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View Full Version : M 82 h-alpha filaments

September 9th, 2024, 08:58 AM
Hello folks,
has anybody of you seen this feature in any kind of observing technique or at least heard about?


Uwe Glahn
September 9th, 2024, 07:18 PM
Tried it several times but I only could pick up the very first beginnings from the main body. It looks like a hood and spans around 1'-1.5'. Along the NW side it reaches to a 16mag star. I never saw the single thin filaments.


Did you try it with H-alpha equipped NV during the HTT meeting?

September 10th, 2024, 09:50 AM
Yes i/we did - with 33". In a position angle of around 100-110 degrees a little short cone reached out of the middle of M82 (down left quadrant in your sketch).
I´ve been the only one of 4 observers to detect that, so no confirmation.
All in all it sounds very similar to your observation without that electronic aid. No fine filaments have been visible.

conditions that night by SQM: 21.3
