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View Full Version : The next edition of the Clear Skies Observing Guides - CSOG 2.3

Clear Skies
May 2nd, 2020, 04:46 PM
Today, after 3 1/2 years of work, I published the new edition of my Clear Skies Observing Guides, CSOG 2.3. On my new website clearskies.eu (https://clearskies.eu).

There are 14 new editions in CSOG 2.3:

Holmberg Double and Multiple Galaxies
Minkowski Nebulae
Parsamyan Cometary Nebulae
Klemola Groups and Clusters of Southern Galaxies
Raab open clusters
Basel open clusters
Herschel 3
LMC Regions
Markarian’s Chain
Grus Chain
Fornax Galaxy Cluster galaxies
Eridanus Cluster galaxies
Dorado Group galaxies
Sculptor Group galaxies

Click here (https://clearskies.eu/csog/csog23notes/) for the release notes or click here (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/) to go directly to the download page.

CSOG now has 54 editions:

Constellation Editions

5-6″ Telescopes
8-10″ Telescopes
12-14″ Telescopes

Catalogs & Lists

Herschel 400
Herschel II
Herschel 3

Galaxy Editions

Arp Peculiar Galaxies
Hickson Compact Galaxy Groups
Holmberg Double and Multiple Galaxies
Holmberg Galaxies
Rose Compact Groups of Galaxies
Klemola Groups and Clusters of Southern Galaxies
Markarian’s Chain
Fornax Galaxy Cluster
Dorado Group
Eridanus Cluster
Sculptor Group
Grus Galaxy Chain

Nebulae Editions

Abell Nebulae
Parsamyan Catalogue of Cometary Nebulae

Star Cluster Editions

Collinder star clusters
Melotte star clusters
Berkeley star clusters
Czernik star clusters
Trumpler open clusters
King open clusters
Stock open clusters
Van den Bergh-Hagen open clusters
Palomar globular clusters
Terzan globular clusters
Tombaugh open clusters
Raab open clusters
Dolidze open clusters
Dolidze-Dzimselejsvili open clusters
Basel open clusters
Roslund open clusters
Ruprecht star clusters
Pismis star clusters
Lynga star clusters
Hogg open clusters
Harvard open clusters
Haffner open clusters
Pfleiderer star clusters

Observing Programs

ASSA Top-100

Other Editions

Burnham’s Celestial Handbook – Deep Sky Objects
LMC Regions
Named Objects

CSOG Editions are free downloads.


Paul Alsing
May 3rd, 2020, 02:50 AM
WOW! Just wow!

Thanks for your hard work, Victor, I know it is very much appreciated by all.

May 12th, 2020, 04:03 PM
I second Paul's comment!! Love the break down of objects to different sized scopes, etc.

Clear Skies
April 8th, 2021, 12:06 PM
In order to keep the bots at bay and to keep CSOG downloads in control, I have added a registration and login page (https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/registration/) to the website. All that is required to download CSOG content is a username and a password.

I am contemplating to publish CSOG 2.4 as an interim update. Despite I am almost ready to push only two new editions, for northern (KTG) and southern (KTS) Karachentseva triples, the updates to and enhancements of existing content will be quite substantial.

May 31st, 2021, 12:01 PM
I created an account then got a message saying I was temporarily blocked from the site. Today I tried again but still no access. I never received an email with the activation link when I created my account. These look like they are very nice but I can't get to them.

Clear Skies
May 31st, 2021, 12:13 PM
I resent your verification e-mail. Please feel free to contact me at victor@clearskies.eu.

May 31st, 2021, 12:55 PM
Thanks. The email was in my spam folder but I got logged in. Clear Skies!

Clear Skies
May 31st, 2021, 01:07 PM
Clear Skies!
.eu (https://clearskies.eu) :)