View Full Version : 2015 OOTWs
- SkyTools OOTW file downloads (0 replies)
- Object of the Week, December 28, 2015 - Messier 1, the Crab Nebula (7 replies)
- Object of the Week December 20, 2015 Jonckheere 320 (4 replies)
- Object of the Week December 13, 2015 – NGC 288 (6 replies)
- Object of the Week December 6th, 2015: The NGC 1600 family of galaxies. (2 replies)
- Object of the Week November 29th, 2015 - NGC7662 The Blue Snowball (4 replies)
- Object of the Week, November 22, 2015 -- NGC 1514, a revolutionary planetary (7 replies)
- Object Of The Week, November 15, 2015 - NGC 7137 (9 replies)
- Object of the Week, November 8th, 2015 - NGC 925 in Triangulum (4 replies)
- Object of the Week, November 1, 2015 - Stephan's Quintet, HCG 92, Arp 319 (13 replies)
- Object of the Week October 25, 2015 NGC 100 "A Ghostly Streak" (10 replies)
- Object of the Week October 18, 2015 - NGC 2022 (8 replies)
- Object of the Week October 11, 2015: NGC 278, the "Neon Sign Galaxy". (2 replies)
- Object of the Week October 4th 2015 - NGC 7814 The Little Sombrero (2 replies)
- Object of the Week, September 27, 2015 -- The Magnificient 47 Tucanae (NGC 104) (4 replies)
- Object of the Week, September 20th, 2015 – The "crowned" open cluster IC 1311 (2 replies)
- Object of the Week September 6, 2015 – NGC 7009, the Saturn Nebula (6 replies)
- Object of the Week August 30, 2015 NGC 7742 (The Fried Egg Galaxy) (3 replies)
- Object of the Week August 23, 2015 - NGC 6934 (2 replies)
- OOTW August 16th, 2015: The Dolphin Triplet of Galaxies: NGC 6927, NGC 6928, and NGC 6930 (7 replies)
- Object of the Week August 9th, 2015 - NGC7008 The Fetus Nebula (9 replies)
- Object of the Week, August 2, 2015: The Unusual Planetary Sh 2-71 in Aquila (6 replies)
- Object of the Week Junly 26th, 2015 – Henize 1-5 and the variable CS Fg Sge (4 replies)
- Object of the Week, July 19th, 2015 - Open cluster = Asterism?, NGC 6802, in Vulpecula (5 replies)
- Object of the Week, July 12, 2015 - Messier 20, the Trifid Nebula (10 replies)
- Object of the week July 5. 2015 Lost in Sagittarius Hickson 86 (4 replies)
- Object of the Week June 28, 2015 - NGC 6712 The Weird Globular (7 replies)
- Object of the Week 21 June 2015: The Draco Triplet (and Friends). (5 replies)
- Object of the Week June 14th, 2015 - NGC 6804 (4 replies)
- Object of the Week June 7, 2015 - The Tadpole Galaxy, UGC 10214 (2 replies)
- Object of the Week May 31, 2015 - NGC 4643 A Barred Polar Ring Galaxy (6 replies)
- Objects of the Week, May 24th, 2015 - Double your pleasure - NGC 6441 & Haro 1-36 (5 replies)
- Object of the Week, May 17, 2015 - M101, NGC 5457, Arp 26 (5 replies)
- Object of the Week May 10th, 2015 - NGC 4298 & NGC 4302 (2 replies)
- Object of the Week May 3, 2015 - NGC 3521 A Flocculent Galaxy (10 replies)
- Object of the Week April 26, 2015 - Arp 296 and Arp 299: An Extragalactic Mess in the Big Dipper (5 replies)
- Object of the Week, April 19 2015 NGC 4731 (4 replies)
- Object of the Week, April 12, 2015 – NGC 5248 (4 replies)
- Object of the Week April 6, 2015 – Copeland’s Septet (Hickson 57, Arp 320) (10 replies)
- Object of the Week March 29, 2015 - Arp 270 (NGC 3395/3396) in Leo Minor (7 replies)
- Object of the Week, March 22, 2015 NGC 5529 (6 replies)
- Object of the week March 15, 2015 IC 2233 (Superthin) (6 replies)
- Object of the Week March 8, 2015 - NGC 4449 Train Wreck Galaxies (8 replies)
- Object of the Week, March 1, 2015: The Magnificent Leo Triplet of Galaxies: M65, M66 and NGC 3628 (11 replies)
- Object of the Week February 22, 2015 - IC2574 Coddington's Nebula (6 replies)
- Object of the Week, February 14, 2015: Arp 55 = VV 155 The Grasshopper (7 replies)
- Object of the Week February 9, 2015 – Biurakan 11 and 12 a pair of "mystical" open clusters (2 replies)
- Object of the Week February 1, 2015 IC 3568, The Lemon Slice Nebula (7 replies)
- Object of t he Week, January 25, 2015, NGC 2264, the Cone Nebula (7 replies)
- Object of the Week January 18th, 2015 UGC 4599 A Rare Hoag-Type galaxy (1 replies)
- Object of the Week January 11, 2015 - NGC 1360 A Dissolving Planetary (4 replies)
- Object of the Week January 4, 2015 - Conquering the Horsehead: A study on the Horsehead's visibility (8 replies)
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