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View Full Version : Astrotrip, autumn 2021

Clear Skies
October 23rd, 2021, 06:02 PM
In September-October I spent a week and a half in the French Alps.

Here’s the 1st of 4 blogs: https://clearskies.eu/blog/astrotrips/29-30sep21/


Clear Skies
November 3rd, 2021, 11:49 AM
2nd of 4 blogs posted: https://clearskies.eu/blog/astrotrips/6oct21/

A French all-nighter, 15,000 observations and 11 billion years old light.


Clear Skies
November 30th, 2021, 09:47 AM
3rd of 4 blogs: https://clearskies.eu/blog/astrotrips/7oct21/ - Under Alpine skies.


December 7th, 2021, 11:32 AM
Hi Victor,

thank you very much for your beautiful reports - very nice pics, cool choice of objects, what a work to make that kind of presentation!

I have not read everything yet, there are a lot of cloudy nights ahead for that ;-)

But one thing: Andromeda´s parachute: your magnification has been too low! At powers around 500x the elongation comes within reach, better at 700x. Even 1 or two very very elusive stellar condensations can occur then - even in 12".



Clear Skies
December 7th, 2021, 11:36 AM
But one thing: Andromeda´s parachute: your magnification has been too low!

I realise that... and I will definitely re-attempt asap.

On that note: thank you for your comments! Much appreciated. I may be able to post the fourth and final blog of the trip in the coming week. After that, it's perfecting the timelapses and compiling everything to a decent tune.



Clear Skies
December 12th, 2021, 07:49 PM
The last of the 4 blogs - Dissecting the Veil: https://clearskies.eu/blog/astrotrips/8oct21/


Howard B
December 14th, 2021, 07:49 AM
Wonderful blog posts Victor, and I’m so glad you were inspired to observe the Cygnus Loop because of my S&T article. You had some great observing nights, and sharing them with us in such detail is a gift - thank you!

Clear Skies
December 14th, 2021, 10:13 PM
Thank you for your kind words, Howard! Hopefully another trip is possible mid-winter or early spring. I must say that writing a blog about deep sky observing, for which I must travel, is a lot more fun than backyard double star sessions..!