View Full Version : Peculiar galaxies 2018
Ivan Maly
March 6th, 2018, 05:36 AM
March 5 [2018]. Same conditions [20” F/5, SQM 20.8, bright snow] except transparency average and seeing 2/5. Arps in Cnc area.
Arp 82, SDSS
Cnc. Arp 82, “companion on arm”, NGC 2535-6. 13 mm – two cores, arms vague. 8 mm – two arms, NE shorter, SW points at companion. Massive round core. Arms have massive proximal segments with knots that are hard to pin down. NE terminates at a detached condensation that forms a shallow equilateral triangle with the 2 E-most of the 3 stars to NNW of galaxy. SW arm ends in an elongated detached cloud that is halfway to the companion. Companion small but is faintly smeared to W and S with a definite NW edge of the smear.
Arp 165, SDSS
Arp 165, “narrow filaments”, NGC 2418, Gem. Compact between 2 stars in 13 mm, narrow extension from NW side to N, very slightly curving E, less than core diameter long. 8 mm in addition to the WNW and SSE brings out a faint star ESE and its threshold companion pointing at the galaxy. Core is smaller and intensely bright, filament now appears detached, starting just W of core. It is now longer than core diameter and most pronounced E of the bright star.
Arp 247, SDSS
Arp 247, Cnc, “appearance of fission”. IC 2338-9. Two cores visible in 13 mm, along with IC 2341, oval to the N. In 8 mm, 3 stars trail NW of 2339. The galaxy’s core greatly extended NE-SW, SE edge sharper. -38 has a core that is more compact, but elongated almost at a right angle to -39. On SE side of -39 there is a suggestion of an arm in the form of the halo slightly extending past the core to NE while the opposite side of the halo is less definite.
Ivan Maly
July 12th, 2018, 07:53 PM
20", 360x, SQM 21.83, 4800 ft, good seeing.
Arp 297 field, SDSS
Arp 297.
NGC 5753 small, roundish.
In 5755, nonstellar nucleus on E end of extended core. Massive arm loops from E end of core N then almost to E end of core. Short arm opposite, points toward stars E.
5752 comparatively small, extended generally NW-SE and concentrated to the center. It is slightly integral sign-shaped with ends pointing E and W.
The core or bar of 5754 is oriented similarly to -52. It is enclosed in a ring with outer arms emanating CCW from near the ends of the bar. NE arm loops back and is enhanced in P.A. 30. SW arm has a similar enhancement opposite and extends around E [should be W] side of the galaxy inward of -52. Outermost arm or tidal tail on S side of the pair is visible as a diffuse arc, unconnected to either member, and much thicker than in the original photograph.
Arp 302, SDSS
Arp 302. Appears like a bipolar nebula with a central star. N galaxy (MCG+4-35-19) elongated NS, S end brighter. S galaxy (-18) more massive, overall round. Short extension S from W side of core, detached segment equidistant and opposite the star.
Arp 319, SDSS
Arp 319, Stephan's Quintet, reobservation.
NGC 7317 (Hickson 92E) small, immediately SE of a star, very slightly elongated WNW-ESE.
7320C faint, round, almost as wide as the star pair to the WNW. Exhibits a well-differentiated core and halo, and appears to have an enhancement on the N side.
NGC 7318B (Hickson 92B) is a spiral with unequal CCW arms: E one large and well-separated, W one stubby and pointing at the companion.
7318A has a similar bright core. Short extension S from W side. Longer, detached extension N.
NGC 7319 (Hickson component C) has a core or bar extended NW-SE with a condensation at NW end. On NE side, a CW arm passes between the stars, and this segment at times appears detached. Symmetrically, between the core and NW end of 7320, is an amorphous detached segment. Another one is farther SE, forming an almost regular triangle with the two galaxies' cores.
NGC 7320 is large, elongated NW-SE, and has a bright star at SE end. S of the star [not the same star as at the end, but one inwards from it] is an arm segment pointing SE. NE of the star the edge of the galaxy is enhanced and separated by a dark lane. On NW end of the halo is an enhancement that, according to photographs, is due to an unresolved star pair. [On SDSS, 1 apparent star and two small knots in the galaxy.]
Ivan Maly
October 19th, 2018, 11:56 PM
20", 250x, SQM 21.4. Fornax area.
Arp 77, DSS
Arp 77, NGC 1097, For. Reobservation. Large bar NW-SE, points at compact companion NW. CCW arms from ends of bar. SW one longer and ends close to the companion.
Arp 41, DSS
Arp 41, NGC 1232, Eri. Reobservation. CCW spiral. One arm points at a star NE, another passes between core and star to the NW. Companion equidistant to this star to the ESE.
Arp 39, DSS
Arp 39, NGC 1347, Eri. Round with a small extension S which is VV 23b, less than half the distance to the star SE. Companion remains unresolved at 360x.
Bertrand Laville
October 20th, 2018, 09:39 PM
Hi Ivan,
Great targets, and great choice for my to do list.
I have only two concerned drawings
NGC 1097:
Stefan's Quintet:
Clear skies
Ivan Maly
December 31st, 2018, 08:49 PM
Excellent drawings, Bertrand!
December 30. 20" F/4, 8 mm. SQM 21.5. Orion-Eridanus area.
Arp 4, DSS
Arp 4, reobservation. MCG -50A relatively bright, compact, round. Bright star N forms right triangle with -A and faint star immediately W of -50, which is visible as a NNE-SSW bar and three faint separated clouds: #1 N of the faint star, forms equilateral triangle with it and the center of -50; #2 N of the middle of the line from bar to -A; #3 S of bar center.
Arp 8, SDSS
Arp 8, reobservation. Star SE. Elongated NW-SE. Short, shallow arc of arm on SE end points E. On NW end, enhancement slightly elongated NE-SW and offset SW from the major axis.
Arp 10, SDSS
Arp 10, new observation. 3 stars in a shallow arc S and W. Small round core. SE edge enhanced. NW edge also enhanced, brighter, better separated from core and points NE like a short CCW arm.
Happy New Year, everyone, and more observing weather to you!
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