View Full Version : CSV or XLS or... for Alvin Huey's Galaxy Trio's list (or any others of Alvin's)

November 24th, 2016, 04:10 AM
First off, you must admit, Alvin's legacy for observing guides is unequaled!

Before I create it myself, does anyone have Alvin Huey's amazing Galaxy Trios object list in a CSV, XLS, MegaStar, SkyMap Pro, Skytools 3, Sky Safari Pro, or almost any other format?

I have observed quite a few (ok ok, some) and want to mark them off as well as plan working through more. Now that I have the Argo and a 56cm scope, I need more than my hard copy to plan. And Copy/Pasting PDF list requires quite a bit of manual editing to make into a CSV.

Any other links to A.V.'s observing guides as lists for popular observation planning software, or simple CSV/XLS format text files welcome.
Thank you for reading...

Clear skies

November 24th, 2016, 06:58 AM
Sorry, can't help you there. But if you ever get or create it, would you mind sharing it with me/us? Many thanks in advance!

Clear skies,


Paul Alsing
November 24th, 2016, 08:28 PM
First off, you must admit, Alvin's legacy for observing guides is unequaled!

Before I create it myself, does anyone have Alvin Huey's amazing Galaxy Trios object list in a CSV, XLS, MegaStar, SkyMap Pro, Skytools 3, Sky Safari Pro, or almost any other format?

I have observed quite a few (ok ok, some) and want to mark them off as well as plan working through more. Now that I have the Argo and a 56cm scope, I need more than my hard copy to plan. And Copy/Pasting PDF list requires quite a bit of manual editing to make into a CSV.

Any other links to A.V.'s observing guides as lists for popular observation planning software, or simple CSV/XLS format text files welcome.
Thank you for reading...

Clear skies

I suspect that if anyone had them, it would be Alvin!