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  1. ESO 427-19 (3 replies)
  2. Adventures in Deep Space 2.0 (3 replies)
  3. CSOG 3.0 (2 replies)
  4. Observation of IRAS 17436+5003 / PN G0.77.1+30.8, a post-AGB (PPNe) object (8 replies)
  5. M 82 h-alpha filaments (2 replies)
  6. Upcoming New Observing Guide from FaintFuzzies.com (3 replies)
  7. A night of observing - 5-6 August 2024 in France (2 replies)
  8. All the OOTW organized by constellation (1 replies)
  9. Confusion over the Crescent Nebula (4 replies)
  10. Observation of Dracula’s Chivito (IRAS 23077+6707 (7 replies)
  11. Small Galaxy Groups (0 replies)
  12. ABELL 851 (0 replies)
  13. Astrotrip - spring 2024 (2 replies)
  14. Shakhbazian Compact Galaxy Groups observing notes (6 replies)
  15. Globular Clusters in the Dwarf Galaxy NGC 4449 (2 replies)
  16. Hickson 71 (0 replies)
  17. TBG-1 New PNe Observation (7 replies)
  18. J0529-4351 (5 replies)
  19. M33 (3 replies)
  20. Astrotrip - autumn 2023 (1 replies)
  21. Memory lane - Webb Society Deep Sky Handbook Volume 6 - Anonymous Galaxies (4 replies)
  22. Galactic Cirrus around Messier 13 (8 replies)
  23. Ever have one of those nights... where the object just isn't there and it should be! (3 replies)
  24. Comprehensive list of observable local group galaxies? (6 replies)
  25. Astrotrip, spring 2023 (3 replies)
  26. First observing report (0 replies)
  27. M104's extended and tilted halo (2 replies)
  28. Dust filaments on bulge of M31 (2 replies)
  29. Field sweeping - experiences & mechanisms ? (2 replies)
  30. Buta’s Star Burst Ring (0 replies)
  31. Minimum Aperture for IC 1101 (11 replies)
  32. ESO 510-13: Warped dust lane (4 replies)
  33. The Mysteries Nature of NGC 5144 (1 replies)
  34. quick galaxy question (12 replies)
  35. Cone nebulae with 12" - Results (2 replies)
  36. Visual observation of the OIII cloud near M31 by Mel Bartels (0 replies)
  37. NGC 459 (12 replies)
  38. Any observations of ESO 566-7, a very "serpentine" galaxy in Hydra? (5 replies)
  39. What atlas will be next? (5 replies)
  40. 11/23, short report (3 replies)
  41. M1 Pulsar (8 replies)
  42. Places to observe along CA's northern coast? (1 replies)
  43. Gaze-Shajn Emission Nebulae - 1955IzKry..15…11G (1 replies)
  44. Parsamian Cometary Nebulae - 1965IzArm..18..146P (0 replies)
  45. Palomar 5, M5 + IFN (0 replies)
  46. Arp 102 + IFN (0 replies)
  47. JW (0 replies)
  48. Astrotrip, spring 2022 (1 replies)
  49. Double core of NGC 5547 (3 replies)
  50. UGC 11260. Is a foreground star super-imposed? (0 replies)
  51. NGC 4013's tidal stream (1 replies)
  52. 150 New Lens Quasars from Gaia (1 replies)
  53. M 108 and M97 + IFN (0 replies)
  54. " Blue Horse Head" nebulas comlex (8 replies)
  55. Antenna galaxies with the nearby phantom (3 replies)
  56. NGC 4651 (Umbrella) + tidal streams + IFN (2 replies)
  57. NGC 5907 + tidal streams + IFN (2 replies)
  58. Sky Safari Lists (3 replies)
  59. Finally broke the 4billion light year travel time threshold for a Galaxy (4 replies)
  60. Sweden spring obs (6 replies)
  61. Astrotrip, winter 2022 (3 replies)
  62. NGC 1499 California with 30 inch (1 replies)
  63. StDr 140 planetary nebula (4 replies)
  64. Text of my observing article "750 Observations in Canis Minor" (5 replies)
