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  1. SkyTools OOTW file downloads (0 replies)
  2. Object of the Week December 28, 2014 - NGC2359 Thors Helmet (5 replies)
  3. Object of the Week December 21, 2014 - The Tale of NGC 1073 and Arp's 3 Quasars (2 replies)
  4. Object of the Week December 14, 2014 – Hickson 16 (Arp 318) (3 replies)
  5. Object of the Week December 7, 2014 - NGC 337 - Cetus (3 replies)
  6. Object of the Week November 30, 2014 - Arp 133 and Minkowski’s Object (2 replies)
  7. Object of the Week November 23, 2014 - NGC 660 A Cosmic Rarity (2 replies)
  8. Object of the Week November 16, 2014 - ARP 78 The Fiddlehead Galaxy and the Discordant Quasar (3 replies)
  9. Object of the Week November 9, 2014 - NGC 520 (Arp 157) (6 replies)
  10. Object of the Week November 02, 2014 - NGC1535 (3 replies)
  11. Object of the Week October 26, 2014 - Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte (1 replies)
  12. Object of the Week October 19, 2014 - Shakhbazian 317 Galaxy Chain (3 replies)
  13. Object of the Week Oct 12, 2014 - NGC40 The Bow Tie Nebula (7 replies)
  14. Object of the Week October 5, 2014 - NGC 908 & the NGC 908 Group - Cetus (2 replies)
  15. Object of the Week, September 28, 2014 - NGC 6543 (5 replies)
  16. Object of the Week September 21, 2014 The Propeller Galaxy NGC 7479 (8 replies)
  17. Object of the Week September 14, 2014: Arp 86 (NGC 7752 and NGC 7753) and Friends (6 replies)
  18. Object of the Week September 07, 2014 – NGC 6888 The Crescent Nebula (3 replies)
  19. Object of the Week Aug 31, 2014 – VV414 (4 replies)
  20. Object of the Week Aug 24, 2014 – ETHOS 1 (not THAT Ethos) (7 replies)
  21. Object of the Week Aug 17, 2014 – Minkowski 1-64 "the other ring nebula in Lyra" (3 replies)
  22. Object of the Week, August 10, 2014 – The Propeller Nebula, AKA Simeis 57 = DWB 111 = (2 replies)
  23. Object of the Week, August 3, 2014 - Seyfert's Sextet (14 replies)
  24. Object of the Week, July 27th, 2014 - A galaxy chain near Vega (7 replies)
  25. Object of the Week July 20, 2014 NGC 6572 The Curious Tale of... (10 replies)
  26. Object of the Week July 13, 2014 - Sharpless 157 in Cassiopeia/Cepheus (6 replies)
  27. Object of the Week July 6, 2014 - NGC 7026 The Cheeseburger Nebula (14 replies)
  28. Object of the Week June 29, 2014 - VV 274 and VV 275 - 2 VV objects next to a blaziing mag 7.2 star (3 replies)
  29. Object of the Week June 22, 2014 - NGC 6028 - The Nearest and Brightest Hoag Ring (11 replies)
  30. Object of the Week, June 15 2014: NGC 5544/5545, the “Exclamation Marc” Arp 199 (17 replies)
  31. Object of the Week June 8, 2014 - NGC 6723 & Its Surrounding Area (5 replies)
  32. Object of the Week, June 1, 2014 - AGC 2065, the Corona Borealis Galaxy Cluster (6 replies)
  33. Object of the Week May 25, 2014 IC 1182 A Member of The Jet Set (5 replies)
  34. Object of the Week May 18, 2014 The Flattest Galaxy NGC 4762 (8 replies)
  35. Object of the Week, May 11 2014: NGC 6240, the Rumpled Starfish (1 replies)
  36. Object of the Week May 4 2014- NGC 4631 and NGC 4627, The Whale and Pup galaxies (6 replies)
  37. Object of the Week, April 27 2014 - MAC 1242-1128 B/C/D -Collinear Trio of MAC galaxies (5 replies)
  38. Object of the Week, April 20 2014 – The remarkable NGC 3158 cluster (8 replies)
  39. Object of the Week, April 13 2014 – NGC 4676A/B “The Mice” (7 replies)
  40. Object of the Week, April 6, 2014 - Djorgovski 2 = ESO 456-SC38 (4 replies)
  41. Object of the Week, March 30 2014 – VV 788 (3 replies)
  42. Object of the Week March 23, 2014 - Centaurus A (NGC 5128) (4 replies)
  43. Object of the Week March 16, 2014 - Eight Burst Nebula (6 replies)
  44. Object of the Week March 9, 2014 – Sharpless 261 (Lower's Nebula) (2 replies)
  45. Object of the Week March 2, 2014 – NGC3509 (Arp 335) (5 replies)
  46. Object of the Week, February 23, 2014 – Double Quasar - QSO 0957+561 (4 replies)
  47. Object of the Week, February 16, 2014 – Howell-Crisp 1 - a recently discovered PN (6 replies)
  48. Object of the Week, February 9, 2014 – “Auner 1” - the cluster and the ghost (2 replies)
  49. Object of the Week, February 2, 2014 NGC 2419 (The intergalactic Wanderer) (5 replies)
  50. Object of the Week, January 26, 2014 – IC 434 (7 replies)
  51. Object of the Week January 19, 2014 Discordant Redshifts A few Examples from Dr Arp (2 replies)
  52. Object of the Week January 12 2014 - Abell 21, a large evolved PN in Gemini (7 replies)
  53. Object of the Week January 5, 2014 – NGC2261 Hubbles Variable Nebula (11 replies)