View Full Version : TBG-1 New PNe Observation

Jimi Lowrey
April 11th, 2024, 04:11 AM

Central Star
RA 07 58 20
Dec +66 45 58

Uwe and Frank from Germany were here at my house for the eclipse and the night before the eclipse we were observing with the 48” at my observatory. The transparency was excellent and the seeing was above average. Uwe suggested that we try the new found PNe TBG-1 he had a finder chart so we gave it a go. I was aware of this object but had not tried it yet.


I did not have the finder chart with me at the eyepiece but was looking for the 3 bright stars that make a triangle to ID the field. I found the triangle of stars so I new I was in the field of this large PNe and not knowing the field I was slewing the scope around and I noticed that 2 wide space stars had a small faint halo around them on the east side. Then the bright small pink part in the image above popped into view it appeared as an undefined patch and was visible only a small percent of the time. The nebula was popping in and out with the seeing. I came down from the ladder and looked at finder chart and verified that I had seen it. Uwe and Frank both confirmed my observation and we knew we had it. My best view was with a 25MM ZAO with the NPB filter. We also tried a 0 III filter and could see it with it also but for me my best view was with the NPB filter.
We were really excited to catch this new found PNe.

Link to paper


Jimi Lowrey
April 11th, 2024, 03:07 PM
I hope to try for the central star in the near future. I will report back my results.

Uwe Glahn
April 13th, 2024, 07:10 PM
Hi Jimi,

thanks to write up the first sighting of the new discovered PN. I just had contact with one of the discoverer (Peter Riepe). He was amazed about our observation. He spoke about 25 magnitudes per square arcsecond for the central part we saw.

I personally would classify the observation as "very difficult but clear positive". The glow was not steadily visible but in moments of right eye positioning it was visible for 1-2 seconds each.

I took a sketch and will post it here when the fine sketch is redraw.

April 14th, 2024, 06:50 PM
Congratulations! That sounds exciting! Did you see the part of the nebula that appears "bright" and elongated on figure 6 of the discovery paper or did you see the rather small and triangle-shaped part that is shown in figure 7?

Clear skies


Jimi Lowrey
April 15th, 2024, 03:38 AM
For me the part I could see and only a small percent of the time as it would pop in and out is the purple color in figure 12 of the paper. There was no structure just a smuts that would come and go.

Uwe Glahn
April 15th, 2024, 08:01 PM
Hi Robin,

like Jimi already said we saw the [OIII] parts like in Fig. 4, around 2'x3'. The red structure in the middle was not visible.

Important note I forgot. I also tried the PN with my 27" under fairly good conditions but was not able to see anything.

Uwe Glahn
April 23rd, 2024, 12:55 PM
I add my sketch of TBG-1

48", 195x, NPB, NELM 7m0+
home (http://www.deepsky-visuell.de/Zeichnungen/TBG1.htm)

April 23rd, 2024, 05:09 PM
Great job Jimi and Use for seeing this new PNe and for sharing the observations.