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View Full Version : Sky Safari Lists

May 9th, 2022, 05:47 PM
Few months ago i found how code in Sky Safari list works. As a big fan of Alvin Huey books i prepered some of them in Sky Safri list. Me and our friends use it a lot.
Objects in lists are separated in few orders.

Book Galaxy Trios and Triple System have rating scale from Alvin. There are 3 prepared list for rank 1-3. Rank 4 is to hard for my 16" so... maybe in future.

Books Galaxy Groups and Globular Clusters are separated by Mag of objects, each book have 3 lists, 13-mag, 13-14mag, 14+mag.

Alvin`s books give me a lot so i thinked that it ll be ok if i post this list here, on forum he advertises.

In future i ll prepare more, if you like it and use Sky Safari i can post it here either.

There is also list of Carbon Stars, SKy Safary oryginally have around 30 o them, in my list are 125 carbon stars. My favorite is U Hydrae ;)


May 16th, 2022, 05:15 AM
Thank you SOOO much!!!! I love Alvin's books and promote them whenever I can!

And galaxy trios is my favorite!!! I love GCL's. I hope someday to visit the Lowery's and do nothing but GCl! :)

July 6th, 2022, 12:28 PM
I also echo thanks! I've used Alvin's guides a lot. Maybe if I have the energy may create a SkySafari .skylist file for his "Observing Flat Galaxies (https://www.lulu.com/shop/alvin-huey/observing-flat-galaxies/paperback/product-1pe47eng.html?page=1&pageSize=4)" guidebook.

Robert W

July 26th, 2022, 10:20 AM
Thank you for response. Here is Observing Flat Galaxies list.