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View Full Version : A night of observation after a long time

September 10th, 2018, 10:07 AM
Hi everyone,

First, my apologies for my English through a translator. In Spain since December 2017 it rained a lot in the next new moon, with which until practically May, June 2018, it was not possible to observe in the common areas that I have, for work reasons I could not leave until July but it was not a Very good sky, until the next month.
I had some progamated objects that I had not observed, the first one was IC 3568 a circumpolar PN very grateful, that I like to observe high increases and not having much manual tracking, very satisfactory.

IC 3568 Camelopardalis lemon slice nebula PN
General conditions :
- Ar 12h 33m 06.8s D +82° 33' 50''
-Transparency 4/5 Seeing 4/5
-SQM 21,38 Rural sky 3/9
-Temperature 17,2° celsius RH 26%

A small planetarium, but very bright, easily visible at low magnification, I do not detect any evident color, maybe something grayish. I do not take long to pass to 400x with the 4.7 mm ethos I see a brightness inside the ringed and the thin halo that covers around, with avoided vision this halo becomes more visible. I try to test NPB filters, OIII but it does not highlight anything that is evident, only after a while with the OIII and covering my head I see a small drop of brightness inside the planetary, thus giving the appearance of a ring, but a very subtle detail.


NGC 6907 Capricornus GX
General conditions :
- Ar 20h 25m 06.6s D -24° 48' 33''
-Transparency 4/5 Seeing 4/5
-SQM 21,39 Rural sky 3/9
-Temperature 14,3° celsius RH 44%

The first image at 90x is a galaxy of medium brightness and with guaranteed appearance, it contains a lot of brightness in the center, very little detail happened to 145x soon after. Now I see that the brightness in the center is the central bar of the galaxy, shortly after as a result of looking at the center without wanting to use the avoided vision, I detect an arm exhale in the lower area pointing to the left.

A 235x is my best view, the central bar is much more detailed, the lower arm is detected very well with direct vision, being much more detailed with avoided. Using back the avoided vision I perceive another spiral arm in the upper zone, it is something difficult because it has a dirty or blurred image, like the planetarium I have to cover my head with black rag to gain more adaptation to the dark, it is here when I see that little spiral arm very weak.


These were my objects analyzed in depth, that's how much I take my time to make a sketch. Maybe the galaxy was very bright in the sketch.


Ivan Maly
September 10th, 2018, 03:53 PM
Very nice. I've only seen the NE arm of this galaxy, in 12".

September 25th, 2018, 10:58 AM
Hi Ivan,

The other arm is very weak and it costs a bit to see it, the truth that covering the head I gain a lot of contrast.