View Full Version : Deep Sky Forum
- February Sky & Tel article on extreme northern galaxies (8 replies)
- 20th-Dec Observing Highlights (7 replies)
- NGC 128 group anyone? (10 replies)
- Giant planetary nebula, or optical defect in DSS image? (2 replies)
- TYC 2464-1041-1 nebula? (5 replies)
- NGC 1265 (12 replies)
- The "Umbrella" Galaxy, NGC 4651, anyone? (2 replies)
- Observations of nearly the entire NGC! (9 replies)
- Merope Nebula (IC-1435) (9 replies)
- Observations of the 9 Holmberg dwarfs (0 replies)
- Some observations from Okie-Tex Star Party 2015 (0 replies)
- 5" Takahashi Apo vs. 18" Obsession dob show-down (5 replies)
- IC 342 knots! (3 replies)
- Globular cluster in WLM? (17 replies)
- Kriegs Domino Asterism (in Double Cluster) (0 replies)
- HFG 1 (PK 136+05) Observations (5 replies)
- OR: Observing in June on the Modoc Plateau (Part III) (0 replies)
- About the name Cocoon Nebula (8 replies)
- Planetaries near M 7 (4 replies)
- OR: Observing in June on the Modoc Plateau (Part II) (0 replies)
- OR: Observing in June on the Modoc Plateau (Part I) (1 replies)
- Observing Report w/48-inch from April (1 replies)
- Texas Star Party -- Wednesday evening and Friday morning (2 replies)
- 3C 273 and its jet (0 replies)
- Texas Star Party anyone? (0 replies)
- Deep sky atlas project (5 replies)
- O solo mio (0 replies)
- DeepskyLog developer meeting: April 25 (0 replies)
- Looking for a HUGE DSO database set (5 replies)
- Observing report, 2015 March 23rd, Texas Hill country (5 replies)
- NGC 5291 collisional ring (3 replies)
- CSOG 2.1 (16 replies)
- Two exotics gems: MCG-01-24-001 & UGC 5373 Sextan's Dwarf (2 replies)
- Pair of galaxies just to the left of Jupiter (0 replies)
- Ngc 4389 / 4392 (2 replies)
- Minkowski 1-2 (3 replies)
- NGC 891 (20 replies)
- Pyxis globular & Westerlund 1 (12 replies)
- Deep Sky Observing with Binos (5 replies)
- Wow! What a night of observing after long... (13 replies)
- Abell 9 (4 replies)
- February Sky & Tel article on winter planetaries (1 replies)
- M31 - OB Association A102 (5 replies)
- NGC 972 - the "LED lamp galaxy" (1 replies)
- New supernova in M61 (1 replies)
- Observing report, 2014-10-24 to 2014-10-26 with Jimi's 48" (9 replies)
- PN NGC7027 detail in a 12" scope (3 replies)
- New to DSF (6 replies)
- PN NGC7094's central star (4 replies)
- Okay... how about this one? (5 replies)
- What is this? (4 replies)
- Clusters in M31's A102 (0 replies)
- The M31 "Twist" (15 replies)
- NGC 4622 (4 replies)
- Observing Report - 7/22 through 7/25 - Lassen National Park (5 replies)
- Some Arps (1 replies)
- The Serpens Red Object (8 replies)
- Observing report, 2014-07-27, Texas Hill Country (2 replies)
- Barnard 68 (4 replies)
- Arp 311 -- The Diamond-Shaped Group (0 replies)
- Compact galaxy cluster (AWM 4) surrounding NGC 6051 (1 replies)
- The July 2014 Galaxy Log video (07.2014) is posted. (0 replies)
- Evolving nomenclature for galaxies (5 replies)
- Visibility of spiral arms in IC 342 (4 replies)
- June 2014 Galaxy Log video (0 replies)
- Three PNe (1 replies)
- Has anybody seen two stellar points in UGC7064 or the main Rose8 galaxy (1 replies)
- New observing reports (1 replies)
- Integrated flux nebulae???? (1 replies)
- Observations with Jimi Lowrey's 48" "Barbarella" (4 replies)
- Observing reports from TSP 2014 with my 18" (4 replies)
- Your Deep Sky Scorecard (62 replies)
- Confusion with Gomez's Hamburger (5 replies)
- Draco dwarf easier with a 6"? (14 replies)
- May 2014 Galaxy Log video (0 replies)
- Object recommendations for TSP 2014 (with 18-inch aperture)? (8 replies)
