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View Full Version : Shk 16 and a Shakhbazian-like chain low in Aqr

Ivan Maly
September 1st, 2017, 07:35 PM
From my recent observations (16", 327x, SQM 21.65-21.75).

Shk 16. DSS (http://gsss.stsci.edu/Acknowledgements/DataUsePolicy.htm).

Shakhbazian 16, Arp 330 (Dra). Marvelous chain. Individual members, SW to NE: Shk 16 #14-16 (as single compact object), MCG+9-27-19 (2nd or 3rd dominant), Shk 16 #12 (starlike), MCG -29 (2nd or 3rd most dominant), -94 (dominant), -96, -95, Shk 16 #7 (starlike at N end of chain), 2MASX...9527 [PGC 2817454] (separated to N). Shk 16 # 13 possibly starlike, uncertain. MCG -93 not attempted.

VV 167. DSS (http://gsss.stsci.edu/Acknowledgements/DataUsePolicy.htm).

VV 167, Arp 325 (Aqr). Great elongation, kinked form, and punctate appearance. All five members glimpsed, although #1 and possibly 5 may be more as common halo extensions than distinct cores. #3 and especially 2 dominant.

Uwe Glahn
September 2nd, 2017, 08:24 AM
Nice reminder Ivan. Galaxy chains are most fascinating objects.

sketch: 20", 293x, NELM 6m5+, Seeing III

sketch: 27", 586x, NELM 7m0+, Seeing I

Ivan Maly
September 3rd, 2017, 04:17 PM
Thanks! Very accurate sketches. The nuclei in VV 167, and especially the N- and S-most ones, were much less distinct with the smaller aperture and magnification. Also I see PGC 2817453 in the N of your Shk field and 822857 SW of the VV chain, which I did not notice. Awesome.