View Full Version : P.N Humason 1-2 Cygnus
September 24th, 2017, 01:07 PM
Observe this planetary nebula upon seeing the observation of another friend with 14'' scope, so I decided to see this object. It is small, moderately bright at 145x. Little detail with this enlargement, it is necessary to increase the power, with 235x it only showed some shiny lobes with avoided vision, but no detail I can see. Only with more power 400x I can see these bright lobes with direct vision. Then with vision avoided I can see appendages that are born from each bright lobe. The shape is more than curious, it is S-shaped, but this detail is only visible with avoided vision. But it really strikes me, I've never seen a planetary nebula with this peculiar shape.
No trace of the central star of magnitude 17.
Have you seen this too? I would like to hear your experience with different scope.
Rural Sky SQM 21,33 Nelm 6,2
Transparency 3/5 Seeing 4/5
16'' F 4 Ethos 4,7 mm No filter
Milton Humason 1920
9.900 L.Y
A.R 21h 33m 0.7s Dec + 39° 38' 18'
Uwe Glahn
September 26th, 2017, 06:56 PM
Hi Roberto,
you are right with its lobe structure. Not the only PN with this kind of shape but for sure one of the brighter ones which shows this.
sketch: 16", 600x, NELM 7m0+, Seeing III
sketch: 27", 837x, NELM 7m0+, Seeing II
Steve Gottlieb
September 30th, 2017, 12:24 AM
I've enjoyed Hu 1-2 several times since 1981 with an 8", but here's one with my 18" --
Immediately picked up at 175x as a small, elongated bluish object. Excellent contrast gain using an OIII filter. At 450x, the planetary was clearly bipolar (size 10"x7") with two lobes oriented WSW-ENE that are pinched in the center. At 800x, the planetary has an irregular knotty structure with slight brightness variations along the length. In addition the planetary seemed to have an extremely faint outer envelope or "wings" (like the fainter portion of M27) that was most evident on the south side increasing the size to nearly 13"x10" and changing the major axis to NW-SE.
October 3rd, 2017, 06:10 PM
Uwe, your sketch is very similar with my scope. But with the 27 '' is very different. Thank you for sharing your.
Steve, As always, their lines of description of objects are very good. Do not realize the color of the speaker, I'll have to go over the next time. Thank you.
November 20th, 2017, 02:14 PM
I can't match the above observations for aperture, but I made an observation of this object in 2014 with a 12" Newtonian from my badly light polluted site in Lancashire. I noted a small disc, just a few arcseconds across. Fairly bright. The OIII filter reveals small amounts of outer nebulosity. Very bright through the OIII filter.
Having read the above, I will re-observe this object, using a higher power, to see if any of that structure is visible in my 12".
Love Cowboy
December 6th, 2017, 05:06 PM
Hm... I was unable to resolve the lobe structure in my 16", but I should have been with the power I was using. Perhaps seeing conditions were the culprit.
Steve Gottlieb
December 6th, 2017, 06:13 PM
How high of a magnification were you using? I noticed Uwe was at 600x and I used between 450x and 800x in my 18-inch.
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