- Observations of KTG Triplets - 20 Apr 2014 (0 replies)
- Gloubular Cluster Ejected from M87 (8 replies)
- M 5 Surprise (3 replies)
- Abell 33 (8 replies)
- April 2014 Galaxy Log video (0 replies)
- Digging Deep in M 83 (5 replies)
- Ring of HII regions in NGC 4242 (0 replies)
- New Gloubular Cluster found in Crater (16 replies)
- Sh2-175 (1 replies)
- Two nearby irregulars in Canes Venatici (3 replies)
- Ngc 2750/ vv 541/ kpg 186 (4 replies)
- Leo 1 (20 replies)
- The Cosmic Owl - A Closer Look (7 replies)
- The XY Persei nebula (vdB 24) (2 replies)
- Three supernovae last night (1/31/14)! (3 replies)
- NGC 604 (M33 HII region) (2 replies)
- New supernova right next door in M82 (11 replies)
- Ngc 2366 (7 replies)
- Moving to a dark(er) location... (3 replies)
- John Dobson has passed away (3 replies)
- B324 -- The brightest individual star in M33 (1 replies)
- An interesting observation with stacked OIII filters (1 replies)
- NGC 474 -- Jan 5th APOD (11 replies)
- Halton Arp dies (5 replies)
- Low surface brightness -- how much does aperture help? (3 replies)
- Mayall -2 Observing (sketch /report ) (9 replies)
- M33 drawing by Howard Banich is featured in M33 write-up this Dec Sky and Teli (0 replies)
- 2013 is out Hello 2014! (7 replies)
- Some interacting pairs, trios and groups (1 Dec 2013) (2 replies)
- Has anyone seen the Vulture Head Nebula? (6 replies)
- NGC 3079 with sn2013ee (or not) (0 replies)
- The "7331 Gang" (10 replies)
- A "12 Inch Footprint"... (12 replies)
- varC in M33 (0 replies)
- Observing G2 Globular of M31 (5 replies)
- Curious DSS East of Ugc338. Known'Voorwerp or some other artifact? (3 replies)
- New SN in IC1296 (0 replies)
- New planetary nebula around tyc 2139-1802-1 ? (6 replies)
- Brightest galaxy (15 replies)
- Abell 70 + PGC187663: What does it take to see both? (6 replies)
- Ic 1613 (2 replies)
- Star associations in Barnard's Galaxy (6 replies)
- Summer northwest sky darker than southeast sky? (18 replies)
- Supernova in M74 (10 replies)
- Anybody visually observed the SN in M-74 yet? (5 replies)
- Showpiece regions in the LMC (1) (2 replies)
- Showpiece regions in the LMC (2) (0 replies)
- Showpiece regions in the LMC (3) (14 replies)
- Showpiece regions in the LMC (4) (1 replies)
- Showpiece regions in the LMC (5) (0 replies)
- Showpiece regions in the LMC (6) (6 replies)
- Showpiece regions in the LMC (7) (3 replies)
- Showpiece regions in the LMC (8) (1 replies)
- Showpiece regions in the LMC (9) (1 replies)
- Ngc 3690 (3 replies)
- Galaxy Burger (1 replies)
- Pluto and Pal 8 (7 replies)
- Recent observations of VV interacting galaxies and Zwicky compacts/eruptive galaxies (4 replies)
- Observing SH2-091 (2 replies)
- The Night of Two Bears (4 replies)
- NGC 6946 article in July issue of S&T by Steve Gottlieb (6 replies)
- NGC5669 in Boo: superimposed star or ..? (1 replies)
- Dust lane in NGC 5866 ("M102") (7 replies)
- Observations of KTG Triplets - part 2 (11 May 2013) (1 replies)
- Observations of KTG Triplets - part 1 (11 May 2013) (0 replies)
- Star cluster in Messier 101..? (7 replies)
- New southern Observing guide (16 replies)
- Observing in Australia (13 replies)
- Globularl Clusters in M87! (4 replies)
- Viewing the "Apparition" (UGC 8890 = VV 559) (7 replies)
- Ugc8837 and Ngc5474 near M101 (11 replies)
- New reducer on the McDonld 82" (1 replies)
- Observations from April New Moon (48") (6 replies)
- Howard's Sky and Telescope Article (3 replies)
- A Bridge Too Far? (1 replies)
- Leo Triplet plus one (4 replies)
- Faint Fuzzies (1 replies)
- IC 2574 aka Coddington's Nebula (11 replies)
