Hello and welcome to the only online forum that is solely dedicated to the art of visual deep sky observing! Feel free to look around a little bit. If you like what you see, we encourage you to register. It takes just a few minutes and its absolutely free!
This is a forum dedicated to sharing a passion we all love. As long as everyone plays nice, we will refrain from all unnecessary moderation. Treat others how you'd like to be treated and we'll all get along. This is supposed to be fun and educational. So lets keep it that way.
Every week on Sunday, an object will be posted as the OOTW. Objects will be interesting & unique to help spice up your observing sessions. Please be sure to post your observing reports, sketches or images for group discussion.
Deep Sky Observing is what we're all about and its in here where you will find about 90% of the activity. All general discussions about Deep Sky observing are here.
Need a new and difficult challenge? Look in here. This is the forum for you to post and read about the most challenging and obscure objects in the night sky! A great place to look for new observing challenges! Messiers need not apply!
Our newest forum! With time, we hope to compile an extensive list of popular, and not so popular, observing lists and projects for you to expand your observing experiences. Please forward us your favorite observing lists and/or projects and we'll post them right here!
Feel free to post your digital images and sketches of your favorite deep sky objects!
A general discussion forum about equipment. The forum to exchange ideas about equipment you may feel is essential to your observing sessions.
A place to communicate with vendors and their offerings. Vendors are not only welcomed but encouraged to announce product news. But please, do not air out grievances with a vendor. This isn't the place. Please take it private.
Going to a star party and you want to tell people? Want to tell others about what happened at your last observing session? Come on in! Feel free to post observing reports, pictures and experiences right here.
This is our suggestion box. Use it for complaints and or compliments (preferably compliments ;-)). If you think you can help us improve, tell us in here! We're open to ideas!