Nice write-up, Owen. I didn't realize that it got its PN status so late! Last night, under 21.60 mpsas skies, I viewed NGC 2242. I could see it at 94x in my 10-inch and an NPB filter didn't seem to...
Hi, here's my observation from 1/24/25: Fornax A and Fornax B galaxies in Fornax ; magnitude: 8.47 and 10.93 ; Fornax A is the brightest member of Fornax I galaxy cluster., very bright,...
Ngc 2357 galaxy in Gemini ; magnitude:14.5 ; size: 3.2' x 0.5' ; very faint edge on, averted vision only. One of the faintest galaxies I have observed with my telescope. I used a 8mm Ethos at 240x...
I just updated my side with the last observing trip to Namibia. And one goal was to revisit Fornax A and Fornax B and try to see the faint extensions. And they were visible, what a pair.
Yes, I used that nearby magnitude 15.7 star and another mag 15.5 field star as "anchor stars" for my averted vision. Mostly, it helps to rest one's eyes directly looking at some stars while...
Van den Bergh 45, also cataloged as MCG+05-14-001 (PGC3084735 / UGC3327) may be a contestant for "brightest RNeb other than NGC1931" in Auriga..! NGC1985 isn't too faint, either. I will see if I can...
Can't believe it's already been a decade since I observed this one. It's in my observing plan for February; this time I will make sure to go after the tail, too.
I have brief comment on the observing conditions for each session going back 40+ years, but opted not to include that information in my online notes. But we know observing conditions can vary quite...
I first observed APM 08279+5255 with my old 18-inch back in February 2005 and despite being a 16th mag speck, it was definitely exciting to view an object so distant, lensed or not! Obviously, a...
I'm almost certain it will be visible in your 10-inch, Scott. I have a dead link from Finnish amateur Jere Kahanpää, who sketched it with his 8-inch. Jere used to maintain a "Minimum Aperture...
Wow! Congratulations, Victor, for going after this one with your 14-inch since I only looked at it last night for the first time...with my 16-inch! I'm happy to report that while high overhead under...
Nice post and great timing, Steve. This one was already at the top of my list to observe this new moon cycle and I hit it last evening with my 16-inch for good measure. Turns out it's a bright one...
Nice pick, Victor. Now, two years ago I would have told you it was the brightest reflection nebula in Auriga. But, after a lot of research and observations, that honor actually goes to NGC 1931....
Sorry if it came off that way. Your single observation had me expecting it to not be visible even with a filter in my 10-inch. I know from experience, however, that something can be gained if one has...
Great write up Steve. It was a most memorable and exciting visit to go up to Lick with you and go to the Plate room to view EE Banards log books. I will never forget that experience.
I'm glad to hear you glimpsed in your 10-inch, Scott, but I didn't know we were in some kind of competition! :confused:
You're probably right about reobserving it, though, as I just checked my log...
Well, tonight I even proved myself wrong! I could see the small disk of the planetary as an ill-defined smudge with averted vision in my 10-inch at 260x and with NO filters. Plus, the skies were only...
I add an observation and sketch with 27-inch.
Under high magnification and good seeing, an unequal ring was visible, without showing the faint CS.
sketch: 27", 837x, NELM 6m5+, Seeing II
With a 20" at 272 + UHC: "Another nice disc. like the previous one (IC-351). Easy to see; no central star; even glow.
With an 18" at 286 + O-III: "Bright, disc-shape, similar to Uranus."
Hi, here’s my observation from 7/26/2011: IC 2003 planetary nebula in Perseus; mag: 11.5 ; size: 7” x 6” ; small but fairly bright disc; I used my 14.5 StarStructure with a 7mm Nagler.
Nothing beats an original catalog. Information from the source. Pristine discoverer's notes or information unaltered by later publications that often introduce, rather than take away room for...
Ah! Mr. Extragalactic Knots himself, I knew you'd have something to bring within the galaxy.
Yeah, I picked it after seeing Hydra cut the meridian in my early mornings, but I didn't remember that...
"I know you're asking yourself, how has this not been featured as the Object of the Week before! I was looking over the OOTWs in Hydra on Adventures in Deep Space and was surprised to see it so short...
Brilliant post, Steve! I just stumbled upon it a week ago and now got a chance to observe them with my 16-inch. Very cool find of Swift and kudos to Corwin for solving the mystery!
Scott H.
Thanks, Howard.
Critical I'm always be with my own results, I favor Peter's result over mine. He captured the wider NW arm, I missed because of the two high magnification and too low EP?