  65. Astrotrip, autumn 2021 (7 replies)
  66. Help identifying an object (8 replies)
  67. Observing from Okie-Tex Star Party 2021 (8 replies)
  68. Sky Candy, from 'Nightfall' in South Africa (0 replies)
  69. S&T editors (Steve) (10 replies)
  70. Hickson’s from Sweden (6 replies)
  71. Our nearest neighbor, Arp galaxies and the Veil Nebula (1 replies)
  72. The Nightfall astronomy journal in S Africa releases "Why Do Galaxies Make Bars" (3 replies)
  73. Correct Labeling of Seyfert's Sextext galaxies (2 replies)
  74. CSOG 2.4 - the latest update of the Clear Skies Observing Guides (1 replies)
  75. Quasar galaxies (3 replies)
  76. SkySafari and FaintFuzzies lists (0 replies)
  77. Sweden 30" observing (0 replies)
  78. Messier 94 rings (2 replies)
  79. Markarian 231 (5 replies)
  80. New, more accurate, distances to stars in the Eta Carina region (0 replies)
  81. Observing under bright moon (0 replies)
  82. Jellyfish Nebula (IC 443) realistically - how big of scope is needed to see this object? (13 replies)
  83. Barnard's Loop - the whole semicircle in binoculars (11 replies)
  84. General observing plans by constellation (3 replies)
  85. New Nightfall article just posted: 'Cameos on Black Velvet' ? rarely viewed planetary nebulae & why (1 replies)
  86. The "cinnamon bun" weirdness doesn't end with the moniker (12 replies)
  87. Observing Report: 2.5 nights around Oct 2020 new moon near Likely, CA (1 replies)
  88. Willmann-bell to close (2 replies)
  89. M 57 outer outer halo? (5 replies)
  90. Sharpless 2-216 in Perseus (3 replies)
  91. WeBo 1, anyone? (2 replies)
  92. Arp list finished (13 replies)
  93. M51 ULS-1B (5 replies)
  94. Absolute V-band magnitudes and mass-to-light ratios of 150 galactic globular clusters (1 replies)
  95. HALO or FLIERS (1 replies)
  96. Observing Notes on nearly 10,000 objects (14 replies)
  97. Comet NEOWISE (19 replies)
  98. New Variable Nebula in Cepheus (5 replies)
  99. Lensed Quasar HE 0435-1223 (0 replies)
  100. Necklace Nebula (11 replies)
  101. Observing the Solar System Moons (10 replies)
  102. The latest issue of South Africa’s ‘Nightfall’ astronomy journal is out (0 replies)
  103. My blog (0 replies)
  104. Extreme declination observing (12 replies)
  105. Kepler's SN : PK 4+6.1 or PK 004+6.8 (2 replies)
  106. The next edition of the Clear Skies Observing Guides - CSOG 2.3 (7 replies)
  107. New Nebula? (1 replies)
  108. OBSERVATION REPORT 2020-03-27 (0 replies)
  109. Recent updates to "Adventures in Deep Space" (1 replies)
  110. King 6 / OCL 381 Open cluster Identification (3 replies)
  111. Galaxies of proposal 15446 (3 replies)
  112. Fanit galaxys for LaPalma in December in a 20" (3 replies)
  113. AGCS 301 observed (1 replies)
  114. Tripple Star Asterism in M3 (1 replies)
  115. M76 (5 replies)
  116. NGC 6745, the Bird's Head galaxy (3 replies)
  117. 2MASX J16394598+4609058 in Sweden next week (5 replies)
  118. Bipolar PNe (8 replies)
  119. MGC+4-28-97 cordinate (3 replies)
  120. Incredible "finder charts" for the Magellanic Clouds (0 replies)
  121. Red color and night vision (12 replies)
  122. Galaxys 1 mj LY observed from Sweden (5 replies)
  123. Here's the latest from the DSO journal Nightfall in South Africa (0 replies)
  124. M51 bridge - the real one (2 replies)
  125. DSF Upgrade Update (0 replies)
