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View Full Version : Tak 9mm Abbe

June 10th, 2019, 06:13 AM
Sold some stuff I no longer want or need.
Then order from Tak America a 9mm Tak Abbe Ortho.
I did so merely to see if some day, in the UC22, it might go deeper than XXX.
I have a few Fujiyama's that I got back in 2016
No recent Ethos, Delos, Delites, etc.
Tho over the years, I do have a few Circle (X) (insert letter) orthos.
Don't get me wrong, I am not sure I need to deal with this at all.
I just happen to sell a scope and use the dough to get me first and only piece of Tak equipment.
And I LOVE going deep. I mean... WTF deep.
Thanks to Steve G (and of course once, Jimi) I have.
Probably I waste of money... but like I said, it was a wash.