View Full Version : Object of the week October 30, 2022 NGC 7184 Saturn Ring Galaxy

Jimi Lowrey
October 30th, 2022, 07:48 PM
NGC 7184
RA 22 02 39
DEC -20 48 50
Type SB Ring
MAG 11.7B
Last week I was observing and opened my old Uranometra to the area around Aquarius were I had been observing and noticed in the margin I had a written a old note with a arrow pointing to NGC 7184 Saying “Saturn Ring Galaxy”. I did not remember it so I thought I would give it at a go and see what gives. I was surprised when I observed it to notice a bright AGN core and a ring surrounding the core. It also had a beautiful spiral structure in its arms. I also noticed on the left hand side of the galaxy near the bright star was a void in the arms that was clearly visible. The ring near the center looked similar to the rings of Saturn so I guess I thought the same many years ago when I made the note with my old 25” reflector.

Adam Block Image

NGC 7184 was found by William Herschel on October 28 1783 it was also observed by John Herschel on Sept 23 1830 many years later. NGC 7184 Has an AGN is approximately 110 million light years from us.

When you observe NGC 7184 be sure to check out NGC 7180,NGC 7185 and NGC 7188 Just a little North of
NGC 7184 they make a nice triplet to catch while you are in the area

So be sure to

Give It A Go Good luck and Great Viewing

Raul Leon
October 30th, 2022, 09:23 PM
Hi, here's my observation from 11/4/2013: ngc 7184 galaxy in Aquarius ; magnitude: 11.2 ; large, pretty bright,elongated with a bright central core. I did not see the ring, I guess I need more aperture to see that. I used a 10mm Ethos at 198x 4911with my 14.5 Starstructure f/4.3

October 30th, 2022, 10:26 PM
Hey.. Finally one I've managed to see..

8/4/2019 1:16am, Antoniadi:II, Jordan:2, 13.1" F4.5, 136x, 11mmNagler. OSP2019/Indian Trail Springs, OR.

Long and thin with a bright central core. Averted vision brings out more of the outskirts, but very faint.



October 30th, 2022, 11:13 PM
I didn't manage to see the ring with my 20" from southern France in 2015:

At 320x this is a fairly large, elongated galaxy. It measures about a quarter of the field of view. It has a fairly bright stellar nucleus surrounded by a slightly fainter oval area and faint outer parts. The oval part is supposedly a ring but I don't see that. On one side there is a faint star and the galaxy ends just before it. I see another star superimposed on the galaxy. On the other side the galaxy seems to continue further than on the side with the star.

NGC 7180:
At 320x this is a small, elongated patch of light with a bright nucleus.

NGC 7185:
At 320x this looked strange at first. However, then I noticed a faint star on the eastern side. The galaxy itself is oval running north south with a bright nucleus.

NGC 7188:
At 320x this is a reasonably large, oval patch of light without a distinct nucleus.

Uwe Glahn
November 4th, 2022, 07:01 PM
Detecting the inner ring was more difficult than I thought. I'm not really satisfy with my sketch because of the to bright sketched ring. The NE segment was visible more prominent and was separated with an inner lying dark lane.

sketch: 27", 293x, Seeing III-IV, NELM 7m0+
home (http://www.deepsky-visuell.de/Zeichnungen/NGC7184.htm)