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Thread: Object of the Week May 10th, 2015 - NGC 4298 & NGC 4302

  1. #1
    Administrator/Co-Founder Dragan's Avatar
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    Object of the Week May 10th, 2015 - NGC 4298 & NGC 4302

    NGC 4298 & 4302

    NGC 4298
    UGC 7412

    Coma Berenices

    RA 12 21 33
    DEC 14 36 11

    Type: Galaxy SA(rs)c
    Size: 3.0' x 1.8'

    Mag: 11.3

    NGC 4302

    Coma Berenices

    RA 12 21 42.4
    DEC 14 35 39

    Type: Galaxy SA(rs)c
    Size: 5.8' x .7'

    Mag: 11.6

    And yet another discovery by William Herschel, this pair was discovered on April 8th, 1784. NGC 4298 and 4302 are a beautiful pair of spiral galaxies that show themselves at different position angles. Members of the Virgo Cluster, this pair lie not all that far from common showpiece objects such as M99, M98 & M100 just to name a few. Both objects lie in the constellation Coma Berenices at a distance of approximately 60M LY away. Redshift calculations show that these two objects are very close to one another, some reports claiming a core to core distance of only about 35,000 LY apart. Having such a relatively close gap leaves some astronomers scratching their heads about that claim as we do not see any apparent tidal interactions between the two.

    NGC 4298, the brighter of the two but just barely, shows nearly face-on to us. Tightly wound arms prove to be rather difficult to discern visually even in the largest scopes. My notes, before knowing definitively this to be a spiral galaxy, show my ignorance as I called it "an obvious elliptical with stellar core" Visual details will amount to apparent mottling and knots throughout its disk as well as a field star superimposed 20" ENE from its core.

    NGC 4302 is, to me, the prettier of the two as I just have an affinity for edge-ons. A well defined edge-on orientated N-S, displays a beautiful contrasting dark lane reminiscent of NGC891 . But don't be fooled, NGC4302 is rather dim and the dustlane can prove to be quite a challenge. Under better conditions and moderate to high power, mottling in the dust lane as well as wispy ends that disappear into the aether can be seen.

    One interesting note, NGC 4302 is very similar dimensionally to the Milky Way. It has a very similar size, shape and density to our own galaxy. Placing our own Milky Way next to NGC4302 at 60M LY distant and looking back at both would make for a difficult challenge when asked "which is which?". Just something I found of interest.

    Lastly, to the east of this pair lies 17th magntiude MAC 1221+1437 (LEDA 169144) if either of the above two galaxies prove to be just too easy! (wink wink)

    Yes, both objects are fairly faint and can be a challenge. But don't be intimidated. I read one online report of both objects being visible in a 10" scope. It'll just take all of your skill to eek out all the possible detail this pair can offer. Finally, as its getting a little late in the season for Virgo, and this pair transits the local meridian rather early in the evening, this is a beautiful sight and should not be missed out on! Get it while you still can this year!

    And as always....

    "Give it a go and let us know!
    Good luck and great viewing!"



    Clear Dark Skies,
    Dragan Nikin
    25" f/5 Obsession #610 "Toto"
    30" f/4.5 OMI EVO #1 "Tycho"

  2. #2
    Member Howard B's Avatar
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    Scappoose, Oregon USA
    Hi Dragan, I have a several observations of this nifty galaxy pair and I'll mention the latest two - one with my 28 and one with Jimi's 48 inch.

    The first is from almost five years ago with my 28 inch:

    " A nifty galaxy pair - an edge on and a tilted spiral that are snugged up to each other, at least along our line of sight. In photos the edge on has a nice dark lane but in the terrible seeing I can't see it. 253x, 21.33 SQM."

    N4298_N4302_crop.jpg N4298_N4302_crop_invert.jpg

    And with the 48 inch from a couple years ago:

    "A beautiful view of these gorgeous galaxies. The dust lane in 4302 is thin and somewhat subtle but still quite distinct. 610x, 21.62 SQM."

    N4298-N4302_crop48.jpg N4298-N4302_crop48invert.jpg
    30-inch f/2.7 alt-az Newtonian
    Contributing Editor, Sky & Telescope magazine

  3. #3
    Member RolandosCY's Avatar
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    Mosfiloti, Cyprus
    Nice OOTW! Last night I gave a shot to these two galaxies. The weather had started rather bad with african dust in the atmosphere, but by 10pm I realized that the dust was fast dissipating. I was only able to observe a bit after midnight, and by that time this galactic pair had lost quite a bit of altitude. Still, it was quite a sight. Both galaxies appeared fainter than I expected, but their shape and orientation were evident, even four hours after culmination. They both appeared to have quite a low surface brightness. NGC 4298 had a slightly brighter center area in its elliptical form, while 4302 was quite a nice edge on, somewhat reminiscent of a faint version of NGC 5907 in Draco. I was totally unable to detect a dust lane, perhaps this might had been possible under darker skies or if the galaxies were higher...

    The Darker the Better!
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