View Full Version : Last Herschels in Leo, Hydra, Corvus, and Coma

Ivan Maly
February 28th, 2017, 09:15 PM
February 26. 12" SCT, 13 mm Ethos. SQM 21.85. 218 new objects.


NGC 3640. H400 reobservation. Non-Herschel companion NGC 3641 seen.

NGC 3679. On the side of a neat trapezium of stars. [In a curious relationship to Herschel's notes about this uncertain discovery.]

NGC 3692. Extremely long. Bright core, thin extensions.

NGC 3790, 3801, 3802. Three in the field of the Ethos.

NGC 3798. Not marked, but remember to be successfully targeted.

NGC 3800. Arp 83 with non-Herschel 3799. Companion seen.

NGC 3808. Arp 87. Companion seen.

NGC 3821. Star embedded.

Abell 1367. "Field after field chock-full of galaxies." Herschel objects NGC 3842, 3851, 3860, 3862, 3875, 3883, 3884 specifically identified. NGC 3875 with supposedly non-Herschel 3873: "Both components seen, Herschel object is obviously both."

NGC 3926. Both components seen.

NGC 3954. Sharp nucleus.

NGC 3968. Star embedded near center, or starlike nucleus.

NGC 3987. Strongly elongated. Trailing N among stars, orthogonal spindle and brighter galaxy [non-Herschel 3997].

NGC 3993. It is the said spindle.

NGC 4002 and 4003. Both seen.

NGC 4004 with IC 2982. NGC extended roughly NS, IC smaller.

NGC 4005. Bright, E of star.


NGC 3585. Very bright.

NGC 3885. Quite bright.

NGC 3904. Bright nucleus in a lens.

NGC 3923. Large. Bright mottled core.

NGC 4105 and 4106. Touching pair.

NGC 5061. Very bright. Sharp core. Faint star E.


NGC 4024. Oval, sharp nucleus.

NGC 4033. Elongated NE-SW.

NGC 4035. Faint and diffuse, round.

NGC 4039. S component of Ringtail, Arp 244, with H400 4038. "N component itself is a ring and a tail. Good separation of the S component."

NGC 4050. Faint, large, EW.

NGC 4724 and 4727. Dramatic unequal pair.

NGC 4782 and 4783. Touching pair, S component brighter.

NGC 4794. Shares the field with the pair. Star embedded E, another off E end.

NGC 4802. Bright star on SE edge.


NGC 4131, 4132, 4134. Three together in the field.

NGC 4136. Large and diffuse.

NGC 4146. Faint. Starlike nucleus.

NGC 4169, 4173, 4174, 4175. Hickson 61. 4 like a drunken house.

NGC 4222. Next to an enormous edge-on over the border in Vir. [NGC 4216.]

NGC 4253. Small, compact.

NGC 4278 (H400), 4283, and 4286. 3 together, disparate brightness and size.

NGC 4298 and 4302. Large edge-on and a less inclined galaxy close together.

NGC 4328. Faint satellite of M100. M100 a stunning spiral.

NGC 4502. Needs motion to detect. Once found, pretty definite oval.

H III.26. Bratton offers NGC 4529 = UGC 7697 as identity. I could not see anything at the Autostar positions for these galaxies (different) or at the coordinates given. I think it is a satisfactory attempt as far as the Herschel catalog, because Hershel himself was unconvinced of the discovery. The galaxy is supposed to be a thin edge-on, so I may give it a try with 20".

NGC 4676AB. The Mice, Arp 242. Touching pair, tail to the N.

NGC 4752. Between two bright stars. Starlike nucleus swelling to an annulus enhanced NS.

NGC 4758. Faint, star embedded. Another E.

NGC 4789. S of bright star.

NGC 4798. 2016.06.10: Uncertain. February 2017: Very definite EW oval.