View Full Version : New observations of peculiar galaxies

Ivan Maly
September 25th, 2017, 08:34 PM
16", 330x, SQM 21.67.

Arp 15, NGC 7393, Aqr. Mag 13 * WNW, fainter double closer NW. Third component invisible. Galaxy elongated EW, cometary appearance with massive head on W end and two tails trailing E, S one longer and more definite.

Arp 50, IC 1520, Aqr. m7 * SE, m13 closer ENE. Faint * immediately E. Galaxy small, round. Knot NE of core, arm S pointing E.

Arp 51 and 144, Cet. Arp 51, MCG-2-1-24. SE of near-equal * pair. Faint * opposite. Galaxy small, knot on NE side, extension from E side of nucleus to SSW. Arp 144, NGC 7828-9. -9 starlike, or compact with a starlike core. -8 elongated NW-SE, bright detached arc on NW end continues faintly along NE side.

Arp 68, NGC 7757 (7756). Psc. S of unequal * pair. S-shaped. N arm segment forms a definite N edge of the halo, points W. Companion forms an equilateral triangle with the core and the nearest * of the pair. Inwards from it is a more massive knot. Symmetrical one on SE side appears detached from the SE arm and elongated EW. The arm terminates W of it in a more massive knot that is directly S of the core.

Arp 92. NGC 7603-B. Psc. -B small, faint, and diffuse SE of main galaxy. Faint * S. Main galaxy has a bright core with starlike nucleus and arcs N and S. Suggestion of more detached arcs farther NNW and S pointing E just S of companion, although it is unclear if they exist. [SDSS shows them.]

September 26th, 2017, 06:16 PM
Great observations Ivan! The sky could have been really good.

For me it was very hard to figure out the details of NGC 7393 (using a 16" as well). My observation is here (http://www.deepeye.hu/en/drawings/ngc7393.html).

I drew Arp 51 and 144 a month ago using a 16" (no final drawing yet). Arp 51 was on the very edge of visibility without any details. But I'm 90% sure that I have seen it. Arp 144 was relatively bright. I could see 2 low-contrast patches in the more interesting component, the elongated NGC 7828.

I've never tried NGC 7603 because I thought the component was not possible with a 16". Next time I'll definitely give it a try.

Ivan Maly
September 30th, 2017, 04:14 PM
Thanks! Nice capture of the arm segments on both sides in NGC 7393.

Here are a few more from earlier this week (20" F/5, SQM 21.26):

Arp 110, MCG-3-58-11, Aqr. E of pair of m14 **. m15 * NW, another close S. Compact or starlike APMUKS companion immediately W. MCG-3-58-10 farther SW. -11 fan-shaped opening E in 13 mm. In 8, short EW segment glimpsed, well-separated to N and slightly E of core. Faint compact fragment separated E at a distance equal to the distance to companion. Examined also in 5.5 mm.

Arp 146, PGC 509-10, Cet. SW of m13 * inside an irregular tetragon of m13 **. Vaguely double EW in 13 mm. In 8, presents a shifting appearance, at times triple and at times with a suggestion of a broken ring involving the E components. In 5.5 in good seeing, elongated fragment on E end and two compact ones to the E (E-most PGC 510).

Arp 150, Hickson 95, Peg. W of m12 *, 2 m11 ** farther NE. Two faint stars on S edge of group. NGC 7609 (A) on N side is the most prominent, connected from E end to compact PGC 71077 (C) to SE. B and D differently oriented spindles on E and W side of the group in 13 mm. Examined also in 8.

Arp 182, Hickson 96, Peg. Similar appearance at the 3 magnifications. Especially in 5.5 mm, annular appearance around core in NGC 7674 (A), with enhancements N and S. C small on ENE edge of halo. NGC 7675 (B) prominent, widely separated to the E. D small and faint slightly outwards from the middle of the line from C to * S, but surprisingly not at all starlike or even especially compact. [SDSS confirms it is a normal elliptical. Tails attempted.]

Ivan Maly
October 17th, 2017, 06:06 PM
Last ones from the Aqr-Psc-Cet area. 16", 330x, SQM 21.3.

Arp 216, NGC 7679 and 7682. Psc. -82 round. Compact core, NS bar. W edge brighter. In -79, detached arm segment ESE, faint material close to core opposite.

Arp 256, MCG-2-1-51 and -52. Cet. -51 more prominent but small. -52 NS extended spiral with long S and shorter N arm. * pair N.

