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View Full Version : Galaxies in Antlia and Centaurus 26th Feb 2017

February 27th, 2017, 07:51 AM
Hi All,

Thought I'd post some observing notes from last night using my 46cm f/4.9 Dobson mounted Newtonian from my home last night. Conditions were good but not the absolute best they could be at this location. A persistent gusty easterly breeze made the telescope jitter quite a bit from time to time, I rated the seeing as 6/10 (despite the breeze) and the SQM-L reading at the commencement at 9.20pm was 21.74, rising to 21.88 at the conclusion around midnight. I tackled a short list of galaxies in Antlia and then moved on to Centaurus. The surprise packet of the evening was ESO 265-7 in Centaurus. How dis Herschel & Dunlop etc miss this one?

x185 27' TF

NGC 2904 Galaxy *
RA: 09h 30m 17.2s Dec: -30° 23' 04"
Mag: 13.4 (B) S.B.: 12.8 B-V: +1.06 Size: 1.4'x0.9' Class: SAB(s)0-?
P.A.: 88 Inclination: --- R.V.: +2395 Source: RC3 *

ESO 434-9 (PGC 27015) Galaxy *
RA: 09h 31m 07.0s Dec: -30° 21' 28"
Mag: 13.9 S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 1.0'x1.0' Class: E/S0
P.A.: --- Inclination: --- R.V.: --- Source: PGC *

ESO 434-11 (PGC 27045) Galaxy *
RA: 09h 31m 36.8s Dec: -30° 18' 26"
Mag: 14.3 S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 1.2'x0.4' Class: S
P.A.: 171 Inclination: --- R.V.: --- Source: PGC *

These three eg are found in a WSW-ENE line about 20' long -04, -9 & 11, and are approximately evenly spaced.

-04 is found 4' due W of a buttery coloured 9th mag * that forms the southern point of a roughly 5 x 5 x 5 tri of *s, mags 9.5, 10.5 & 11.5. In PA 90. Small elong eg, mod faint and mod LSB, in PA 90 1' x 30" rising broadly and mod to center without zones though it seems to occasionally exhibit an extremely faint stellaring at center

-09 is 3' SE of the faintest and east-most star in the tri of *s, a little fainter and smaller than -09, round, lowish SB mod faint halo 40" diameter growing broadly and slightly to center without core or apparent nucleus.

-11 is 7' further NE from -09 and is a very diffuse, elong smudge of very LSB gossamer in PA 0 1 x 20". Certainly the faintest of the 3. Quite faint, it runs almost beside a couple of *s to its W mags 13 & 14. brightens weakly to center without core, zones or nucleus.

x185 27' TF, x247 20' TF

NGC 2973 (ESO 434-16) (PGC 27439) Galaxy *
RA: 09h 37m 59.6s Dec: -30° 08' 52"
Mag: 14.0 S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 1.3'x0.9' Class: Sa
P.A.: 36 Inclination: --- R.V.: --- Source: PGC *

This eg is very nearly pointed at from the N by 2 *s of mag 11.5 & 12 that are about 2' apart. Mod faint and mod to quite LSB. The eg is a further 2' S from the S most one*. The eg is slightly elong in about PA 30 and as I said almost pointed at by those two stars to its north. 50" x 30" in PA 30 with a weak central brightening

I can see two very faint embedded star-like points in the LSB halo, one is about PA 20. One is on the northern edge of the halo (NNW flank) (the brighter) and the other is S of the core by about 10-15".

x185 27' TF,

NGC 3120 Galaxy *
RA: 10h 05m 22.7s Dec: -34° 13' 12"
Mag: 13.5 (B) S.B.: 13.0 B-V: +0.74 Size: 1.7'x1.2'
Class: SAB(s)bc: P.A.: 1 Inclination: --- R.V.: +2670 Source: RC3 *

This eg is almost pointed at from the NW by a close couple of mags 13 & 14 *s in a very starry field. Very diffuse-looking very LSB eg with a weak broad concentration to center. 1-1.25' diameter and round . No evidence of core, zones or nucleus.

x185 27' TF,

NGC 3249 Galaxy *
RA: 10h 26m 22.1s Dec: -34° 57' 49"
Mag: 13.8 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 1.7'x1.2' Class: SAB(rs)cd:
P.A.: 139 Inclination: --- R.V.: +3486 Source: RC3 *

