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View Full Version : M 5 Surprise

Jimi Lowrey
April 27th, 2014, 07:41 PM
Good job Howard on your most informative article on the M 5 Cepheid variables in Sky & Telescope.

I remember it was all buzz at GSSP when Tom told you about them last year!

Howard B
April 28th, 2014, 04:23 PM
Thanks Jimi, I think it came out pretty well too, and many thanks to Tony Flanders who was my editor. It was one of those articles that practically wrote itself and I learned a ton in the process, so it was great fun as well.

Preston Pendergraft
May 8th, 2014, 01:48 PM
I knew there were some variables around M5. There was a post on them on CN a couple of years ago and I made a mental note about them. Anyway your article was outstanding and after reading it I am going to try and observe V42. Thanks for writing it. It really seems the articles in S&T have gotten a lot better over the last year or two. Keep up the good work!

Howard B
May 8th, 2014, 11:45 PM
Thanks Preston, and I'll definitely keep writing. I enjoy the process and learn a lot along the way, and this time of year it's the main way I can do something with astronomy because the weather is so cloudy here. Hopefully clear skies will return later this month!