View Full Version : HaTr 10

Keith Rivich
August 25th, 2024, 03:26 PM
Larry Mitchell and I took a look at HaTr 10 last night in his 30" f3.3. I posted the observation on my Cloudy Night's challenge thread.



Uwe Glahn
August 25th, 2024, 07:28 PM
Good to know that HaTr 10 is doable. Thanks for the report Keith. I had a negative observation of the PN back in 2021 under good but not perfect conditions.

For NGC 6749 a had a positive observation with a 6-inch from last month. Under very good transparency it was very faint and small (with only 35x) round glow. I also noted some brighter foreground stars. With 16-inch I could easily hold the GC steadily with averted vision. It shows as a somewhat concentrated glow without any resolution, mottling or single stars at 257x.

Clear Skies
August 25th, 2024, 08:58 PM
This may help. (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/cnootm2024#september)

Keith Rivich
August 25th, 2024, 11:05 PM
As I wrote in the CN post I am not 100% sure I saw what could definitely be called a planetary nebula. Larry was very adamant he could see size and orientation. One thing, though, is we approached the field recognition using different groups of stars on my Megastar print and we ended up on the same object.

Hopefully some other folks can take a critical look at this one and report back what they see, or don't see!

Clear Skies
August 26th, 2024, 08:42 AM
Using the guide I linked to, there is 0% chance of ending up at the wrong position. Zero.

If you are less than 100% sure of a position then something has to change. There is no substitute for certainty.

Keith Rivich
August 26th, 2024, 01:03 PM
I'm positive on the location and I did see something at the position. Larry and I verified what we saw using RealSky. I just couldn't quite pull it out like Larry did. Hence my wish to re-observe.

Jimi Lowrey
August 26th, 2024, 02:33 PM
Keith that is impressive. It is almost invisible on the Poss 2 Blue image and also really dim on the PanSTARRS image server.

Keith Rivich
August 26th, 2024, 05:25 PM
You can probably tell by my wording I'm not 100% confident on the observation. Larry and I usually see things pretty much the same but on HaTr 10 we were seeing things different which doesn't sit well with me. Moonrise wasn't to far off and we could see the sky brightening so we didn't have a whole lot of time to really give it a good look. Hopefully this weekend is clear (not looking good as of today) so we can re-observe this.