This is quite a pretty field and the eg is surrounded on the N side by many stars in doubles and triples. Very diffuse, LSB, weak elong, 1' diameter, rising from indefinite edges weakly to center. No core, zones or nucleus.

x185 27' TF,

NGC 3084 (IC 2528) Galaxy *
RA: 09h 59m 06.1s Dec: -27° 07' 41"
Mag: 13.2 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 2.1'x1.8' Class: (R')SB(s)ab pec
P.A.: 23 Inclination: --- R.V.: +2464 Source: RC3 *

ESO 499-32 Galaxy *
RA: 09h 59m 28.6s Dec: -26° 51' 54"
Mag: 13.4 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 2.0'x1.3' Class: SB(r)a
P.A.: 148 Inclination: --- R.V.: --- Source: RC3 *

This eg doesn't seem as good as the DSS would seem to show it and is a few arc mins SE of a small tri of mags 11, 12 & 13 *s. Elong in PA 90, not overly big, probably 1' x 40" growing broadly and slightly to center but has at the E end a mag 14 * attached just off axis S of the tip of the S flank. The E tip also points at a mag 15 * a few arc seconds further E.

16' NNE is ESO 499-32. This eg appears a little to the E of an 11th mag *. Elong in PA 150, diffuse in character and LSB 50" x 30" with diffuse borders growing weakly to center that appears to have a small weakly brighter streak-like core maybe 20" long in the same PA.

x185 27' TF,

NGC 3224 Galaxy *
RA: 10h 21m 41.2s Dec: -34° 41' 48"
Mag: 12.0 (V) S.B.: --- B-V: +0.99 Size: 1.9'x1.5' Class: E+
P.A.: 133 Inclination: --- R.V.: +3088

This one has pretty good SB compared to the last few, though it is a little smaller. No *s imm associated though there is a little arc of faint *s to the NNW made up of mags 13-14 *s. Seems to be round, probably 40-50" diameter, growing broadly and mod to center where there is a small stellaring that dominates the eg. Not hard to see at all.

x185 27' TF,

NGC 3289 Galaxy *
RA: 10h 34m 07.3s Dec: -35° 19' 25"
Mag: 12.5 (V) S.B.: 12.8 B-V: +0.93 Size: 2.2'x0.6' Class: SB(rs)0+: sp
P.A.: 151 Inclination: --- R.V.: +2702 Source: RC3 *

ESO 375-64 (PGC 31248) Galaxy *
RA: 10h 34m 00.6s Dec: -35° 16' 58"
Mag: 14.6 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 1.4'x1.0' Class: SAB(rs)a pec
P.A.: 8 Inclination: --- R.V.: +2573 Source: RC3 *

-89 is found to the NE of a couple of mag 10.5 & 11.5 *s that are at the end of a nearly 10' long string of similar brightness stars. Elong in about PA 150, just W of the SE tip is a mag 12.5 *. Small, fairly elong little smudge, 1.5' x 20" in PA 150 with a small round weakly brighter core. There is a mag 14 * embedded not quite at the SE extremity. In points NNW to the ESO eg that is about 2' away.

-64 is fainter and of somewhat lower SB, round and about 20-30" diameter brightening weakly to center with no core or nucleus visible. Quite to very faint.

x185 27' TF,

IC 2582 Galaxy *
RA: 10h 29m 10.6s Dec: -30° 20' 40"
Mag: 13.7 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 1.5'x1.3' Class: SAB(r)c
P.A.: 27 Inclination: --- R.V.: +4210 Source: RC3 *

ESO 436-29 (PGC 30984) Galaxy *
RA: 10h 30m 23.3s Dec: -30° 23' 31"
Mag: 13.4 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 1.7'x1.4' Class: SAB(rs)c:
P.A.: 127 Inclination: --- R.V.: +4107 Source: RC3 *

IC 2588 Galaxy *
RA: 10h 31m 50.2s Dec: -30° 23' 04"
Mag: 13.6 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 1.7'x1.4' Class: (R')SB(r)a:
P.A.: 150 Inclination: --- R.V.: +3541 Source: RC3 *

-82 is found on the N side of an Eq tri about 3.5' a side of similarly bright *s around mags 12 where the S most * and has a slightly fainter companion. Very diffuse and quite LSB, about 1' diameter with a weak central brightening and no core, zones or nucleus. 16' ESE is -29.

