View Full Version : Sweden 30" observing

April 17th, 2021, 07:30 PM
It’s been no activity in the 30” this winter so in April I could do 3 nights but 2 of them was not that good.
Sweden is a terrible place for visual astronomy and it’s not just the darkness, as that is a non issue really, as If I see SQM 21.2 I’m Ok.
I did the last pass yesterday as now its gets to light, so maybe in new moon in August in south of Sweden will be next out.

Since last fall I waited on cruze in Virgo and get on Holmberg 9 and get into Hickson 50 group and Abell 2065 cluster.
Last summer and fall I manage to see the IC 1296 close to M57 and with a 30” it’s rather easy at 21.3 if a objet is decent high located.
I had no time now for the Abell 2065 cluster but Holmberg 9 was not easy but now pointed up at zenith and SQM 21.5 I saw it fairly easy.
The Hickson 50 group was actually more easy than I thought, and it’s a easy location as there are good reference stars.
I saw direct 3 object and colleague Timo Karhula did not thought it was possible but when his eyes was on the EP he also saw them direct.
We has since last Saturday change it to 2 objects as there is a 16 mag star close.
The darkness and zenith was as good as it can get at the place the telescope are located.

I did like see it again yesterday and it should be a great night but it came in high clouds so I had no chance see them.
My idea for next season is get on rest of the Hickson groups and dig into Abell 2065.

Now with the 30” telescope I sold my other telescopes and the 18” I has been working on.
I see no really a idea to use it here now.
I can’t fly anywhere and for LaPalma I like more aperture anyway.
Ideas for future is a plano Quatz 36” at f/4 and a steel chassie with magnetic drive and has it at LaPalma, either in a van or get it stationary on a place down the road there.
-But the world now is not a thing to predict what’s next, so it’s just ideas.

My observation has get to see fainter stuff but I still like "eye candy" and yesterday I was on the Cat Eye and M13 and both was great.
I has not bother much on the Cat Eye as I saw it at Stellafane 2017 in a Starstructure 28” that was brand new coated and owner was the guy that own Spectrum Coatings in NY, and I remember the Cat Eye in high power, but here in smaller scops and our sky it’s a non interesting object, but the 30” did suck it in very nice with Ethos 8 mm at around 400X.