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View Full Version : Parsamian 22 in Cygnus

Raul Leon
July 8th, 2018, 11:25 PM
Hello, Is there any information on this forum , or anywhere on the internet about protoplanetary object Parsamian 22 in Cygnus? Have had no luck, Love to see it this coming weekend. Coordinates would be great too. Thanks Raul

July 9th, 2018, 08:56 AM
This is what SIMBAD has

GN 20.22.7 -- Reflection Nebula
Other object types: RNe (), ISM (GN,Parsamian,...), BNe ([B77])
ICRS coord. (ep=J2000) : 20 24 30.0 +42 14 00 [ ] E 2003A&A...399..141M
FK4 coord. (ep=B1950 eq=1950) : 20 22 45.2 +42 04 12 [ ]
Gal coord. (ep=J2000) : 080.0153 +02.6484 [ ]
Spectral type: A5eV ~ 2011ApJ...734...22L


There are also a number of papers that reference it there as well so you can get some information about it. Simbad is always a good place to look for this kind of stuff, for galactic objects anyway.


Raul Leon
July 9th, 2018, 02:48 PM
Thanks Owen

Steve Gottlieb
July 10th, 2018, 01:16 AM
I'm not trying to change the topic, but here's (http://www.deepskyforum.com/showthread.php?468-Observations-from-Finnish-deep-sky-meeting-2013&highlight=Parsamyan) a thread on the very interesting reflection nebula Parsamyan 21 in Aquila (with sketches), which is also the outflow of a pre-main-sequence star.

And Here's (https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/419769-parsamyan-21-a-reflection-nebula/) an excellent image by Rick Johnson on CloudyNights

July 10th, 2018, 08:08 AM
Hi Steve if you want to point the thread in that direction then there is the nice YSO atlas and observations by Reiner Vogel at http://www.reinervogel.net/index_e.html


Raul Leon
July 11th, 2018, 12:45 AM
Hello Steve, do you have any information or observing notes on Parsamian 22?

Steve Gottlieb
July 19th, 2018, 06:14 AM
Hello Steve, do you have any information or observing notes on Parsamian 22?

Sorry I didn't respond earlier but I was out of town at a 5-day star party, but I haven't observed Parsamian 22. Have you looked at the SIMBAD entry (http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=Parsamian+22&NbIdent=1&Radius=2&Radius.unit=arcmin&submit=submit+id)? You might find a paper that gives some information in the 15 references.

Steve Gottlieb
July 22nd, 2018, 07:11 PM
If anyone takes a look at Parsamyan 22 this summer I'd be curious to hear your results. It's close to NGC 6914 -- specifically vdB 131 -- and I assume is part of the same complex. It's associated with the emission-line star HBC 694, which is also in SIMBAD.

Parsamyan 22 = P-P 95 = Bernes 22
20 24 29.5 +42 14 02

Jimi Lowrey
August 8th, 2018, 06:48 PM
I took a look at Parsamyan 22 this morning and was really surprised. It was really cool to see its elongated faint ghostly glow embedded in the open star cluster. I am a big fan of two objects in the same field. The YSO was visible as a small pin point yellow star with AV @ 610X. I highly recommend you to give Parsamyan 22 a go.


Raul Leon
August 8th, 2018, 08:17 PM
Awesome! I can’t wait to give it a go this weekend, thanks for the reply . Raul

Raul Leon
August 16th, 2018, 01:06 AM
Hi everybody,
Well this past weekend I took a look at Dolidze 8 the cluster where Parsamian 22 resides, and I believe I caught a glimpse of it. The seeing was not good, probably 4/10, I believe It to be more visible at 75x than at 158x where it seemed to get washed out. I caught a glimpse of what seemed to be two very difuse streaks of light eminating from one of the stars in the cluster. I'm going to look at it again next new moon,to confirm and hopefully sketch it. Raul

Howard B
August 21st, 2018, 06:32 AM
I got a look at Parsamian 22 with my 28-inch at the OSP last week. It was quite subtle, but then the sky was full of wildfire smoke at the time so I feel lucky to have seen it at all. It was best seen without any filters at 408x.

3162 3163

"...It was a snap to see it even though it was quite subtle. A short, faint fuzzy streak jumps out with averted vision, looking bigger than in photos. Filters (NPB, OIII, h-beta, broad brand) didn't help at all. 408x, 21.81 smoky SQM. ps - this area has some distinct reflection nebulae - NGC 6914, vdB 131 and 132."

August 29th, 2018, 07:54 PM
Here is what I observed in 2005 about that object in my 17.5" Coulter at 271x (I have NELM of 6.3 and transparent skies) : small, extremely faint (glimpsed less than 5% of the observing time with averted vision), oval, about 35"x15"ENE-WSW, homogeneous with fuzzy edges, no central star and no response to UHC, OIII or Hß filters; located on the SE side of Dolidze 8 which consist of a dozen sparsed stars between mag.10 and 14.


October 19th, 2022, 01:00 AM
9/26/22 Parsamian 22. At 150x in 16” it was faintly visible as a short, soft, glow. Not going to be visible in 10”, though!