-29 is similar in character to -82 which has a faint * just outside the N border. 50" diameter, round, diffuse and LSB with no apparent central brightening. The appended * is about mag 14. -16' further due E is IC 2588.

-88 is again very similar in character, about 1' diameter, round and has a weak central brightening but also possesses a faint stellaring at center.

x185 27' TF,

NGC 3378 Galaxy *
RA: 10h 46m 43.2s Dec: -40° 01' 00"
Mag: 13.5 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 1.5'x1.3'
Class: Sbc: P.A.: --- Inclination: --- R.V.: +5186 Source: RC3 *

This eg was immediately visible on looking in the ep, no worse than mod faint, round, just over 1' diameter, growing from indefinite edges broadly and slightly to centre with a hint of a small 15" diameter weakly brighter core zone but no apparent nucleus.

x185 27' TF,

NGC 3573 Multi-Galaxy Sys *
RA: 11h 11m 18.6s Dec: -36° 52' 35"
Mag: 13.3 (B) S.B.: --- B-V: +0.99 Size: 3.6'x0.9'
Class: SA0/a pec sp P.A.: 4 Inclination: --- R.V.: +2366 Source: RC3 *

This eg is really a pretty faint and suffers from very low SB. IN PA 0, probably 1.5' x 20" grows weakly to the axis near center with no evidence of core, zones or nucleus.

x185 27' TF,

NGC 3533 Galaxy *
RA: 11h 07m 07.5s Dec: -37° 10' 21"
Mag: 13.8 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 2.8'x0.6'Class: (R')SAB(r)ab sp
P.A.: 65 Inclination: --- R.V.: +3370 Source: RC3 *

Mod faint eg but not too bad, quite elong in PA 60, that almost points toward a faint, wide pair mags 14 & 14.5 2.5' NE. Quite to very low SB, 1.25' x 15", doesn't seem to be strongly tipped. Occasionally it seems a bit longer, maybe 1.5 or 1.75' long and has just inside the NE extremity a mag 14.5 * that is just N of the axis, 1/2 way out. Brightens weakly to center without zones or nucleus.

x185 27' TF,

ESO 215-31 (PGC 33919) Galaxy *
RA: 11h 10m 34.8s Dec: -49° 06' 12"
Mag: 13.6 (B) S.B.: 12.3 B-V: +0.84 Size: 2.3'x1.7'
Class: (R')SB(rs)b P.A.: 130 Inclination: --- R.V.: +2735 Source: RC3 *

This eg is 20' W of a 5th mag * (SAO 222639) and has a 12th mag * 2' NE that has a faint companion. Very tiny, 20" mod LSB spot of haze growing slightly to center. On the DSS there is a dilute halo surrounding this visible core.

x185 27' TF,

ESO 377-10 (PGC 33601) Galaxy *
RA: 11h 06m 31.7s Dec: -37° 39' 11"
Mag: 13.6 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 2.5'x0.6'
Class: SB(rs)b: P.A.: 150 Inclination: --- R.V.: +2870 Source: RC3 *

Immediately visible on looking into the ep, mod low SB but not too bad, quite elong eg in PA 150, found immediately SW of the short side of an I tri of mags 12, 13 & 13 *s that points NE, away from the eg. Maybe 1.75' x 20" in PA 150, with a weakly brighter streak-like core zone. The halo grows weakly to this core-zone and has an embedded Mag 15 * on the SW flank just S of the core. Quite an attractive little eg.

x185 27' TF,

ESO 377-12 (PGC 33744) Galaxy *
RA: 11h 08m 19.6s Dec: -37° 37' 26"
Mag: 13.9 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 1.3'x1.3' Class: SB(rs)ab
P.A.: --- Inclination: --- R.V.: +3690 Source: RC3 *

This eg is found due E by 20' from the preceding object -- ESO 377-10. A mod LSB eg that is still fairly easy to see and has a mag 13.5 * on the N edge of the halo. Seems to be round, close to 1' diameter, and grows broadly and weakly to center with no evident core, zones or nucleus.

