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View Full Version : CSOG 2.4 - the latest update of the Clear Skies Observing Guides

Clear Skies
June 25th, 2021, 07:12 AM
The latest update of the Clear Skies Observing Guides (https://clearskies.eu/csog/), CSOG 2.4 is here.


Countless updates were made to existing content. CSOG is now >700GB of content. Click here for the CSOG 2.4 release notes (https://clearskies.eu/csog/csog24notes/).

With this update come three new editions and an observing aid:

KTG - Karachentseva Northern Isolated Triplets of Galaxies (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/galaxies#ktg)
KTS - Karachentseva Southern Isolated Triplets of Galaxies (http://Karachentseva Southern Isolated Triplets of Galaxies)
Astronomical League Carbon Stars Observing Program (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/observingprograms#alcarbon)
Sync Charts & Tours for use with goto telescopes (http://Sync Charts & Tours for use with goto telescopes)

With the publication of CSOG 2.4, a support donation (https://clearskies.eu/csog/registration/support/) is required to download the Clear Skies Observing Guides: a modest fee to support the creation and publication of CSOG. Please read Registration (https://clearskies.eu/csog/registration/) and Downloading CSOG (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/downloadingcsog/).

The observing guide for this forum's current Object of the Week (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/dsfootw/) will remain a freely available download, as will the current Webb Deep-Sky Society’s Object of the Month (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/webbootm/) and Object of the Season (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/webboots/).

CSOG now consists of 58 editions (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/):

Constellation Editions by telescope aperture (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/constellations/)

5-6? Telescopes
8-10? Telescopes
12-14? Telescopes

Catalogs & Lists (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/catalogslists/)


Galaxy Editions (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/galaxies/)

Arp Peculiar Galaxies
Hickson Compact Galaxy Groups
Holmberg Double and Multiple Galaxies
Holmberg Galaxies
Karachentseva Northern Isolated Triplets of Galaxies
Karachentseva Southern Isolated Triplets of Galaxies
Rose Compact Groups of Galaxies
Klemola Groups and Clusters of Southern Galaxies
Markarian’s Chain
Fornax Galaxy Cluster
Dorado Group
Eridanus Cluster
Sculptor Group
Grus Galaxy Chain

Nebulae Editions (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/nebulae/)

Abell nebulae
Minkowski nebulae
Parsamyan Catalogue of Cometary nebulae

Star Cluster Editions (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/starclusters/)

Collinder star clusters
Melotte star clusters
Berkeley star clusters
Czernik star clusters
Trumpler open clusters
King open clusters
Stock open clusters
Van den Bergh-Hagen open clusters
Palomar globular clusters
Terzan globular clusters
Tombaugh open clusters
Raab open clusters
Dolidze open clusters
Dolidze-Dzimselejsvili open clusters
Basel open clusters
Roslund open clusters
Ruprecht star clusters
Pismis star clusters
Lynga star clusters
Hogg open clusters
Harvard open clusters
Haffner open clusters
Pfleiderer star clusters

Observing Programs (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/observingprograms/)

Herschel 400
Herschel II
Herschel 3
The Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (ASSA) Top-100
Astronomical League Carbon Stars

Other Editions (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/other/)

Burnham’s Celestial Handbook – Deep Sky Objects
LMC Regions
Named Objects

Double Star Editions (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/doublestars/)

Struve Double Stars – STF, STFA, STFB, STT & STTA

Observing Aids (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/obsaids/)

Sync Charts

Clear Skies
July 15th, 2022, 03:21 PM
Hi all,

Using information from the Parsamian-Petrosyan paper shared on a CN topic (tip off the hat to Jimi and Steve), I updated the CSOG 2.4 Parsamian Cometary Nebulae edition. It is marked as version 2.4.1.



Using this data, 4 objects were corrected:

- Parsamian 2 is the galaxy PGC17603 in Orion
- Parsamian 10 is the emission nebula Minkowski 1-83 in Orion
- Parsamian 19 is a small nebula west of Van den Bergh 97, in the emission nebula Sharpless 2-302 in Puppis
- Parsamian 20 is the emission nebula Minkowski 1-85 in Puppis

Notes from the Parsamian-Petrosyan paper were added where applicable. Changes will be incorporated into other editions for CSOG 2.5.

If you downloaded the Parsamian edition before, please re-download!

