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August 22nd, 2017, 12:33 PM
After traveling to southern Spain where there are good skies of class 2/9 bortle, because of the dust of the desert to but harmful these 3 days. Only the first day was inside what was a **** of heaven the most productive, the SQM did not pass 21.5 having 21.8 there.

Reach dobson 16 '' F 4.

NGC 6217 G. I did a sketch on my usual 3/9 sky flick but here also look similar, could have been more detailed by the calima. 235X Oval very small dominant core looks like a star, Visible spiral arms with avoided vision thanks to the dark areas the direction of the armors is detected.

NGC 6643 G. 235x Bright, stretched, very bright towards the center extending sideways, the halo is blurred.

NGC 6690 G. 235x Diffuse, elongated almost a needle but wider, has a very homogeneous sheen throughout the area, interesting.

NGC 6951 G. 145x 235x Bright in the center, elongated from north to south, little evidence of spiral arms, also observed with a 20 '' showed no armor.

IC 59 & IC 63 N. Nebulae clearly visible 145x without the use of filters. IC 59 is elongated and very large. IC 63 smaller with little less luminous than its companion.

NGC 6946 G. 235x Diffuse, very large spiral arms 3 visible with direct vision with avoided are defined more. Bright and elongated core. Two shells a little less bright than the core surround this one. But I feel that I have expressed this object more. Sketch completed.

NGC 7448 G. Bright. 235X Small patches of lumps from the lower area and ¾ to the north, above it is only the halo without lumps. With avoided vision the lumps shine a little more. Sketch completed.

NGC 7184 G. Diffuse 235x Precious, elongated, thick galaxy. Bright and dominant core. Few stars in the field of vision. Sketch completed.

UGC 12914 Taffy Galaxies. 235X Shiny, small double galaxies with elongated and glossy core. The upper one shows an arm pointing towards the lower left part. Appearance lumpy inside.

Minkowski 1-54 P.N Diffuse 400x small almost a stars, no emotion by the eyepiece.

Palomar 12. G.C 145x Weak globular, but you can define some fine stars inside.

NGC 23/26 G. Double group of weak galaxies, with detail shows brightness in the core 235x.

NGC 100 G. 235x Very weak, typical fine-needle singing galaxy, I liked this, pending drawing.
