View Full Version : Sweden spring obs

April 25th, 2022, 11:49 PM
Sweden spring observing and further experiance on 30”.

Its had been a bad fall and winter for observing the way I see it.
Fall went out bad and winter here is harch and sky is ’milky’.
-It can be clear but in the EP its not good plus be out at minus 10/15/20 C is not fun.
Maybe its moister/ice in air, I don’t now - but I dont like it.

I went out one time and focuser frosted up, could not move it.
The telescope is at a Bortel 4 area but it can be dark at zenith.
Now the nights here don’t give astronomical darkness so its over for this season.
But I had som good ’inc’ nights and SQM over 21.4 before.
But this spring it did not really hold up for ex se HICK 50 or Holmberg 9 really nice.
Could I see them, yes but it might be mind not eye.
But I had 2 night now last week and yesterday I had record darkness there at 21.53.
My buddy Timo had 21.63 on his meter.
But sky was all good for cruze in Virgo or haunt Herschels in Ursa Major ( zenit here now.
At 30” and GOTO one can do many object and still study them and make notes under 2-3 hours even with 2-3 observers.
Eye candy, well here is the 30” not that mind blowing.
Shore get to se mag 17 stars is not bad, but I miss a inc-crisp sky.
I never forget the arms in M33 in Chucks’s Kennedy f4.5 25 inch at OSP one year, but here if that object get to Uppsala/Stockholm one cant near see the galaxy..
I like that type of real dark sky and who doesent..
But telescope is stationary and fast to use.
It’s a decent mirror from ML and the Starstructure chassie is all Ok.
Tracking could be better but Ok.
I like chase faint stuff but whats it’s good for here is the Herschels list.
Last out we was at the new supernova close to M60 and Makemake and Hayumea.
Culd I se them, well that is matter of how one can say.
But so short night now and late start its tuff.
I shore miss travell to darker place.
Chile and Namibia is on my list but I dont think I can ever travell more.

Next out will be get the scope to south Sweden in August new moon.
Sweden astro soc is celebration 40 years.
Night is then nice at that time of year and sky there at Öland can be pretty good.

April 26th, 2022, 08:45 AM
May, June and July were pretty bad for observing in the Netherlands and I can only imagine it's worse further north in Sweden.

Let me know if you ever come to Chile so we can try to meet up and observe together!


April 28th, 2022, 12:16 AM
Hi Wouter.

After April 20 it’s no astronomical nights here and after that the sun almost newer goes down ( 61’th )
That’s why so few use big aperture or high class telescopes.
Can one use a China 12” for 500 bucks with a Mead zoom EP - shore.
But my idea was LaPalma/Canaries and go class go big.
But world chanched.
Here we bought this almost new telescope ( sold by original owner who got Very tired of this hobby ) and as splitted on 8 people it was like get 2 Ethos EP each as the investment.
Get something equal here new is madness no matter of personal economy.
Even make a own mirror/chassie al’a Bartels and spend some grand is not worth it ( vs time )
That’s why most people use zoom EP here and are happy.
I’m alone up here my guess to has the Ethos and Nikon HW series EP.
But I did not invest vs Sweden at 61 degrees.

I has a astro friend in US got a stair-master ( see the fun.. as a 14” he bought new back in the days that I will maybe bought ( I sold my Zambuto 18” )
Might be great for use here.
I has to go by car atleast 45 minutes get to a decent sky.
So go to the 30” stationary at Bortle 4 or bring out a 14” maybe Bortle 2 ( allot of wood and back pain ) might be a equal burdon.

If I can’t travell less this new world ideas leave us.
But if - I will shore come to Chile.
I had that as a plan before ( Vicuna or Spaceobs )
But chance on that I see as very limited.
More and new ideas will come my bet.
But if - It let you know.

Thank’s for asking !

April 28th, 2022, 06:25 AM
If I can’t travell less this new world ideas leave us.
But if - I will shore come to Chile.
I had that as a plan before ( Vivuna or Spaceobs )
But chance on that I see is very limited.
More and new ideas will come.
But if - It let you know.

Thank’s for asking !

I have been traveling between Spain and Chile a lot over the past two years and it hasn't been easy. But restrictions are being lifted and measures eased so it is not so bad now.

When I am in Chile I am in La Serena, which is where to fly to to go to Vicuña. There are a lot of amateur observatories there and also one valley to the south where I usually go. Space Obs is much further north and I have never been there.

I hope you will be able to fly soon again so I can welcome you to Chile!


April 28th, 2022, 11:53 PM
When is the best time of year obeserving in Chile ?
( weather and sky not objects )

-Can one get into country on tests only now ?
I can only do salive test vs a I has HHT, but anyway I refuse both vax and test or mask - period.
I can fly anytime but I will not use masks/mules in plane or public.
I had some mails to owner of Pangea before this mess we are into now.
Vicuna/Pangea is ’only’ 6 hours by car but maybe more easy fly up ?
I’m from old world when we was not afraid or BW so maybe hard fly or rent a car ( maybe vaccine pass ? )
I had a vision once get a slim big/fast/light telescope and bring it over and observe at +5.000.
I shore like get to OSP again this year but US not let me in ( vi-danger ) and my friends there might be afraid to.
I might check to Chile ambasad in Stockholm see what they say.
Shore see the southerns sky again would be a dream ( was at Oz Sky 2017 )

April 29th, 2022, 08:34 AM
To enter Chile, vaccinations are mandatory. And all fly companies require wearing a mask during the flight.

April 29th, 2022, 08:40 PM
Ok, thanks.
I guessed that, so not my cup of tea.
Maybe we all come to sense later on but I doubt.
Next v-round will soon come.
I keep track on World economic forum so one know next step.
-But I hope one day get to Chile on observation !