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View Full Version : Hello from Czech Republic!

July 29th, 2013, 04:50 PM
Hi, my name is Pavel Böhm (Pavebo) and I am an amateur astronomer living in Czech Republic in city of West Bohemia – Plzeň (I think everybody knows pilsner beer…). Unfortunately, it is little bit light polluted place, so I prefer to do mainly astrophotography as observing the DSO is nearly impossible here. Equipment I am using: SW Dobson 16” GoTo, Meade 10” ACF, Meade 12”SCT, Mount Gemini G42+ Observatory.

I have found this forum as a result of looking for more information concerning faint DSO like Arps, Abells, Hicksons, VVs …are. It is really great place here, collecting nice resources!!! I hoppe that it will help me to find more interesting targets for my scopes.

You can find all my pictures in my gallery: http://www.astrofotky.cz/~Pavebo/ (Unfortunately, there is only Czech description) , so I have enclosed several recent pictures - see enclosure.

Clear Skies!

July 30th, 2013, 11:10 AM
Great images on your website Pavebo!

And welcome to DSF. We're glad you found us and that you enjoy your stay here!

Ivan Maly
July 30th, 2013, 06:00 PM
Very nice "astrofotky" ;)

July 31st, 2013, 06:56 AM
Thank you for your kind words, really nice to be here!
