View Full Version : 107 targets in Canis Minor

March 13th, 2017, 02:34 AM
In my prep for the upcoming star party I made a list of targets in CMi.
First I tend to look at the same things over and over again when I have time under dark skies.
Second I usually don't have a plan, and while random observing is fine, I don't feel any accomplishment.
Third, CMi. Is one of the most overlooked constellations in my life. This time of year I'm usually obsessed with southern CMa and Puppis, parts of the sky I can't see from home. Seeing 2477 is exciting in my world.

Having overlooked CMi all these years, I decided to remedy that this month.

Using my usual reference Uranometria 2nd ed, starting in the northwestern most corner of the constellation, I list every named object from north to south along squares of RA and Dec. The grid is there, boxes 4 arc-mins wide and 1 degree tall. When I reach the bottom of the page, start with the next column of RA and work from north to south. The list sticks to one chart at a time. If I sorted by pure RA like the DSFG, there's too much jumping around in DEC. I also have to be careful at the edges, not to list twice due to overlap.

I can use other methods to make a list, but sticking to one chart at a time works best for me.

Target selection: All Bayer and Flamsteed stars. All variables R-Z. All remarkable stars like WZ Cas or AE Aur (none in CMi) All super bright stars without other name, like IQ Aur or C Hya (None) All well known doubles not labled (none- and not labeled in UK2 anyway) All galaxies, nebulae, clusters. Significant dark nebulae (none) Excluded: all novae, quasars, radio or X-ray sources.

CMi is on 4 charts, with my list in this order: 95, 94, 115, 114. Total 107 objects. Most are M+ and C galaxies. There are a few NGC's , 3 Abells, a couple of Berkeleys, and a Dolidze.

The actual list is in this format: chart number, RA in 4 minute block, Dec in one degree block, object name, and a sections for notes. 20 listings per page. For example , chart 95 has 120 squares on each side of the page. Square RA 7h20m +02 dec has two listings: galaxies C1-4 and U3830.

What my list is missing: Struve and other doubles. Carbon stars. Asterisms, star groups, and interesting pairs. Doubles and carbons I'd prefer to observe separately as a different project. Other "finds" I have blank sheets to document, if desired. Since I live in the city, I can chase these later.

Interstellarum has a similar grid layout, in blocks of 5 mins RA and 1 deg dec.
I prefer U2k at the scope. I have ArgoNavis, but other than initial scope alignment, I don't use it. The GOTO is only when friends drop by and want a peek at something. Otherwise I do all the aiming myself. For the faint and difficult I have SkySafari, TriAtlas, and SkyTools on tablet.

I believe that after I finish my list, I will have a better understanding of CMi, which now is mostly unknown to me.

Now if I were to make a list of Leo or Virgo, I'd skip the fainter galaxies and stick with Messier and NGC only. 100 targets in a constellation is busy enough and time is a luxury I can little afford to waste. And I will have make time to visit old friends like 4244 and 4631 in other constellations.
Clear skies,