Interesting new galaxy feature: "plums"! I'm surprised the referee or editor didn't catch this typo.
By the way, both William and John Herschel missed NGC 2480, and it was discovered with Lord...
Back in 1993 with a 13" at 240x:"NGC 2481 had a very obvious bright core. Elongation was easy to see. Companion NGC 2480 was quite faint and averted vision was needed to see it."
This is Holmberg 89.
A single observation for this pair in my log, in the freezing night of 8 February 2018 in Hohenwoos, Germany. 14" SCT @ 168x / 29'; temperature was -9C degrees Celsius (16...
KPG 148
Pair of Galaxies in Gemini
Comprising of:
NGC 2480
Galaxy in Gemini
Type: Im/BCD
RA (ICRS): 07 57 10
Dec (ICRS): +23 46 47
Mag: 14.1 (estimated using Sloan (g+r)/2)
I observed it quite awhile ago (like 38 years!), so can't say I recall the observation ;-) But here's what I wrote with my 17.5" f/4.5 using 130x and an OIII filter.
Faint but easily visible...
I didn't even know it existed! In Kent Wallace's VOPN tome, he writes that it was visible with a 20-inch and Jack Marling saw it with a 17.5-inch. I'm sure my 16-inch could pull it in and since you...
Hi, I'd like to find out if anyone has any notes on observing this planetary nebula in Canis Major. I'd like to try to see it visually, I have a 14.5 Dob and have access to a 24 inch dob.
Nice reminder Paul. Alone the pre-spring 2... NGC designations makes the object interesting enough. I found an 16 year old result from my former 16-inch under German cold winter weather. Time to...
I looked at NGC 2750 with my 24-inch in 2014 and noted a strong concentration with a very small bright core and quasi-stellar nucleus. The halo is relatively large and slightly elongated, roughly...
Object of the Week, March 2, 2025 - NGC 2750 = UGC 4769 = VV 541
R.A.: 09 05 48 Dec.: +25 26 15
Size: 2.2 'x 1.9', Magnitude: 11.9
NGC 2750 is an intermediate spiral, SABc, according...
I tried to find Jere Kahanpää webpage, but also had no luck. However, I can say that on Feb 22 I looked at it with my 6-inch and found it visible at 71x as a small glow just on one side of a wide...
That's a very good point you bring up, Uwe. The only reason I had interest in seeing NGC 2313 was because it was listed in Elma Parsamian's catalog as #17. Once I saw it and read Steve's notes that...
I only have one observation of NGC 2313 back in 2015 with my 18-inch and as you mentioned, Scott, it's a pretty faint object.
18" (2/3/05): at 225x this reflection nebula appears as a very faint,...
Thanks for the very informative write-up, Scott. I like the historical classification, not only for the observer but for the used telescopes as well.
Regarding the 11-inch refractor, we have to...
d’Arrest #75 / GC 1475 / NGC 2313 / P17 / PP67 / GN
Reflection nebula around pre-main sequence star V565 Mon
RA 06:58:02.7
DEC -07:56:43.6
Vmag 15th
Size 0.75’ x 0.5’
Very nice choice, Howard. Last night I pay NGC 609 a visit with my small 99mm spotting scope under good conditions. It was difficult to see, especially with the low magnification of 30x, but 50x...
I've only observed the cluster in my 24" with a significant moon up (bright sky) and poor seeing, so I had to stick to fairly low power.
At 200x; ~15 faint to very faint stars sparkle over an...
From SQM 21.0 skies west of Madrid, Spain, in September 2015:
This is a very spectacular, faint cluster. At 320x I see a fairly large group of faint stars of about 7 or 8' across next to a bright...
I found NGC609 with my 8-inch SC back in the end of March 1997 (during the Hale-Bopp nights when the comet was at its brightest). NGC609 was faint, diffuse and the cluster was similar to a faint...
Saw this back in 2003 with a 20" at 282x: "Quite faint adjacent to a pair of field stars. Can just about make out some resolution." My notes say it is also called King 3.
Open Cluster
RA: 01 38 08
Dec: +64 39 43
(Photo by Bernhard Hubl: NGC 609 is 11th magnitude and is about 13,000 light years away. It has an...
Great post, Jimi! A few weeks ago I attempted it for the first time with my 16-inch. I tried 300x at first and it proved to be too much. So, backing down to 191x, I could see that the galaxy's core...
Hallo. I could not remember that I had seen Haro 3-75, but in fact I had! On February 14, 2017, I observed it with my 12-inch Dob and 188x magnification (unfiltered). Haro 3-75 was quite bright...
The DSF Objects of the Week for the year 2020 are now part of the collection of CSOG editions. Years 2012-2019 will follow.
Funny thing one - I made the same fault as Victor, funny thing two - I tried the halo independently of the current OOTW last new moon period. The halo was visible at the limit of perception. What...