x185 27' TF,

ESO 215-23 (PGC 33619) Galaxy *
RA: 11h 06m 44.2s Dec: -48° 29' 02"
Mag: 14.4 S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 1.0'x0.7' Class: S0/a
P.A.: 5 Inclination: --- R.V.: --- Source: PGC *

This is a very small and faint eg is in a profusely littered field. Very tiny, 10-15" diameter, round spot of gossamer brightening weakly to center with no apparent core or nucleus.

x185 27' TF,

ESO 265-7 (PGC 33705) Galaxy *
RA: 11h 07m 49.2s Dec: -46° 31' 36"
Mag: 12.4 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 3.6'x1.1'
Class: SB(s)cd P.A.: 138 Inclination: --- R.V.: +1640 Source: RC3 *

How did this miss the NGC/IC ?? Very nice looking eg, Mod bright, quite large and obviously elong, 3.5' x 40" in about PA 135, it possesses a pretty good S.B, candle-flame shaped halo and though it possess no apparent core or nucleus, it brightens broadly and slightly to center. Quite a beautiful object.

x185 27' TF,

ESO 216-28 (PGC 36119) Galaxy *
RA: 11h 39m 11.6s Dec: -49° 24' 54"
Mag: 13.7 (B) S.B.: 13.9 B-V: +0.63 Size: 1.1'x0.8' Class: (R')SAB(r)bc
P.A.: --- Inclination: --- R.V.: +5565 Source: RC3 *

Despite being practically invisible on the DSS (I presume because this is a milky way field and a consequently shorter exposure), it's not too bad. Can be held continuously with A.V, mod faint and mod LSB. Has a couple of very faint *s just off the halo to the NNE and NE. Seems round, quite small, about 50" to 1' diameter, diffuse and grows weakly to center without core, zones or nucleus.

x185 27' TF,

ESO 266-15 (PGC 36240) Galaxy *
RA: 11h 40m 55.7s Dec: -44° 28' 53"
Mag: 13.0 (B) S.B.: 13.2 B-V: +0.60 Size: 1.8'x1.0' Class: Sbc
P.A.: 140 Inclination: --- R.V.: +3160 Source: RC3 *

This eg is found a little W of S from an 8th mag * by 5'. Seems to be round, pretty good SB, maybe weakly elong in PA 150, 1.25' x 1', growing in brightness weakly to center with no apparent core, zones or nucleus.

x185 27' TF,

ESO 377-24 (PGC 34101) Galaxy *
RA: 11h 12m 33.6s Dec: -36° 25' 33"
Mag: 13.5 (P) S.B.: --- B-V: --- Size: 1.3'x1.1' Class: SA(rs)c: pec
P.A.: 101 Inclination: --- R.V.: +2930 Source: RC3 *

This is a slightly odd looking object for something so faint and appears like a mag 13.5 * surrounded out to a total diameter of about 50" by some very tenuous gossamer. Hard to say whether the "star" is a superimposition or a brilliant nucleus. My suspicion is that it is a faint star, dead center.

x185 27' TF,

ESO 215-39 (PGC 34443) Galaxy *
RA: 11h 17m 04.2s Dec: -49° 12' 07"
Mag: 13.6 (B) S.B.: --- B-V: +0.54 Size: 1.4'x0.9' Class: SAB(s)c
P.A.: 21 Inclination: --- R.V.: +4282 Source: RC3 *

In a field that is very well sewn with faint *s, this eg isn't too hard to see. Mod faint, not immediately visible, quite small, 30" diameter, round and seems to have a very faint mag 15.5 * on the edge of the visible halo to the S. Grows weakly to center with no evidence of core, zones or nucleus.



February 27th, 2017, 04:13 PM
That could have been a busy night.
Did you take a look at IC 2531 (ESO 435-25, PGC 28909, RA: 09 59 55.7, dec: -29 37 06 J2000) as well? It's a big and bright edge-on spiral (6.9x0.6', 12.4m). Interestingly it's missing from Uranometria (1st edition). We could see the dust lane in a 16" from Namibia.

February 27th, 2017, 09:38 PM
Hi Peter,

No, I didn't but I've seen it dozens of times in 'scopes from 25cm to 50cm. It is a very much a favourite of mine.

