View Full Version : Holmberg galaxys
September 26th, 2020, 03:29 PM
Where can I found a list of the Holmberg objects ?
Is that the UGC ?
I heard about this ones and next time out I will try to se UGC 5336.
I has found it interesting to see this galaxies around or close to other objects or galaxy’s.
Uwe Glahn
September 26th, 2020, 09:19 PM
A view into the few up-to-date held homepages may help Holmberg-Galaxies (
September 27th, 2020, 12:48 AM
I heard about a other Holmberg that Jimi has talk about NGC 5914-B, but is the B galaxy the Holmberg ?
If I see the cross over galaxy on Skysafari it is a PGC number, so what is what on that one.
In the web of Holmberg object it was 9 objects, but it look like there is more.
September 27th, 2020, 12:59 AM
Holmberg published 2 papers, one with 5 and one with 8 objects. I didn’t check if there is overlap but these are the objects according to Simbad:
Paul Alsing
September 27th, 2020, 04:36 AM
well, there is this...
... scroll down to "Holmberg Galaxies"... and thanks, Victor!
September 27th, 2020, 05:58 AM
I could not find NGC 5914, and was it the B galaxy that is a Holmberg ?
And later on they find the overcrossing PGC2188560.
Clear Skies
September 27th, 2020, 09:51 AM
As Paul pointed out, here are my Holmberg guides as part of the CSOG collection.
Holmberg galaxies:
Holmberg Double and Multiple Galaxies:
Mind the download size. Use the torrents if you have a slow and/or intermittent internet connection.
NGC5914A & B, a.k.a. Vorontsov-Vel'yaminov 1750, make up Holmberg 706 in Boötes. NGC5914B (Holmberg 706B) actually consists of two galaxies: the brighter and larger MCG+07-31-056 (PGC54653) and the fainter PGC2188560. It is of course possible / likely that Eric Holmberg noted only a single smudge at the position of B. If not, he would probably have added a third member to the group.
September 27th, 2020, 03:25 PM
Ok, so he saw the 706B as 1 galaxy, that make sense.
Thank's explain the case.
What kind of scope ( size ) and sky is needed to se this one.
Mag 17 is tuff.. but if what kind of magnification and pupil will be best.
Clear Skies
September 27th, 2020, 04:08 PM
I'd say 16"+ under good skies, I suspect.
Don't fall for magnitudes... in most cases it's just a number. Brightness of an object on a POSS2 Blue, plate combined with a bit of experience, tells you endlessly more. Regardless, when not sure it's always best to just give it a try, preferable under good skies and with the object at or near its maximum elevation. For this one, that will be an early morning next spring.
October 20th, 2020, 06:37 PM
I was trying observe the Holmberg UGC 5336 yesterday but sky was only 21.1 and conditions was not that good so that time 30" was not enough.
-I saw 2 faint stars where the galaxy would be but it was nothing in the EP.
IC 1296 was easy both in 150X and higher, but Mars was a disaster as some did like see Mars in a 30" ( waste of time )
Then the ServoCAT or the Argonavis was out of order.
I never diod like either of this systems personally.
October 27th, 2020, 09:43 AM
I'm only aware of the 9 Holmberg "dwarfs" that Uwe has observed with a 16", at the link he posted earlier. These are also listed as an observing project in the book "Galaxies and How To Observe Them" by Wolfgang Steinicke and Rich Jakiel (I love this book!).
I liked the idea of a short, but challenging list, so several years ago, I finished all 9 with my 18", with Holmberg IX being by far the hardest for an 18" (although I've seen a great view of it through Josh Wright's 25" at TSP 2012). I posted some of my observing reports in the Austin Astronomical Society's newsletter below (scroll to page 18)
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