  126. DSF upgrade March 17th, 2019 (6 replies)
  127. South Africa’s Deep-Sky journal Nightfall is now an online magazine (3 replies)
  128. NGC 4562 (7 replies)
  129. Galaxies in Orion, Quasar z=3,6; Pulsar in M1 (?) (3 replies)
  130. 2nd Feb 2019 Observing report (0 replies)
  131. Peculiar galaxies 2019 (4 replies)
  132. OOTW 2018 Skytools list (0 replies)
  133. Tivoli, Namibia (0 replies)
  134. LaPalma observing (10 replies)
  135. The lost deep sky discoveries with the Great Melbourne Telescope (2 replies)
  136. Galaxy magnitudes (1 replies)
  137. Supernova in M77 (2 replies)
  138. Some galaxies and galaxy groups in Cetus + Zwicky's ring (4 replies)
  139. Wouter and Mobile telescope (3 replies)
  140. A night of observation after a long time (2 replies)
  141. PGC 5186 ring galaxy in Cetus (2 replies)
  142. HuBi 1: an inside-out planetary (4 replies)
  143. What Constitutes “Seen”? (5 replies)
  144. What are the top 10 brightest tidal tails visible? (5 replies)
  145. Observing Palomar 1 (4 replies)
  146. Parsamian 22 in Cygnus (13 replies)
  147. First observing report in more than 4 years (5 replies)
  148. Cotton candy nebula aka Crl 6815 (2 replies)
  149. Two More Ring's for Lyra (0 replies)
  150. Copeland’s Septet (6 replies)
  151. NGC 1052-DF2 (6 replies)
  152. 18" CZ optics at LaPalma (3 replies)
  153. Australia outback ’seeing’ (8 replies)
  154. Heinze 2-10, (8 replies)
  155. What is UGC 3583? (14 replies)
  156. Newton and high power star quality (8 replies)
  157. Peculiar galaxies 2018 (4 replies)
  158. Observing Report: Double the Fun (Two nights at Lake Sonoma in February) (8 replies)
  159. Mark the date for Gaia DR2: April 25, 2018 (6 replies)
  160. Supernova 2018gi in NGC 6217 (6 replies)
  161. OOTW Skytools list (3 replies)
  162. Visual notes on the entire NGC (1 replies)
  163. Observing Adventure in Australia and completing a milestone (6 replies)
  164. Nearest Planetary Nebula (2 replies)
  165. Straight through M 31 and then left (2 replies)
  166. Brightest single star in M 31 - a catch with 12" (8 replies)
  167. My Orion Nebula article in the December issue of Sky & Telescope (15 replies)
  168. Santiago de Chile? (0 replies)
  169. GLADE galaxy catalog (0 replies)
  170. King 1 and King 2 oc's in Cas...19th mag??? (10 replies)
  171. Simbad Search (2 replies)
  172. New observations of peculiar galaxies (4 replies)
  173. P.N Humason 1-2 Cygnus (6 replies)
  174. HaTr 5 (2 replies)
  175. Best of fall to winter Shakhbazian groups (9 replies)
  176. Shk 16 and a Shakhbazian-like chain low in Aqr (2 replies)
  177. "Rie" Catalog? (11 replies)
  178. Late Summer Deep Sky Observing, from England (0 replies)
  179. Observation report (0 replies)
  180. Return to Spruce Knob (2 replies)
  181. SB(r)s and Arps in Ser, Dra, and Her (3 replies)
  182. hiking trip (2 replies)
  183. Potential SN in NGC6946 (1 replies)
  184. Recent downtime (0 replies)
  185. Herschels in Virgo with 20" (0 replies)
  186. Colliding Galaxies and the NGC 5529 group (15 replies)
  187. 107 targets in Canis Minor (0 replies)
  188. Presentations on deep-sky observing (9 replies)
  189. Herschels in Virgo (last constellation) (0 replies)
  190. Last Herschels in Leo, Hydra, Corvus, and Coma (0 replies)
  191. 25th Feb Observing Report (15 replies)