- Ngc 2281 (4 replies)
- Star cluster in M66? (7 replies)
- Clear Skies in France - A Week of Observing (24 replies)
- Galaxy Log videos (7 replies)
- Creating a Dark Sky Park (2 replies)
- The Ultimate Deep Sky Observers Resource (UDSOR) (0 replies)
- Observer's Guides - Updated (8 replies)
- Favorite Online Resources for Observers (37 replies)
- Observations of KTG triplets (14 replies)
- Local Group Observer's Guide (2 replies)
- Ngc2440 observations (2 replies)
- A Messier marathon of sorts (1 replies)
- The "Amateur Deep Field" (2 replies)
- Spring Challenge objects (10 replies)
- Observing Report: Collection of DSF Favorites And More On A Cold But Clear CA Night (7 replies)
- February New Moon at Cherry Springs (1 replies)
- A remarkably fine 2MASX in Abell 2634 (5 replies)
- Kn 26, a New Quadrupolar Planetary Nebula (0 replies)
- Observing notes for 8000 NGC and IC objects posted online (7 replies)
- January New Moon at Cherry Springs (2 replies)
- It's time to Leo: AGC 1367 (3 replies)
- Color in DSO objects (25 replies)
- 2012 sucked for observing (15 replies)
- NGC1343 & double star h2190: Component C? (6 replies)
- The Geometry of the Helix - Faint Halo Struktures in NGC 7293 (5 replies)
- Turkey Leg Galaxy (1 replies)
- Converting observing liste (text, excell, etc) to SkyTools format (2 replies)
- Redish Stars in NGC 7789 (0 replies)
- What is your challenge object for this winter... (9 replies)
- New SuperNova in Ngc1365 (0 replies)
- Vision, dark adaptation, and deep sky observing (5 replies)
- Dwingeloo 2 (1 replies)
- Understanding field star mags from 2MASS (8 replies)
- Monster PNe Sharpless 2-174 and Sharpless 2-216 (1 replies)
- Mystery Objects (4 replies)
- Looking for # 1 (Call for Help) (28 replies)
- Hubble Deep Fields (1 replies)
- Tonantzintla 2/Pismis 26 (5 replies)
- Brief Observing report from northern california-GSSP (3 replies)
- How often do you you get out? (15 replies)
- NGC6826, Blinking planetary (9 replies)
- Ngc 6749 (3 replies)
- Best 500 Objects List (0 replies)
- The Fornax Globulars and M31 Globulars (6 replies)
- Seyfert's Sextet (8 replies)
- A couple recent observing reports from the Sierras (3 replies)
- Central star in M-97. (1 replies)
- Okay, now what... (12 replies)
- Some southern globulars from Texas (4 replies)
- Logging & sharing observations (7 replies)
- Ngc 5053 (15 replies)
- Arp 7 and a superimposed star? (4 replies)
- Einstein's Cross and PGC 69457 (4 replies)
- NGC 3226 and 3227 in Leo (3 replies)
- Springtime Deepsky Delight! (5 replies)
- Bright new supernova in M95 (7 replies)
- How about double stars??? (5 replies)
- IC 4107 Need Help (8 replies)
- Sharpless 2-301 in Canis Major (3 replies)
- The Palomar Globulars (16 replies)
- Sh2-311 a treasure trove of a lesser known object (2 replies)
- Two new PN candidate observations (0 replies)
- SN2012ah in NGC 7637 (0 replies)
- New Vulpecula PN (0 replies)
- NGC 3239 (Arp 263) and Supernova 2012A (4 replies)
- DeepskyLog (0 replies)
- The smallest open cluster (3 replies)
- Outlines for Deep-sky objects (2 replies)
- Ha! CSC indicates another clear night! (0 replies)
- Without a doubt for me is NGC-2419! (16 replies)
- So who is out there tonight?? (1 replies)
- Poised and ready to go for tonight! (2 replies)
- IC 418 the spirograph (7 replies)
- Gravity, dark engergy..?? (4 replies)
- How has your observing changed over time? (18 replies)
- NGC 4449 and NGC 4449B (0 replies)
- NGC 5395 (Arp 84)- The Heron (14 replies)
- First Post (35 replies)
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