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  1. SkyTools OOTW file downloads (0 replies)
  2. Object of the Week, December 28, 2015 - Messier 1, the Crab Nebula (7 replies)
  3. Object of the Week December 20, 2015 Jonckheere 320 (4 replies)
  4. Object of the Week December 13, 2015 – NGC 288 (6 replies)
  5. Object of the Week December 6th, 2015: The NGC 1600 family of galaxies. (2 replies)
  6. Object of the Week November 29th, 2015 - NGC7662 The Blue Snowball (4 replies)
  7. Object of the Week, November 22, 2015 -- NGC 1514, a revolutionary planetary (7 replies)
  8. Object Of The Week, November 15, 2015 - NGC 7137 (9 replies)
  9. Object of the Week, November 8th, 2015 - NGC 925 in Triangulum (4 replies)
  10. Object of the Week, November 1, 2015 - Stephan's Quintet, HCG 92, Arp 319 (13 replies)
  11. Object of the Week October 25, 2015 NGC 100 "A Ghostly Streak" (10 replies)
  12. Object of the Week October 18, 2015 - NGC 2022 (8 replies)
  13. Object of the Week October 11, 2015: NGC 278, the "Neon Sign Galaxy". (2 replies)
  14. Object of the Week October 4th 2015 - NGC 7814 The Little Sombrero (2 replies)
  15. Object of the Week, September 27, 2015 -- The Magnificient 47 Tucanae (NGC 104) (4 replies)
  16. Object of the Week, September 20th, 2015 – The "crowned" open cluster IC 1311 (2 replies)
  17. Object of the Week September 6, 2015 – NGC 7009, the Saturn Nebula (6 replies)
  18. Object of the Week August 30, 2015 NGC 7742 (The Fried Egg Galaxy) (3 replies)
  19. Object of the Week August 23, 2015 - NGC 6934 (2 replies)
  20. OOTW August 16th, 2015: The Dolphin Triplet of Galaxies: NGC 6927, NGC 6928, and NGC 6930 (7 replies)
  21. Object of the Week August 9th, 2015 - NGC7008 The Fetus Nebula (9 replies)
  22. Object of the Week, August 2, 2015: The Unusual Planetary Sh 2-71 in Aquila (6 replies)
  23. Object of the Week Junly 26th, 2015 – Henize 1-5 and the variable CS Fg Sge (4 replies)
  24. Object of the Week, July 19th, 2015 - Open cluster = Asterism?, NGC 6802, in Vulpecula (5 replies)
  25. Object of the Week, July 12, 2015 - Messier 20, the Trifid Nebula (10 replies)
  26. Object of the week July 5. 2015 Lost in Sagittarius Hickson 86 (4 replies)
  27. Object of the Week June 28, 2015 - NGC 6712 The Weird Globular (7 replies)
  28. Object of the Week 21 June 2015: The Draco Triplet (and Friends). (5 replies)
  29. Object of the Week June 14th, 2015 - NGC 6804 (4 replies)
  30. Object of the Week June 7, 2015 - The Tadpole Galaxy, UGC 10214 (2 replies)
  31. Object of the Week May 31, 2015 - NGC 4643 A Barred Polar Ring Galaxy (6 replies)
  32. Objects of the Week, May 24th, 2015 - Double your pleasure - NGC 6441 & Haro 1-36 (5 replies)
  33. Object of the Week, May 17, 2015 - M101, NGC 5457, Arp 26 (5 replies)
  34. Object of the Week May 10th, 2015 - NGC 4298 & NGC 4302 (2 replies)
  35. Object of the Week May 3, 2015 - NGC 3521 A Flocculent Galaxy (10 replies)
  36. Object of the Week April 26, 2015 - Arp 296 and Arp 299: An Extragalactic Mess in the Big Dipper (5 replies)
  37. Object of the Week, April 19 2015 NGC 4731 (4 replies)
  38. Object of the Week, April 12, 2015 – NGC 5248 (4 replies)
  39. Object of the Week April 6, 2015 – Copeland’s Septet (Hickson 57, Arp 320) (10 replies)
  40. Object of the Week March 29, 2015 - Arp 270 (NGC 3395/3396) in Leo Minor (7 replies)
  41. Object of the Week, March 22, 2015 NGC 5529 (6 replies)
  42. Object of the week March 15, 2015 IC 2233 (Superthin) (6 replies)
  43. Object of the Week March 8, 2015 - NGC 4449 Train Wreck Galaxies (8 replies)
  44. Object of the Week, March 1, 2015: The Magnificent Leo Triplet of Galaxies: M65, M66 and NGC 3628 (11 replies)
  45. Object of the Week February 22, 2015 - IC2574 Coddington's Nebula (6 replies)
  46. Object of the Week, February 14, 2015: Arp 55 = VV 155 The Grasshopper (7 replies)
  47. Object of the Week February 9, 2015 – Biurakan 11 and 12 a pair of "mystical" open clusters (2 replies)
  48. Object of the Week February 1, 2015 IC 3568, The Lemon Slice Nebula (7 replies)
  49. Object of t he Week, January 25, 2015, NGC 2264, the Cone Nebula (7 replies)
  50. Object of the Week January 18th, 2015 UGC 4599 A Rare Hoag-Type galaxy (1 replies)
  51. Object of the Week January 11, 2015 - NGC 1360 A Dissolving Planetary (4 replies)
  52. Object of the Week January 4, 2015 - Conquering the Horsehead: A study on the Horsehead's visibility (8 replies)