - Alvin Huey

Globular Clusters v4 - Alvin Huey
GlobularClusters v4.pdf

Herschel 400 Part I v1 - Alvin Huey
Herschel 400-I v1.pdf

Herschel 400 Part II V1 - Alvin Huey
Herschel 400-II v1.pdf

Herschel 400 Part III v1 - Alvin Huey
Herschel Part III v1.pdf

Local Group v2 - Alvin Huey
LocalGroup v2.pdf

Palomar Compact Galaxy v1 - Alvin Huey
Palomar Compact Galaxy v1.pdf

Planetary Nebula v2 - Alvin Huey
PlanetaryNebula v2.pdf

Ring Galaxies v4 - Jimi Lowrey
RingGalaxies v4.pdf

Rose Catalogue v2 - Alvin Huey
RoseCatalogue v2.pdf

Shakhbazian Groups v1 - Alvin Huey
ShkGroups v1.pdf

TSP 2013 'Galaxy Illusions' AOP - Larry Mitchell & Jim Chandler
TSP 2013.pdf

TSP 2014 'Seeing Red' AOP - Larry Mitchell
TSP 2014.pdf

Variable Galaxies v2 - Alvin Huey
VariableGalaxies v2.pdf

Vorontsov-Velyaminov (VV) Interacting Galaxies Part I v1 - Alvin Huey

Vorontsov-Velyaminov (VV) Interacting Galaxies Part I v1 - Alvin Huey