View Full Version : Best of fall to winter Shakhbazian groups

September 5th, 2017, 04:23 AM
I have a 22 inch f/4.2 and am headed to CalStar in a few weeks. NELM is probably 6.3 or so. (not really sure but certainly not MUCH worse).

Can you point me to a list of 'doable' Shakhbazian groups? I have Alvin's book. Thank you Alvin!

Just something to 'stretch my observing legs' with. (I love it). When I say doable, of course I mean with effort.

(If this is already covered, please just point me to the thread or page. I do not wish to waste peoples time!)

Clear skies

Mark McCarthy
September 5th, 2017, 06:27 PM
Hi Jeff,

Searching "Shakhbazian" in this forum turns up various ORs for individual groups, including a couple Shakhbazian OOTWs.

Steve once pointed me to Italian observer Andreas Domenico's website (http://www.andreas-domenico.de/astro/) where he has observation reports for 22 groups, with varying degrees of success, using an 18-inch scope. It's an excellent resource and inspiration.

See you at CalStar!

September 6th, 2017, 03:37 AM
Hi Jeff,

Searching "Shakhbazian" in this forum turns up various ORs for individual groups, including a couple Shakhbazian OOTWs.

Steve once pointed me to Italian observer Andreas Domenico's website (http://www.andreas-domenico.de/astro/) where he has observation reports for 22 groups, with varying degrees of success, using an 18-inch scope. It's an excellent resource and inspiration.

See you at CalStar!

Thank you. I knew of Andreas' site. What I have found beyond that is observations with 25 to 48 inch scopes. Hence my wording of doable in a 22. But I guess nothing ventured... :)

I will spend more time searching here. Thanks again for the reply!

September 6th, 2017, 07:23 AM
Jeff, please read the descriptions of the observations by Andreas carefully. He did his observations with an 18" telescope.

Steve Gottlieb
September 6th, 2017, 05:54 PM
The 5 best Shakhbazians, in my opinion, are Shkh 16, 30, 166, 202, 317 (= HCG 97). Shkh 202, though, is a Spring target.

I'd also suggest Shkh 40, with brightest member IC 1695. This is actually an Abell cluster (193) with several challenging galaxies at V = 15-16.

If you need more info on any of these, Jeff, let me know.

September 14th, 2017, 09:07 PM
I was browsing through Alvin Huey's Shakhbazian observing guide tonight and noticed that according to that guide Shkh 30 = HCG 97 and Shkh 317 is a chain of relatively bright galaxies. I also noticed that Vizier has multiple Shakhbazian catalogs. Is it possible that Alvin is referring to a different catalog than Steve?

EDIT: According to NED indeed HCG 97 = Shkh 30. The plot thickens ;-)

Steve Gottlieb
September 15th, 2017, 12:49 AM
Thanks for correcting the mistake. By cutting and pasting "= HCG 97" was accidentally pasted at the end of the list, instead of attached to HCG 97. Also, technically HCG 97 is a quintet (5 galaxies reported by Hickson), but Shahbazian 30 includes several additional extremely faint galaxies.

September 15th, 2017, 07:58 AM
I think the catalogues are similar VII/89B is the original Shakhbazian catalogue whereas VII/196 are catalogues of the individual galaxies in each group. The ReadMe files will tell you what they are. I think this may have been my fault many years ago when I asked for them to be added and they added both.


September 15th, 2017, 08:27 AM
Thanks for the feedback, Steve and Owen!

Bertrand Laville
November 22nd, 2017, 08:04 PM
Hi All,

You can have a look at observations, drawings, and notes of 25 Shakhbazian groups with a 25" scope at:

Clear skies