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  1. February Sky & Tel article on extreme northern galaxies (8 replies)
  2. 20th-Dec Observing Highlights (7 replies)
  3. NGC 128 group anyone? (10 replies)
  4. Giant planetary nebula, or optical defect in DSS image? (2 replies)
  5. TYC 2464-1041-1 nebula? (5 replies)
  6. NGC 1265 (12 replies)
  7. The "Umbrella" Galaxy, NGC 4651, anyone? (2 replies)
  8. Observations of nearly the entire NGC! (9 replies)
  9. Merope Nebula (IC-1435) (9 replies)
  10. Observations of the 9 Holmberg dwarfs (0 replies)
  11. Some observations from Okie-Tex Star Party 2015 (0 replies)
  12. 5" Takahashi Apo vs. 18" Obsession dob show-down (5 replies)
  13. IC 342 knots! (3 replies)
  14. Globular cluster in WLM? (17 replies)
  15. Kriegs Domino Asterism (in Double Cluster) (0 replies)
  16. HFG 1 (PK 136+05) Observations (5 replies)
  17. OR: Observing in June on the Modoc Plateau (Part III) (0 replies)
  18. About the name Cocoon Nebula (8 replies)
  19. Planetaries near M 7 (4 replies)
  20. OR: Observing in June on the Modoc Plateau (Part II) (0 replies)
  21. OR: Observing in June on the Modoc Plateau (Part I) (1 replies)
  22. Observing Report w/48-inch from April (1 replies)
  23. Texas Star Party -- Wednesday evening and Friday morning (2 replies)
  24. 3C 273 and its jet (0 replies)
  25. Texas Star Party anyone? (0 replies)
  26. Deep sky atlas project (5 replies)
  27. O solo mio (0 replies)
  28. DeepskyLog developer meeting: April 25 (0 replies)
  29. Looking for a HUGE DSO database set (5 replies)
  30. Observing report, 2015 March 23rd, Texas Hill country (5 replies)
  31. NGC 5291 collisional ring (3 replies)
  32. CSOG 2.1 (16 replies)
  33. Two exotics gems: MCG-01-24-001 & UGC 5373 Sextan's Dwarf (2 replies)
  34. Pair of galaxies just to the left of Jupiter (0 replies)
  35. Ngc 4389 / 4392 (2 replies)
  36. Minkowski 1-2 (3 replies)
  37. NGC 891 (20 replies)
  38. Pyxis globular & Westerlund 1 (12 replies)
  39. Deep Sky Observing with Binos (5 replies)
  40. Wow! What a night of observing after long... (13 replies)
  41. Abell 9 (4 replies)
  42. February Sky & Tel article on winter planetaries (1 replies)
  43. M31 - OB Association A102 (5 replies)
  44. NGC 972 - the "LED lamp galaxy" (1 replies)
  45. New supernova in M61 (1 replies)
  46. Observing report, 2014-10-24 to 2014-10-26 with Jimi's 48" (9 replies)
  47. PN NGC7027 detail in a 12" scope (3 replies)
  48. New to DSF (6 replies)
  49. PN NGC7094's central star (4 replies)
  50. Okay... how about this one? (5 replies)
  51. What is this? (4 replies)
  52. Clusters in M31's A102 (0 replies)
  53. The M31 "Twist" (15 replies)
  54. NGC 4622 (4 replies)
  55. Observing Report - 7/22 through 7/25 - Lassen National Park (5 replies)
  56. Some Arps (1 replies)
  57. The Serpens Red Object (8 replies)
  58. Observing report, 2014-07-27, Texas Hill Country (2 replies)
  59. Barnard 68 (4 replies)
  60. Arp 311 -- The Diamond-Shaped Group (0 replies)
  61. Compact galaxy cluster (AWM 4) surrounding NGC 6051 (1 replies)
  62. The July 2014 Galaxy Log video (07.2014) is posted. (0 replies)
  63. Evolving nomenclature for galaxies (5 replies)
  64. Visibility of spiral arms in IC 342 (4 replies)
  65. June 2014 Galaxy Log video (0 replies)
  66. Three PNe (1 replies)
  67. Has anybody seen two stellar points in UGC7064 or the main Rose8 galaxy (1 replies)
  68. New observing reports (1 replies)
  69. Integrated flux nebulae???? (1 replies)
  70. Observations with Jimi Lowrey's 48" "Barbarella" (4 replies)
  71. Observing reports from TSP 2014 with my 18" (4 replies)
  72. Your Deep Sky Scorecard (62 replies)
  73. Confusion with Gomez's Hamburger (5 replies)
  74. Draco dwarf easier with a 6"? (14 replies)
  75. May 2014 Galaxy Log video (0 replies)
  76. Object recommendations for TSP 2014 (with 18-inch aperture)? (8 replies)