Arp 284, NGC 7714-15. Immediately next to 16 Psc in the Circle. -14 bright, compact or starlike core, arm between it and the * SW. Stubby arm juts opposite. Bright halo E. -15 greatly extended EW with noticeable core and brighter E end. Connection to -14 broad and definite, at angle to -15.

Arp 295, MCG-1-60-21 and -22, Aqr. -22 and LEDA 3083323 to NNE both elongated roughly EW, at an angle. The MCG slightly comma-shaped, with short tail WSW. Faint * between it and Uranometria * E. -21 thin and greatly extended NE-SW between a * and MRK 933. MRK essentially starlike, maybe slightly diffuse. Faint * SW. IC 1505 round, concentrated to NW. No trace of connection between MCGs or countertail.

Arp 314, MCG-1-58-9 through -11. Aqr. In -9, NE-SW bar and suggestion of tight clockwise arms from its ends. -10 more definite on E edge close to the nearest * of the pair; another * farther NE. -11 and APMUKS galaxy to E invisible.

Arp 323, NGC 7783 chain, Hickson 98. A appears connected to B, which points at C. Two ** are involved in the chain. D invisible.

Ivan Maly
October 22nd, 2017, 05:22 PM
4800' a.s.l., SQM 21.2-21.5 on the two nights (we are experiencing a peak airglow; this is 0.4 mag/sq arcsec poorer than what I like to think of as the norm). 16", 330x. Aries and vicinity.

Arp 31, IC 167, Ari. NGC 694 to N compact between stars. In IC 167, short arm segment immediately E of core, small detached star clouds SE and NW. Faint star pair SE, brighter one farther S. Faint * NNW before the group with NGC 694.

Arp 48, 88, 119. Triple field in Psc. In 119, MCG+2-4-22 punchier, slightly extended NS. UGC 849 larger, more diffuse, N edge definite. Glimpses of starlike nucleus - maybe knot. Arp 88 (PGC 4728) starlike, forms a right triangle with 2 faint stars to its N. In Arp 48, PGC 4789 elongated NW-SE, small compact 2MASX companion to its immediate S and W.

Arp 56, UGC 1432. Immediately S of Iota Ari. Nice little object between 2 faint stars. Comma-shaped, with a definite brightening at the tip of the tail pointing SW.

Arp 70, UGC 934, VV 341. Next to M33 in Psc. Component a nicely extended toward a star to its NW, curving to it slightly from NE. Component b visible just SE of the line to core of a from m14 *.

Arp 74, UGC 1626. Near Almach (And). The 2MASX companion is the most noticeable compact feature in what at first appears as a large round glow in the area. It forms an equilateral triangle with two stars to E. The core of the UGC is immediately N. The triangle it forms with the stars is slightly acute. The halo extends to a definite edge N that is midway between the core and a threshold star N. The star is embedded in an unresolved EW glow. On photographs, the glow consists of a few stars and the visible sharp edge of the UGC is defined by the heavier of the 2 spiral arms.

Arp 98, UGC 1095 and MCG+5-4-66. Near M33 within the bounds of Tri. Faint but dramatic pair. MCG forms an equilateral triangle with two stars SE, which parallel two brighter stars farther E. Compact. The core of UGC is close to the N member of the fainter star pair. It too is small and compact. A threshold * is glimpsed repeatedly symmetrically to the N and E. Spiral arms of UGC appear as detached star clouds extending NE along the line of the first mentioned stars and midway between the cores of the galaxies, slightly N of the line between them.

Arp 128, UGC 827, VV 205. Psc. Inside a triangle of m13 stars, of which the E 2 are double, one nearly equal and the other with a threshold companion. Two cores touching. The E one (a) occasionally presents a starlike nucleus. 2MASX galaxy seen slightly N of the midpoint between the VV and the unequal double star.

Arp 145, UCG 1840. Near NGC 891 in And. 2 bright stars in the field. Seems to have an equal double star superimposed. The main compact core (PGC 9060) is E. The area of the double star is identified as PGC 9062. Nebulous material extends NE and E from the presumed star pair. A broad faint arc connects this area to the PGC 9060 core, first running N, then E, then SE. The arc is pinched in the middle from the S and its segment N of the double star is enhanced. Faint * is visible N of the PGC 9060 core, outside of the arc.

Arp 190, UGC 2320, Ari. E of a shallow arc of stars of decreasing brightness, starting with m12 and ending in an unequal double. MCG+2-8-14 is compact and comparatively prominent. -15 is an incompletely resolved double-core galaxy with a weaker N core and a faint star on W edge of the common envelope. Extension from W side N is weak near the core and more definite near its end halfway to the double star. It is 2-3x thicker than in the Atlas photograph.