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View Full Version : Hickson 50 visual magnitudes?

February 19th, 2024, 01:23 PM
Does anybody know or have an on line reference as to what the visual magnitudes are of the five group members. I've seen a report that the E member although listed as 20th mag in the blue, plus or minus .1, is around 18.2 visually? Is this true?

Thanks in advance,
Matt Orsie

February 19th, 2024, 01:51 PM
Simbad lists the following magnitudes for the members of HCG 50:


Note that only B and R magnitudes are given and you're looking for V magnitudes. The E member (LEDA 34453) is listed to be at B mag 20.32 and R mag 17.64 so the V mag lies somewhere in between.

HyperLEDA gives B 20.04 +/- 0.14 which is slightly different than Simbad. See http://atlas.obs-hp.fr/hyperleda/ledacat.cgi?o=leda%2034453

NED, finally, gives the same values as Simbad. See the Photometry tab at https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/byname?objname=leda+34453&hconst=67.8&omegam=0.308&omegav=0.692&wmap=4&corr_z=1

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