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View Full Version : New observations in the Lyra-Cygnus area

Ivan Maly
July 3rd, 2016, 10:52 PM
12" SCT, mostly 13 mm for ~250x. Cleared after 1:00. SQM 21.5-21.6.

NGC 6819. OC. Foxhead Cluster. Resolved. Bright stars form a cross. [C. Herschel 1784, Harding 1827.]

NGC 6846. OC. Wrong position in Autostar. Located at correct position. Unresolved save for 1 brighter and 2 fainter stars. Slightly elongated EW. Uranometria star W. [Stephan]

NGC 6871. OC. The tight bilobed arrangement of bright stars in center of field must be just a central group. Bright stars fill the field. [Struve 1825]

NGC 6883. OC. Central group is an icepick of bright stars. An arc of diminishing brightness to W. [J. Herschel 1828]

NGC 6842. PN. Faint and diffuse. Rather large, round. Suggestion of involved stars. [Marth]

NGC 6881. PN. S of two stars between the Uranometria stars. Like a nebulous star. With 13 amd 8 mm suggestion of central star, with 5.5 mm not. Suggestion of PN color with 8 mm. [Pickering]

2:30. SQM down to 21.37.

NGC 6504. GX. Edge-on. Thin, tapered, long extensions. Brighter core sharply delineated; suggestion of boxiness and X-bar. Starlike nucleus. [X-bar confirmed in hi-res photos. Marth.]

NGC 6575. GX. Elliptical. Suggestion of elongation, PA unstable. Sharp nucleus. [KPG 530 with IC 1277. Stephan.]

NGC 6585. GX. Strongly elongated, lens-shaped. No concentration. [KIG 847. Edward Swift.]

NGC 6612. GX. Small and round W of a faint star. Confirmed with 5.5 mm. [Lewis Swift]

NGC 6640. GX. Round, weakly concentrated. Diffuse edges. [Stephan]

NGC 6657. GX. Slightly elongated, rather weak concentration. [Stephan]

NGC 6662. GX. Elliptical in shape. [In WBL 657. Other 2 members in CGCG. Stephan.]

NGC 6663. GX. Faint and diffuse. Bright triple star N [NNW], unequal faint double E [NE]. [Edward Swift]

NGC 6665. GX. Faint, elongated EW, elliptical in shape. Faint triangle of stars N of E end, bright star N of W end. [Stephan]

Astronomical twilight 3:25.

Preston Pendergraft
July 4th, 2016, 09:00 PM
Great observions Ivan!