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  1. Subaru Telescope image of a rare triple ring galaxy (0 replies)
  2. New nebula "Roig1 Prades Sky" in the outer regions of M 33 (4 replies)
  3. HaTr 10 (7 replies)
  4. Abell (Planetary) 5 and 9 (2 replies)
  5. Gottlieb’s Circle (1 replies)
  6. SNR G132.7+1.3 (HBH 3) in Cassiopeia (3 replies)
  7. Hickson 50 visual magnitudes? (2 replies)
  8. Gravitationally lensed quasar 2M 1134-2103 (3 replies)
  9. Zwicky’s Pyramid (0 replies)
  10. Possibly Visible Supernova Remnant Candidate in Canis Major (5 replies)
  11. Bright outburst of the blazar 4C 31.03 (0 replies)
  12. PaRasMoMi 1 anyone? (2 replies)
  13. A0021+25 (5 replies)
  14. DQ Her (NOVA Her 1934) anyone? (1 replies)
  15. Lensed Quasars (0 replies)
  16. Supposed unknown Galaxies in Gemini (7 replies)
  17. Outters 4, anyone? (2 replies)
  18. Sirius B success! (4 replies)
  19. "Pleiades Bubble" through a 4-inch binocular-telescope (10 replies)
  20. Nova remnants? (3 replies)
  21. SNR G206.9+2.3 in Monoceros (3 replies)
  22. Object near NGC 2805 (7 replies)
  23. UGC 378 - another faint, tiny edge-on near a bright objects (0 replies)
  24. PGC 1536, the little brother of IC 4617 (1 replies)
  25. Holmberg galaxys (10 replies)
  26. IC1296 (7 replies)
  27. Makani Galaxy (1 replies)
  28. Longmore 16 (6 replies)
  29. SN 1604 Kepler (1 replies)
  30. Discoveries (0 replies)
  31. The outer shells of M 2-55 and Abel 2 (0 replies)
  32. Monoceros Loop (4 replies)
  33. Sh 2-174 (OIII and H-Beta Filter) (4 replies)
  34. Molecular Cloud MBM 54 around NGC 7497 visually (8 replies)
  35. HE 1104-1805 Lensed Quasar (3 replies)
  36. Newly discovered quadruply lensed quasar (2 replies)
  37. M31 globular clusters (1 replies)
  38. Patchick 27 planetary nebula candidate (3 replies)
  39. New DSO: Nick's Cascade (8 replies)
  40. Pu 1 (1 replies)
  41. Sh2-240 aka Simeis 147 (2 replies)
  42. False Cheerio (0 replies)
  43. Two UCD's in Messier 59 (3 replies)
  44. NGC 4098/VV61 (9 replies)
  45. Chupina Open Clusters (2 replies)
  46. Asterisms of the NGC (1 replies)
  47. HII regions in M81 (7 replies)
  48. Two more newly discovered quadruply-imaged quasars (0 replies)
  49. Observe a microlens event (4 replies)
  50. A five-image lensed quasar discovered by PanSTARRS and GAIA (2 replies)
  51. Globular Cluster hunting -- in Barnard's Galaxy! (17 replies)
  52. Newly discovered quadruple quasar candidate in Andromeda (24 replies)
  53. Serpens Double Quasar (1 replies)
  54. A catalog of automatically detected ring galaxy candidates in PanSTARRS (1 replies)
  55. Volcano Nebula IFN (9 replies)
  56. Off The Beaten Path objects in April (2 replies)
  57. New compilation of Protoplanetary Nebula (10 replies)
  58. Northern lights from Spitsbergen (4 replies)
  59. Fornax globulars (10 replies)
  60. An overlap galaxy pair close to NGC 253 (2 replies)
  61. WR stars in M33 HII regions (NGC 588/592/595/604) (6 replies)
  62. Pisces A&B (4 replies)
  63. 2 Galaxies around M57 (25 replies)
  64. LEDA 3864456, an unknown E.E. Barnard discovery (4 replies)
  65. SS 433 (2 replies)
  66. AM 1337-292 Chain Near M83 (2 replies)
  67. SBS 1150+599 (3 replies)
  68. NGC 253 - dw2 anyone? (11 replies)
  69. Visible Blackhole light?? (3 replies)
  70. IC 2005, a galaxy hidden behind the California Nebula (1 replies)
  71. Globular Cluster in NGC 147 (11 replies)
  72. DG 187 (9 replies)
  73. Observation of two "uncataloged" galaxies (2 replies)
  74. Pease 1. Planetary in M15 (14 replies)
  75. Koposov-I- Milky Way Globular (1 replies)
  76. Markarian 177 and companion (recoiling Black Hole or wierd LBV/Supernova) (3 replies)