  77. Observations of KTG Triplets - 20 Apr 2014 (0 replies)
  78. Gloubular Cluster Ejected from M87 (8 replies)
  79. M 5 Surprise (3 replies)
  80. Abell 33 (8 replies)
  81. April 2014 Galaxy Log video (0 replies)
  82. Digging Deep in M 83 (5 replies)
  83. Ring of HII regions in NGC 4242 (0 replies)
  84. New Gloubular Cluster found in Crater (16 replies)
  85. Sh2-175 (1 replies)
  86. Two nearby irregulars in Canes Venatici (3 replies)
  87. Ngc 2750/ vv 541/ kpg 186 (4 replies)
  88. Leo 1 (20 replies)
  89. The Cosmic Owl - A Closer Look (7 replies)
  90. The XY Persei nebula (vdB 24) (2 replies)
  91. Three supernovae last night (1/31/14)! (3 replies)
  92. NGC 604 (M33 HII region) (2 replies)
  93. New supernova right next door in M82 (11 replies)
  94. Ngc 2366 (7 replies)
  95. Moving to a dark(er) location... (3 replies)
  96. John Dobson has passed away (3 replies)
  97. B324 -- The brightest individual star in M33 (1 replies)
  98. An interesting observation with stacked OIII filters (1 replies)
  99. NGC 474 -- Jan 5th APOD (11 replies)
  100. Halton Arp dies (5 replies)
  101. Low surface brightness -- how much does aperture help? (3 replies)
  102. Mayall -2 Observing (sketch /report ) (9 replies)
  103. M33 drawing by Howard Banich is featured in M33 write-up this Dec Sky and Teli (0 replies)
  104. 2013 is out Hello 2014! (7 replies)
  105. Some interacting pairs, trios and groups (1 Dec 2013) (2 replies)
  106. Has anyone seen the Vulture Head Nebula? (6 replies)
  107. NGC 3079 with sn2013ee (or not) (0 replies)
  108. The "7331 Gang" (10 replies)
  109. A "12 Inch Footprint"... (12 replies)
  110. varC in M33 (0 replies)
  111. Observing G2 Globular of M31 (5 replies)
  112. Curious DSS East of Ugc338. Known'Voorwerp or some other artifact? (3 replies)
  113. New SN in IC1296 (0 replies)
  114. New planetary nebula around tyc 2139-1802-1 ? (6 replies)
  115. Brightest galaxy (15 replies)
  116. Abell 70 + PGC187663: What does it take to see both? (6 replies)
  117. Ic 1613 (2 replies)
  118. Star associations in Barnard's Galaxy (6 replies)
  119. Summer northwest sky darker than southeast sky? (18 replies)
  120. Supernova in M74 (10 replies)
  121. Anybody visually observed the SN in M-74 yet? (5 replies)
  122. Showpiece regions in the LMC (1) (2 replies)
  123. Showpiece regions in the LMC (2) (0 replies)
  124. Showpiece regions in the LMC (3) (14 replies)
  125. Showpiece regions in the LMC (4) (1 replies)
  126. Showpiece regions in the LMC (5) (0 replies)
  127. Showpiece regions in the LMC (6) (6 replies)
  128. Showpiece regions in the LMC (7) (3 replies)
  129. Showpiece regions in the LMC (8) (1 replies)
  130. Showpiece regions in the LMC (9) (1 replies)
  131. Ngc 3690 (3 replies)
  132. Galaxy Burger (1 replies)
  133. Pluto and Pal 8 (7 replies)
  134. Recent observations of VV interacting galaxies and Zwicky compacts/eruptive galaxies (4 replies)
  135. Observing SH2-091 (2 replies)
  136. The Night of Two Bears (4 replies)
  137. NGC 6946 article in July issue of S&T by Steve Gottlieb (6 replies)
  138. NGC5669 in Boo: superimposed star or ..? (1 replies)
  139. Dust lane in NGC 5866 ("M102") (7 replies)
  140. Observations of KTG Triplets - part 2 (11 May 2013) (1 replies)
  141. Observations of KTG Triplets - part 1 (11 May 2013) (0 replies)
  142. Star cluster in Messier 101..? (7 replies)
  143. New southern Observing guide (16 replies)
  144. Observing in Australia (13 replies)
  145. Globularl Clusters in M87! (4 replies)
  146. Viewing the "Apparition" (UGC 8890 = VV 559) (7 replies)
  147. Ugc8837 and Ngc5474 near M101 (11 replies)
  148. New reducer on the McDonld 82" (1 replies)
  149. Observations from April New Moon (48") (6 replies)
  150. Howard's Sky and Telescope Article (3 replies)
  151. A Bridge Too Far? (1 replies)
  152. Leo Triplet plus one (4 replies)
  153. Faint Fuzzies (1 replies)
  154. IC 2574 aka Coddington's Nebula (11 replies)
