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View Full Version : Hodge Globulars in NGC-185

August 20th, 2012, 12:52 PM
A second attempt to see Hodge 1, 3, 4 and 5 in NGC-185 in Cassiopeia. The first attempt was from NELM of 5.9 from PA and was unsuccessful. This time it was from 6.3 NELM skies from Vermont . They were definitely averted vision 50% of the time as has been reported elsewhere. Off the beaten path for sure, but a nice challenge as they all are.

Some links:

I do have a B & W image with these 4 labelled but I don't remember where I got it from. I can scan and send to whomever is interested.

22" f4.8 Obsession U.C. at 450x

Steve Gottlieb
August 21st, 2012, 06:27 PM
Al, thanks for posting this observation! You've encouraged me to take a look again with my 24".

Hodge's 1974 paper (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1974PASP...86..289H) lists V magnitudes of 16.7 (#5), 16.8 (#4), 18.4 (#1) and 19.7 (#3). The last two seem awfully faint. Were you able to glimpse these?

August 22nd, 2012, 04:47 PM
Yes, at least I hope I did with Averted Vision scale = 4. I was using an image similar to the one in that paper as a guide. I can send you what I used. Are there any more recent data on magnitudes?


August 23rd, 2012, 10:46 PM
Thanks to Steve I did a bit more research on these GCs. GC-4 and GC-5 are 16.8 and 16.7 and were glimpsed with averted vision. However, the others are way too dim for me to have seen them and I admit my mistaking nearby foreground stars for GC-3 and GC-1. Simbad indicates a few more in the dim range as well.