  77. NGC 5257/ 5258, A Real Challenge (5 replies)
  78. Voorwerp APOD (5 replies)
  79. Looking for Lensed Light (0 replies)
  80. The Horsehead area with a 13 inch f/3 telescope under superb transparency (3 replies)
  81. NGC 7673 Starbustgalaxie (0 replies)
  82. I Zw 18 aka UGCA 166 (5 replies)
  83. Blazars and Quasars oh my! (2 replies)
  84. Galaxies next to NGC891 (11 replies)
  85. PN Ou5 AKA IPHASX J211420.0+434136 (3 replies)
  86. Cosmic "T" VII Zw 601 (7 replies)
  87. Catching 7 Billion Year Old Light (1 replies)
  88. VV 171 and friends (7 replies)
  89. M 60-ucd 1 (12 replies)
  90. VV 790b Orions ring (7 replies)
  91. IRAS 20324+4057 The Caterpillar or Tadpole? (3 replies)
  92. Considerable brightening of Gyulbudhagian's Nebula (PV Cephei) (10 replies)
  93. 4 very small Protoplanetaries (1 replies)
  94. New Observing Guide - The VV Catalogue (7 replies)
  95. Messier 57 - stars inside (6 replies)
  96. New PN ? KN J1814-3955 (4 replies)
  97. Star cluster in M104 SUCD 1 (2 replies)
  98. Newly observed GRB (0 replies)
  99. IC 883 (Arp 193) field - tidal tails and a galaxy chain (0 replies)
  100. Variable Galaxies (BL Lac, blazars, AGNs, etc) list (6 replies)
  101. Any positive or negative observations of WDHS 1? (7 replies)
  102. AGC 68 and the Space Invader galaxy (0 replies)
  103. S Aurigae (3 replies)
  104. Napoleon and Josephine (4 replies)
  105. II Zw 40 -- the cometary galaxy with two tails (1 replies)
  106. Brief ESA/HST article on Ring Galaxies (6 replies)
  107. HH 222 [Waterfall] (6 replies)
  108. MCG +05-13-1/2/3/4 -- a misclassified group of reflection nebulae (2 replies)
  109. Malin 2 (0 replies)
  110. Observing report: UGC 3714 group (with the Integral Sign Galaxy) (3 replies)
  111. Ic 4677 a-f (4 replies)
  112. Shall I say...way off the beaten path (1 replies)
  113. What is this Object? (5 replies)
  114. II Zwicky 5 (6 replies)
  115. Hodge 3 in NGC 147? (5 replies)
  116. A few recent Observing Reports posted on my site (10 replies)
  117. Exotic objects for next new moon thank (7 replies)
  118. Bipolar Planetary Nebula Sanduleak 2-237 (PNG 11.1+7.0) (3 replies)
  119. Ear Nebula IPHASX J205013.7 + 465518 in Cygnus (1 replies)
  120. Hodge Globulars in NGC-185 (3 replies)
  121. Two Young Stellar Objects in Cygnus (10 replies)
  122. Sharpless 91 and Friends: The complete ring of the G65.3+5.7 SNR (3 replies)
  123. GJJC1, the Planetary Nebula in M22 (3 replies)
  124. The tight multi-galaxy group that includes UGC 12127 (12 replies)
  125. Discovery of Another Possible Voorwerp (3 replies)
  126. Sh 2-80 "Merrill's Star" (8 replies)
  127. Abell 2022 -- little-known galaxy cluster in Bootes (0 replies)
  128. VV 158 aka Rose 16 - exotic galaxy chain with medium aperture (1 replies)
  129. Abell 2065 (3 replies)
  130. One for the big guns: (new) PN in Vulpecula (1 replies)
  131. Abell 2152 observation of gravational lens arc (4 replies)
  132. VV 788 (7Zw466) - fascinating and "easy" ring galaxy (9 replies)
  133. Gravitational arc next to IC1101 (6 replies)
  134. Hanny's Voorwerp (16 replies)
  135. IC443 SW filament (3 replies)
  136. Calabash nebula observation (5 replies)
  137. Cas A observations (4 replies)
  138. Abell 85 (CTB 1) (14 replies)
  139. PN Halos (5 replies)
  140. The Eridanus Bubble, the Western counterpart of Barnard's Loop (13 replies)
  141. Couple ring galaxies (4 replies)
  142. PN [K98c] (0 replies)
  143. AGC 2319 in Cygnus (3 replies)
  144. Malin 1 (9 replies)
  145. UGC 11798 in Cygnus (7 replies)
  146. Bol 69 AKA G132 ANTNO 78 (1 replies)
  147. Eridanus Arc (3 replies)