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View Full Version : interstellarum Deep Sky Atlas Field Edition

April 27th, 2015, 04:49 AM
Hey all,

In case anyone here is interested, my latest review for Astronomy Technology Today magazine is now available. I wrote about a pretty awesome deep sky atlas I came across at last years OzSky Safari down under. Its named interstellarum. I've included a PDF of it here for members. If you know the atlas, you already know just how great this atlas really is.

I do know that Dave Kriege still has some copies on hand, in both the desk version as well as the field version. He offers discounts on both to everyone with Obsession owners getting a slightly better break. Give him a shout if you're interested. You can get it at other dealers here in the US but none will be cheaper. These things are pretty pricey.

Either way, its a great resource that any deep sky observer would appreciate owning.

Check out my review here..... 1626

If you've seen one or just have some comments or any questions, be sure to chime in!

May 7th, 2015, 03:53 AM
Hi Dragan,

Great write up. A friend lent me his field edition a few weeks ago and I thought it was spectacular. The field edition is pricey, so I ordered and have received the paper edition. The quality of the print and paper is excellent, and should be quite durable unless a person observes frequently in dewy conditions. I have not seen the HB atlas you mentioned in your article yet, but of the atlases I have seen - this is by far my favorite. Used with a correct image finder scope its a slice of star hopping heaven.

As an aside, someone in our astro club wanted a larger version of his S+T pocket sky atlas and gave it to a printer, who made color copies of the atlas in an enlarged format ( each map was enlarged to about 8x10" ). The printer then laminated each page and put it into a nice 3 ring binder. I saw it at our last club meeting- the copies were of very high quality and it was incredible what a difference the change in size made - the whole atlas was transformed and obviously much easier to use. The printer charged him $475!! Obviously there are cheaper ways to do this.



May 13th, 2015, 04:12 AM
Thanks for the excellent article Dragan. I love printed sky atlases. Like Alan, I also have the desk edition of Interstellarum, though I use it in the field regularly. We visited our dark site with the 10 inch in March and 12 inch in April, and I found Interstellarum to be an excellent resource. Since it is a bit bulky to try and hand hold at the scope, I utilize a music stand so I can lay it open next to my observing chair. That way I can easily switch between the eyepiece and the atlas at any time without having to move to the observing table. I found this setup very beneficial. The only problems I encountered were in March when it was quite windy, so sometimes the pages would get caught by the wind, and I had a few of them that had some of the binder holes torn out. That was a minor convenience, and in no way detracts from the excellent format of the atlas and its effectiveness at the scope.

Alan (also)

May 28th, 2015, 12:26 PM
Hey Dragan loved your review of the atlas. Have you heard of any issues with the field editions pages sticking together after being put up wet? There was Cloudy Nights thread about that. A guy put his up wet and when he opened it up the pages stuck and the ink came off. I own the field edition but have not used it outside yet. I live in Louisiana where it's pretty much 100% humidity all the time and don't want to ruin this great atlas.


June 5th, 2015, 10:46 PM
Hey Steve,

Thanks for the compliment!

I saw that same thread. That was the first and only time I had heard of that happening. I haven't experienced any real dew with my copy so I can't add anything.

I'll try to reach out to Ronald and see if he knows anything about it.

Thanks again!

Hey Dragan loved your review of the atlas. Have you heard of any issues with the field editions pages sticking together after being put up wet? There was Cloudy Nights thread about that. A guy put his up wet and when he opened it up the pages stuck and the ink came off. I own the field edition but have not used it outside yet. I live in Louisiana where it's pretty much 100% humidity all the time and don't want to ruin this great atlas.


June 13th, 2015, 12:00 AM
Hello Dragan! Thanks for this excellent write up. Like Alan (KT4HX) I too have the desk edition. It's a great atlas with a wealth of information, an excellent resource for any deep sky hunter. :)

October 29th, 2017, 12:53 PM
Hey Dragon,

I have the field version and love it! I had it out multiple times and also during some dew setting up on my equipment and the pages but have not had a problem with the pages bleeding through yet.


I should add that I love the spiral binding!