  155. Ngc 2281 (4 replies)
  156. Star cluster in M66? (7 replies)
  157. Clear Skies in France - A Week of Observing (24 replies)
  158. Galaxy Log videos (7 replies)
  159. Creating a Dark Sky Park (2 replies)
  160. The Ultimate Deep Sky Observers Resource (UDSOR) (0 replies)
  161. Observer's Guides - Updated (8 replies)
  162. Favorite Online Resources for Observers (37 replies)
  163. Observations of KTG triplets (14 replies)
  164. Local Group Observer's Guide (2 replies)
  165. Ngc2440 observations (2 replies)
  166. A Messier marathon of sorts (1 replies)
  167. The "Amateur Deep Field" (2 replies)
  168. Spring Challenge objects (10 replies)
  169. Observing Report: Collection of DSF Favorites And More On A Cold But Clear CA Night (7 replies)
  170. February New Moon at Cherry Springs (1 replies)
  171. A remarkably fine 2MASX in Abell 2634 (5 replies)
  172. Kn 26, a New Quadrupolar Planetary Nebula (0 replies)
  173. Observing notes for 8000 NGC and IC objects posted online (7 replies)
  174. January New Moon at Cherry Springs (2 replies)
  175. It's time to Leo: AGC 1367 (3 replies)
  176. Color in DSO objects (25 replies)
  177. 2012 sucked for observing (15 replies)
  178. NGC1343 & double star h2190: Component C? (6 replies)
  179. The Geometry of the Helix - Faint Halo Struktures in NGC 7293 (5 replies)
  180. Turkey Leg Galaxy (1 replies)
  181. Converting observing liste (text, excell, etc) to SkyTools format (2 replies)
  182. Redish Stars in NGC 7789 (0 replies)
  183. What is your challenge object for this winter... (9 replies)
  184. New SuperNova in Ngc1365 (0 replies)
  185. Vision, dark adaptation, and deep sky observing (5 replies)
  186. Dwingeloo 2 (1 replies)
  187. Understanding field star mags from 2MASS (8 replies)
  188. Monster PNe Sharpless 2-174 and Sharpless 2-216 (1 replies)
  189. Mystery Objects (4 replies)
  190. Looking for # 1 (Call for Help) (28 replies)
  191. Hubble Deep Fields (1 replies)
  192. Tonantzintla 2/Pismis 26 (5 replies)
  193. Brief Observing report from northern california-GSSP (3 replies)
  194. How often do you you get out? (15 replies)
  195. NGC6826, Blinking planetary (9 replies)
  196. Ngc 6749 (3 replies)
  197. Best 500 Objects List (0 replies)
  198. The Fornax Globulars and M31 Globulars (6 replies)
  199. Seyfert's Sextet (8 replies)
  200. A couple recent observing reports from the Sierras (3 replies)
  201. Central star in M-97. (1 replies)
  202. Okay, now what... (12 replies)
  203. Some southern globulars from Texas (4 replies)
  204. Logging & sharing observations (7 replies)
  205. Ngc 5053 (15 replies)
  206. Arp 7 and a superimposed star? (4 replies)
  207. Einstein's Cross and PGC 69457 (4 replies)
  208. NGC 3226 and 3227 in Leo (3 replies)
  209. Springtime Deepsky Delight! (5 replies)
  210. Bright new supernova in M95 (7 replies)
  211. How about double stars??? (5 replies)
  212. IC 4107 Need Help (8 replies)
  213. Sharpless 2-301 in Canis Major (3 replies)
  214. The Palomar Globulars (16 replies)
  215. Sh2-311 a treasure trove of a lesser known object (2 replies)
  216. Two new PN candidate observations (0 replies)
  217. SN2012ah in NGC 7637 (0 replies)
  218. New Vulpecula PN (0 replies)
  219. NGC 3239 (Arp 263) and Supernova 2012A (4 replies)
  220. DeepskyLog (0 replies)
  221. The smallest open cluster (3 replies)
  222. Outlines for Deep-sky objects (2 replies)
  223. Ha! CSC indicates another clear night! (0 replies)
  224. Without a doubt for me is NGC-2419! (16 replies)
  225. So who is out there tonight?? (1 replies)
  226. Poised and ready to go for tonight! (2 replies)
  227. IC 418 the spirograph (7 replies)
  228. Gravity, dark engergy..?? (4 replies)
  229. How has your observing changed over time? (18 replies)
  230. NGC 4449 and NGC 4449B (0 replies)
  231. NGC 5395 (Arp 84)- The Heron (14 replies)
  232. First Post (35 replies)