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View Full Version : Herschels in Virgo (last constellation)

Ivan Maly
March 5th, 2017, 06:56 PM
March 4. Clear, calm, dry. -15C. SQM 21.77. 12" SCT, 13 mm Ethos. 69 new objects. 164 remain.

NGC 3822 and 3825 with non-Herschel 3817, 3819, and 3820. Hickson 58. All five in field.

NGC 3874. Star pair, W brighter and appears nebulous. 3863 in same field is a sizable edge-on and likely the Herschel object.

NGC 3914. Star embedded N.

IC 2963. Matches Herschel's description: stars and nebulosity.

NGC 4045. Companion seen. [4045A.]

NGC 4073 and 4077. Nice pair with different inclinations in field.

NGC 4023. EW bar, arm N from W end, S from E end.

NGC 4180. Cheerful little spindle.

NGC 4206. A miniature of the gigantic edge-on 4216 in same field.

NGC 4216. Herschel 400, reobservation. Dust lane and star on E side.

NGC 4223. Nothing at Autostar position. NGC 4241 in Autostar matches description: bright, EW, bright star S.

NGC 4224. Dust lane along N edge intermittent.

NGC 4241. This is the galaxy next to 4223, although the position in Autostar seems a bit different from "4223" [above]. Located as IC 3115. Large, diffuse edges. [Inconspicuous.] Both seen together.

NGC 4260. Compact enhancements at ends of bar (NE and SW).

NGC 4264. Next to the H400 [NGC 4261], fainter.

NGC 4270. Matching Herschel's description of the field are 4270, 4268, 4273, and 4281.

NGC 4277. Small companion of the H400 NGC 4273.

NGC 4294 and 4299. -4: W edge flattened, star at N end. -9: SW edge enhanced and consists of 2 or 3 knots, S-most almost stellar.

NGC 4296 and 4297. Pair in contact. S component faint patch. N component almost stellar, brighter.

NGC 4313. Large edge-on.

NGC 4326, 4333, 4339. 3 together in field. [WBL 402.]

NGC 4341, 4342, 4343. 3 together in field. [WBL 403.]

NGC 4356. Sizable edge-on. Star off E edge.

NGC 4365 (Herschel 400), 4366, 4370. 3 framed by Ethos, of unequal brightness. [WBL 406.]

NGC 4376. In Autostar this galaxy is same as next (NGC 4378). Located by coordinates. Bright, NS, star S.

NGC 4387. Inside a triangle of galaxies just framed by Ethos [M84, M86, NGC 4388].

NGC 4403 and 4404. Faint pair, almost touching.