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Thread: "Deepest" target viewed with a 16" Dob

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    Grass Lake, MI

    "Deepest" target viewed with a 16" Dob

    So what has your deepest target you have viewed with a 16" Dob? Where were you you and what was the conditions during viewing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Niles, Michigan
    i had a 16" Meade Lightbridge for some time
    if i remember correctly i did view IC 1101 an elliptical galaxy at 1.15 billion light years distance and 13.2 mag.... it was fairly easy in moderately dark skies sqm 20.8 or so
    if your talking point source object i remember viewing 3C273 a quasar at 2.4 bilion light yeas distant ... again an easy grab at a mag of 12.9

  3. #3
    Member Don Pensack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Los Angeles
    A 16" should fairly easily pick up galaxies in the Abell Galaxy cluster 2065 in Corona Borealis.
    There are at least 3 or more at mag.15-15.5 in that cluster, at 1.05 billion light years.
    I've seen 3 in my 12.5" in skies of mag.21.4+.
    Quasars might be visible out to 8 billion light years, so I wouldn't count those.
    I attach a few distant galaxies for your consideration.

    Const / Galaxy / Group association / Mag. /Distance

    Andromeda NGC910 Abell 347 10.2 210-300mly
    Andromeda NGC708 Abell 262 13.7 210mly
    Aquarius PGC97456 Abell 2448 16.0 1.1bly
    Cancer PGC24340 Abell 690 14.9 1.15bly
    Com.Ber. NGC4874 Abell 1656 12.7 330mly
    Com.Ber. IC4017 17.1 2.2bly
    CorBor NGC6086 Abell 2162 12.7 450mly
    CorBor NGC6160 Abell 2197 13.7 420mly
    CorBor PGC54876 Abell 2065 15.4 1.05bly
    CorBor PGC54883 Abell 2065 15.4 1.05bly
    CorBor PGC54888 Abell 2065 15.7 1.05bly

    Hercules 2MASX J16394598+4609058 15.7 3.56bly
    Hercules 2MASX J17222717+3207571 Abell 2261 16.0 3bly
    Hercules PGC1981854 Abell 2261 16.3 3bly largest galaxy in universe?
    Hercules PGC060004 16.4 2.2bly
    Hercules Abell 2151 500mly bightest gal in group 13.5
    Hercules PGC2276277 17.1 3.31bly
    Hydra Abell 838 15.0 675mly
    Leo CGCG122-067 12.6 1.2bly
    Leo NGC3842 Abell 1367 12.8 330mly
    Leo 2MASX J10255796+1241086 15.4 1.55bly
    Leo PGC37477 Abell 1413 13.9 1.82bly
    Leo 2MASX J09562806+1831023 Abell 900 15.8 2bly
    Leo PGC1561869 14.6 2.15bly
    Lynx NGC2484 13.4 600mly
    Lynx NGC2832 Abell 779 13.2 350mly
    Lynx PGC23645 Abell 655 15.1 1.8bly
    Pegasus STEPHAN'S QUINTET Hickson 92 13.2 210-340mly
    Perseus NGC1274 Abell 426 15.1 250mly
    Pisces PGC71834 16.0 1.1bly
    Serpens IC 1103 14.5 1.0bly
    Ursa Maj NGC 3179 13.7 380mly
    Ursa Maj PGC46931 Abell 1738 14.7 1.55bly
    Virgo IC1101 Abell 2029 14.7 1bly incredibly massive galaxy
    Virgo Abell 1689 2.4bly ??
    Don Pensack
    Los Angeles

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2024
    Fruita, Colorado
    Nice list Don

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