View Full Version : Deep Sky Forum
- Observing Report: Saying farewell to galaxy season (30 May 2016)
- Three Mark Night at Willow Springs
- In Search of Interacting Galaxies (Part 1) -- 6 June 2014
- In Search of Interacting Galaxies (Part 2) -- 6 June 2014
- Symbiotic Stars
- New observations in the Lyra-Cygnus area
- Paper quality and deep-sky drawings
- Observing Willow Springs 7/2/16
- 24.4" truss dob first & second light report
- IC 1101 Giant Elliptical One Billion Light Years Away
- NGC 6881 and 6765 revisited after a year
- Wouter vs Abell planetaries: 4 - 2
- NGC 70 - Arp 113
- M 1-92
- Observing notes on 8500+ NGC/IC objects
- Barnard's Galaxy in more detail
- M 1-77
- Adventures in the White Mountains (Part I)
- Adventures in the White Mountains (Part II)
- No dark matter after all?
- Adventures in the White Mountains (III)
- CalStar observing report
- 4-night observing party on the 48-inch
- CSV or XLS or... for Alvin Huey's Galaxy Trio's list (or any others of Alvin's)
- Optical outburst of the quasar CTA 102
- M 40 not a physical double star
- 1 Dec 2016 -- Blazar and Galaxy hunting
- An amazing night last week in West Texas
- Fog? - no thanks!
- A Demographic Survey of astronomers
- OOTW 2016 SkyTools lists
- Snow Galaxy Clusters
- Some winter observations
- An unexpected sighting of Leo I
- Nomenclature for Abell Galaxy clusters
- The Curious Case of Planetary Nebulae in Globular Clusters
- Observations -- Galaxies in Cancer & Dorado, 28th & 29th January 2017.
- M77 through Jimi's 48 inch
- Recent observations in Leo with 20"
- ESO 434-16 misidentified as NGC 2973
- Galaxies in Antlia and Centaurus 26th Feb 2017
- 25th Feb Observing Report
- Last Herschels in Leo, Hydra, Corvus, and Coma
- Herschels in Virgo (last constellation)
- Presentations on deep-sky observing
- 107 targets in Canis Minor
- Colliding Galaxies and the NGC 5529 group
- Herschels in Virgo with 20"
- Recent downtime
- Potential SN in NGC6946
- hiking trip
- SB(r)s and Arps in Ser, Dra, and Her
- Return to Spruce Knob
- Observation report
- Late Summer Deep Sky Observing, from England
- "Rie" Catalog?
- Shk 16 and a Shakhbazian-like chain low in Aqr
- Best of fall to winter Shakhbazian groups
- HaTr 5
- P.N Humason 1-2 Cygnus
- New observations of peculiar galaxies
- Simbad Search
- King 1 and King 2 oc's in Cas...19th mag???
- GLADE galaxy catalog
- Santiago de Chile?
- My Orion Nebula article in the December issue of Sky & Telescope
- Brightest single star in M 31 - a catch with 12"
- Straight through M 31 and then left
- Nearest Planetary Nebula
- Observing Adventure in Australia and completing a milestone
- Visual notes on the entire NGC
- OOTW Skytools list
- Supernova 2018gi in NGC 6217
- Mark the date for Gaia DR2: April 25, 2018
- Observing Report: Double the Fun (Two nights at Lake Sonoma in February)
- Peculiar galaxies 2018
- Newton and high power star quality
- What is UGC 3583?
- Heinze 2-10,
- Australia outback ’seeing’
- 18" CZ optics at LaPalma
- NGC 1052-DF2
- Copeland’s Septet
- Two More Ring's for Lyra
- Cotton candy nebula aka Crl 6815
- First observing report in more than 4 years
- Parsamian 22 in Cygnus
- Observing Palomar 1
- What are the top 10 brightest tidal tails visible?
- What Constitutes “Seen”?
- HuBi 1: an inside-out planetary
- PGC 5186 ring galaxy in Cetus
- A night of observation after a long time
- Wouter and Mobile telescope
- Some galaxies and galaxy groups in Cetus + Zwicky's ring
- Supernova in M77
- Galaxy magnitudes
- The lost deep sky discoveries with the Great Melbourne Telescope
- LaPalma observing
- Tivoli, Namibia
- OOTW 2018 Skytools list
- Peculiar galaxies 2019
- 2nd Feb 2019 Observing report
- Galaxies in Orion, Quasar z=3,6; Pulsar in M1 (?)
- NGC 4562
- South Africa’s Deep-Sky journal Nightfall is now an online magazine
- DSF upgrade March 17th, 2019
- DSF Upgrade Update
- M51 bridge - the real one
- Here's the latest from the DSO journal Nightfall in South Africa
- Galaxys 1 mj LY observed from Sweden
- Red color and night vision
- Incredible "finder charts" for the Magellanic Clouds
- MGC+4-28-97 cordinate
- Bipolar PNe
- 2MASX J16394598+4609058 in Sweden next week
- NGC 6745, the Bird's Head galaxy
- M76
- Tripple Star Asterism in M3
- AGCS 301 observed
- Fanit galaxys for LaPalma in December in a 20"
- Galaxies of proposal 15446
- King 6 / OCL 381 Open cluster Identification
- Recent updates to "Adventures in Deep Space"
- New Nebula?
