After and eight hour drive I am posting this from a hotel room in Macon, France. On my way to the tiny town of La Montagne in the southern part of the French Alps ( My fifth visit in four years. Observing buddy Jeroen arrives on Sunday.
Tomorrow there's three hours of driving left. I will spend the remainder of the day setting up my Kendrick tent, 12" SCT and other equipment. The plan for the week:
1. Observe
2. Observe
3. Observe
4. Run a timelapse (or two) every night
5. Discover a comet. Ah, c'mon, one can dream, right?!
Weather forecasts look promising, although a fair amount of snow remains on the ground. Thus far I was able to make at least four nights under the stars every week I visited, including three all-nighters. Keep your fingers crossed for Clear Skies!
My observing plan is, as always, by my own CSOG guides, mostly targeting objects I never observed before. I'm planning to set up my scope azimuthal ("Alt/Az") for the first 2-3 nights to observe objects 10 degrees or more beyond the zenith towards the north. Observing objects located relatively close to the NCP is cumbersome when using a fork mounted SCT on a wedge. Once I complete (most of) my observing plan in Draco and high in Lynx and Ursa Major I will remount the scope on its wedge for the remaining nights.
For the first time I will attempt to go "all iPad", no longer using printed CSOG guides. During my latest observing run I gave the tablet a try. It worked beautifully, dimmed and with only a single layer of red (pink, really) vinyl applied it had no effect on my night vision. This time, under 21.50 skies I will use a double layer of red PVC, attached to the iPad simply with tape.
My observing menu primarily lists galaxies, with the odd carbon star and planetary nebulae on the side. Leftovers in Virgo and Draco, the main course for the week in Leo, Ursa Major, Coma Berenices, Canes Venatici and quite a few in Boötes.
If the skies cooperate I plan to post updates every day, including pics, both here and on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.