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View Full Version : Absolute V-band magnitudes and mass-to-light ratios of 150 galactic globular clusters

September 23rd, 2020, 01:21 PM
Hi All,

For those amateur astronomers into visually observing globular star clusters -- Absolute V-band magnitudes and mass-to-light ratios of galactic globular clusters. Until now, it has been difficult to find reliable, genuine V-band magnitudes for G.Cs and from that absolute magnitudes, surface brightnesses & etc.

A valuable resource.

https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.09611?fbclid=IwAR24LXBzCDmJCvS1S3b9jyIV9bprTL brznkUcDOP7Y1Ni28XEvUA3igt0gU



Steve Gottlieb
September 26th, 2020, 05:34 AM
Thanks, Les, for the link. It will be interesting to compare the new V magnitudes with traditional ones (Harris).