- The next edition of the Clear Skies Observing Guides - CSOG 2.3
- Kepler's SN : PK 4+6.1 or PK 004+6.8
- Extreme declination observing
- My blog
- The latest issue of South Africa’s ‘Nightfall’ astronomy journal is out
- Observing the Solar System Moons
- Necklace Nebula
- Lensed Quasar HE 0435-1223
- New Variable Nebula in Cepheus
- Observing Notes on nearly 10,000 objects
- Absolute V-band magnitudes and mass-to-light ratios of 150 galactic globular clusters
- M51 ULS-1B
- Arp list finished
- WeBo 1, anyone?
- Sharpless 2-216 in Perseus
- M 57 outer outer halo?
- Willmann-bell to close
- Observing Report: 2.5 nights around Oct 2020 new moon near Likely, CA
- The "cinnamon bun" weirdness doesn't end with the moniker
- New Nightfall article just posted: 'Cameos on Black Velvet' ? rarely viewed planetary nebulae & why
- General observing plans by constellation
- Barnard's Loop - the whole semicircle in binoculars
- Jellyfish Nebula (IC 443) realistically - how big of scope is needed to see this object?
- Observing under bright moon
- New, more accurate, distances to stars in the Eta Carina region
- Markarian 231
- Messier 94 rings
- Sweden 30" observing
- SkySafari and FaintFuzzies lists
- Quasar galaxies
- CSOG 2.4 - the latest update of the Clear Skies Observing Guides
- Correct Labeling of Seyfert's Sextext galaxies
- The Nightfall astronomy journal in S Africa releases "Why Do Galaxies Make Bars"
- Our nearest neighbor, Arp galaxies and the Veil Nebula
- Hickson’s from Sweden
- S&T editors (Steve)
- Sky Candy, from 'Nightfall' in South Africa
- Observing from Okie-Tex Star Party 2021
- Help identifying an object
- Astrotrip, autumn 2021
- Text of my observing article "750 Observations in Canis Minor"
- StDr 140 planetary nebula
- NGC 1499 California with 30 inch
- Astrotrip, winter 2022
- Sweden spring obs
- Finally broke the 4billion light year travel time threshold for a Galaxy
- Sky Safari Lists
- NGC 5907 + tidal streams + IFN
- NGC 4651 (Umbrella) + tidal streams + IFN
- Antenna galaxies with the nearby phantom
- " Blue Horse Head" nebulas comlex
- M 108 and M97 + IFN
- 150 New Lens Quasars from Gaia
- NGC 4013's tidal stream
- UGC 11260. Is a foreground star super-imposed?
- Double core of NGC 5547
- Astrotrip, spring 2022
- JW
- Arp 102 + IFN
- Palomar 5, M5 + IFN
- Parsamian Cometary Nebulae - 1965IzArm..18..146P
- Gaze-Shajn Emission Nebulae - 1955IzKry..15…11G
- Places to observe along CA's northern coast?
- M1 Pulsar
- 11/23, short report
- What atlas will be next?
- Any observations of ESO 566-7, a very "serpentine" galaxy in Hydra?
- NGC 459
- Visual observation of the OIII cloud near M31 by Mel Bartels
- Cone nebulae with 12" - Results
- quick galaxy question
- The Mysteries Nature of NGC 5144
- ESO 510-13: Warped dust lane
- Minimum Aperture for IC 1101
- Buta’s Star Burst Ring
- Field sweeping - experiences & mechanisms ?
- Dust filaments on bulge of M31
- M104's extended and tilted halo
- First observing report
- Astrotrip, spring 2023
- Comprehensive list of observable local group galaxies?
- Ever have one of those nights... where the object just isn't there and it should be!
- Galactic Cirrus around Messier 13
- Memory lane - Webb Society Deep Sky Handbook Volume 6 - Anonymous Galaxies
- Astrotrip - autumn 2023
- M33
- J0529-4351
- TBG-1 New PNe Observation
- Hickson 71
- Globular Clusters in the Dwarf Galaxy NGC 4449
- Shakhbazian Compact Galaxy Groups observing notes
- Astrotrip - spring 2024
- ABELL 851
- Small Galaxy Groups
- Observation of Dracula’s Chivito (IRAS 23077+6707
- Confusion over the Crescent Nebula
- All the OOTW organized by constellation
- A night of observing - 5-6 August 2024 in France
- Upcoming New Observing Guide from
- M 82 h-alpha filaments
- Observation of IRAS 17436+5003 / PN G0.77.1+30.8, a post-AGB (PPNe) object
- CSOG 3.0
- Adventures in Deep Space 2.0
- ESO 427-19
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