  192. Galaxies in Antlia and Centaurus 26th Feb 2017 (2 replies)
  193. ESO 434-16 misidentified as NGC 2973 (3 replies)
  194. Recent observations in Leo with 20" (2 replies)
  195. M77 through Jimi's 48 inch (6 replies)
  196. Observations -- Galaxies in Cancer & Dorado, 28th & 29th January 2017. (4 replies)
  197. The Curious Case of Planetary Nebulae in Globular Clusters (0 replies)
  198. Nomenclature for Abell Galaxy clusters (0 replies)
  199. An unexpected sighting of Leo I (4 replies)
  200. Some winter observations (2 replies)
  201. Snow Galaxy Clusters (4 replies)
  202. OOTW 2016 SkyTools lists (1 replies)
  203. A Demographic Survey of astronomers (2 replies)
  204. Fog? - no thanks! (6 replies)
  205. An amazing night last week in West Texas (7 replies)
  206. 1 Dec 2016 -- Blazar and Galaxy hunting (3 replies)
  207. M 40 not a physical double star (2 replies)
  208. Optical outburst of the quasar CTA 102 (11 replies)
  209. CSV or XLS or... for Alvin Huey's Galaxy Trio's list (or any others of Alvin's) (2 replies)
  210. 4-night observing party on the 48-inch (0 replies)
  211. CalStar observing report (2 replies)
  212. Adventures in the White Mountains (III) (2 replies)
  213. No dark matter after all? (3 replies)
  214. Adventures in the White Mountains (Part II) (1 replies)
  215. Adventures in the White Mountains (Part I) (1 replies)
  216. M 1-77 (4 replies)
  217. Barnard's Galaxy in more detail (0 replies)
  218. Observing notes on 8500+ NGC/IC objects (4 replies)
  219. M 1-92 (1 replies)
  220. NGC 70 - Arp 113 (6 replies)
  221. Wouter vs Abell planetaries: 4 - 2 (0 replies)
  222. NGC 6881 and 6765 revisited after a year (3 replies)
  223. IC 1101 Giant Elliptical One Billion Light Years Away (11 replies)
  224. 24.4" truss dob first & second light report (3 replies)
  225. Observing Willow Springs 7/2/16 (0 replies)
  226. Paper quality and deep-sky drawings (3 replies)
  227. New observations in the Lyra-Cygnus area (1 replies)
  228. Symbiotic Stars (1 replies)
  229. In Search of Interacting Galaxies (Part 2) -- 6 June 2014 (1 replies)
  230. In Search of Interacting Galaxies (Part 1) -- 6 June 2014 (7 replies)
  231. Three Mark Night at Willow Springs (3 replies)
  232. Observing Report: Saying farewell to galaxy season (30 May 2016) (6 replies)
  233. VY CMa nebula (1 replies)
  234. Skytools Observing Lists for the OOTW (16 replies)
  235. Laevens 3 -- a newly discovered probable GC in Delphinus (33 replies)
  236. The "MCG chain" (3 replies)
  237. First forays into the Mailyan catalog (3 replies)
  238. NGC 4102 - Details (3 replies)
  239. Superthins with 12" in Bavarian Alps (9 replies)
  240. NGC 2514 (3 replies)
  241. M 44 and the galaxies behind it (2 replies)
  242. New-Ultra Flat galaxy catalog (0 replies)
  243. Possible supernova in NGC 5128 = Centaurus A (0 replies)
  244. Look what I got in the mail today! (7 replies)
  245. Planetary Neb PK 231+4.1 in Messier 46 (5 replies)
  246. Robert's Quintet, NGC 92's tail (3 replies)
  247. Comet Catalina (C2013 US10) January 2016 (11 replies)
  248. Orienting POSS images to match the dob eyepiece field of view (12 replies)
  249. Ringing in the New Year with some deep sky observing (1 replies)
  250. What filter works best on Herbig-Haro objects? (20 replies)