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Thread: Object of the Week January 19, 2025 - Cederblad 51, an E.E. Barnard discovery

  1. #1
    Member Steve Gottlieb's Avatar
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    Object of the Week January 19, 2025 - Cederblad 51, an E.E. Barnard discovery

    Name: Cederblad 51
    Aliases: Simeis 3-52 = Bernes 89 = Parsamian-Petrosyan 29
    Within Simeis 140, which is part of Sh 2-264 (Lambda Orionis Nebula)
    Type: Reflection Nebula
    RA: 05h 31m 28s DEC: +12° 10'
    Constellation: Orion
    Diameter: 4'
    Illuminating Star: HK Orionis
    Distance: ~ 1500 light years
    Age: ~1 million years (HK Ori)

    I wrote about Cederblad (Ced) 51 in an article titled "The Lost Discoveries of E.E. Barnard" in the November 2020 issue of Sky & Telescope. By carefully examining Barnard's logbooks from Lick Observatory between 1888 and 1895, I found about 80 objects he discovered visually that were never published or reported to Dreyer for inclusion in the IC. Many of these discoveries were made with Lick’s 12-inch Clark refractor. In the article, I wrote,

    February 9, 1890
    Having observed Comet 16P/Brooks, Barnard swept up Cederblad 51, a weak nebulosity on the north side of 11th-magnitude HK Orionis. This million- year-old star is a pre-main-sequence Herbig Ae/Be binary, still encased in a dusty, embryonic accretion disk. Search for HK Orionis 2.4° to the north-northwest of Meissa (Lambda Orionis), the 3.5-magnitude star marking the head of Orion.

    On wide-field images, HK Orionis sits along the north side of the Lambda Orionis Molecular Ring, also known as Sh 2-264. Within this immense star-forming region are young Herbig-Haro objects, T Tauri stars, pre-brown dwarf candidates, and several dark nebulae. Through my 18-inch scope, I logged Cederblad 51 as a 4? wide, diffuse patch just north of the star.

    Ced 51.jpg

    Barnard recorded in his logbook, "Swept up a very faint nebula, it is 1' N and following two faint stars. The following star = 10m and the preceding star = 11m." Increasing the magnification, he noted the "nebula with 150x is very faint, round, gradually brighter in the middle?, 1' dia, the 2 stars are involved."

    So, why didn't he publish the discovery? I mentioned in my article that "Computing precise positions of new nebulae was a time-consuming task, and by the late 1880s astronomers had already cataloged more than 7,800. His true passion was sweeping for new or known comets [and later observing planets and their satellites], so he spent a limited amount of time on most nebulae encountered along the way."

    He included the nebula in the table to Plate 6 in his 1927 "A Photographic Atlas of Selected Regions of the Milky Way." Plate 6 shows it at the south end of dark nebula Barnard 30, and in his notes for B30 he mentions "a small fan-shaped nebula close north of a small star in the position 5h 24m 30s +12 03.9 (1875). A small strip of nebulosity extends 5' southwest from this star. These two nebulae are probably the brighter parts of a large obscure nebulosity." There's no mention, though, of his earlier visual observation in 1890, and he likely forgot about.

    As far as the "large obscure nebulosity", here's a bit wider-field image centered on Ced 51, which is 2.4° northwest of Lambda Ori (Meissa).

    Ced 51 - wide.jpg

    For an overall view, you can pick up Ced 51 along the "top" portion of the Lambda Orionis Ring (Sh 2-264) in this image. Or stepping back further, for a remarkable view of Sh 2-264 within the entire constellation of Orion, see this APOD.

    I first observed Ced 51 in November '23 with my 18-inch f/4.3 and recorded "Picked up immediately at 115x as a fairly faint, large, roundish reflection nebula, ~4' in diameter. Located just north of two mag 11/12 stars. The brighter of these two stars is the Orion-type variable HK Orionis. There was no response to filters indicating little or no emission. It's surprising this object was not picked up in the NGC or IC."

    As we now know, Ced 51 would have been in the IC I if Barnard had taken the time to measure a position and report the discovery!

    As always,

    "Give it a go and let us know!
    Good luck and great viewing!"
    Last edited by Steve Gottlieb; January 19th, 2025 at 07:29 PM.
    24" f/3.7 Starstructure
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  2. #2
    Co-Founder Jimi Lowrey's Avatar
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    Great write up Steve. It was a most memorable and exciting visit to go up to Lick with you and go to the Plate room to view EE Banards log books. I will never forget that experience.
    Clear Skies,

    Jimi Lowrey
    Fort Davis Texas

    48"F4 OMI/TEC
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  3. #3
    Member ScottH's Avatar
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    Nice post and great timing, Steve. This one was already at the top of my list to observe this new moon cycle and I hit it last evening with my 16-inch for good measure. Turns out it's a bright one since I could already see it at 68x. Now it goes on the list for the 10-inch!

    Scott H.

    By the way, it's in the IDS Atlas as 'GN 5.28.8'.
    Contributing Editor for Sky & Telescope
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  4. #4
    Member Steve Gottlieb's Avatar
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    I'm almost certain it will be visible in your 10-inch, Scott. I have a dead link from Finnish amateur Jere Kahanpää, who sketched it with his 8-inch. Jere used to maintain a "Minimum Aperture Catalogue", but this was many years back. Don't know if it's still floating around the Internet.
    24" f/3.7 Starstructure
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  5. #5
    Member ScottH's Avatar
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    I tried to find Jere Kahanpää webpage, but also had no luck. However, I can say that on Feb 22 I looked at it with my 6-inch and found it visible at 71x as a small glow just on one side of a wide pair of stars. I suspect that if I bothered, I could probably eek it out in my 5.1-inch also. Far brighter than I ever expected!
    Contributing Editor for Sky & Telescope
    8x56, 10x50, 12x60, 15x70 binoculars
    130mm, 150mm, 10-inch SCT, 16-inch ES Dob

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