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  1. M 33 sketch with low magnification (10 inch) (0 replies)
  2. Compilation of 14 southern planetary nebulae (1 replies)
  3. Sketches from NGC 6207, NGC 6974(E) and NGC 6995 (H) (0 replies)
  4. A different view on Messier 43 (0 replies)
  5. M 106 Sketch with 21 inch (0 replies)
  6. Sketches from a perfect Night (2 replies)
  7. NGC 4216 tidal stream (1 replies)
  8. SN 2023ixf in Messier 101 (1 replies)
  9. A Sketch of an unusual Meeting (3 replies)
  10. M 76 10" vs. 21" (5 replies)
  11. sketches of some southern planetary nebulae (2 replies)
  12. Palomar 15 Observation (0 replies)
  13. M106+IFN (0 replies)
  14. M 99 with 21" (1 replies)
  15. NGC 2976, NGC 2633, M102 Sketch with 21" (4 replies)
  16. NGC 2261 with 21" (0 replies)
  17. A great Comet (2 replies)
  18. The Homunkulus (4 replies)
  19. Messier 16 (Eagle nebula) (2 replies)
  20. Messier 17 (the Swan) (4 replies)
  21. Blue Flash with 21" (0 replies)
  22. Messier 51 (0 replies)
  23. Thors Helm and Perfect Sky (2 replies)
  24. Abell 21, Medusa (0 replies)
  25. IFN from Polaris to M81-82 (5 replies)
  26. Star pattern in Ursa Major (2 replies)
  27. a Cocoon and a Triplet (1 replies)
  28. Inside The Running Chicken Nebula SHOHSO (1 replies)
  29. Jupiter/Saturn conjunction 12/18/2020 (0 replies)
  30. some Planetary Nebula during very good seeing (3 replies)
  31. 10 Fantastic Finds From Hubble’s Deepest-Ever View Of The Universe (1 replies)
  32. The Grand Design (0 replies)
  33. two beauties from Chile (1 replies)
  34. Abell PNs in 20" (0 replies)
  35. Supernova in M61 (0 replies)
  36. Galaxies from 2020 (1st Quarter) (4 replies)
  37. M58 and M90 (0 replies)
  38. NGC 4567-8 (Siamese Twins, VV 219) (1 replies)
  39. Messier 51 trough 27-inch (3 replies)
  40. Messier 42 in color (0 replies)
  41. Supernova SN 2020ue in NGC 4636 (1 replies)
  42. NGC 185 (6 replies)
  43. Namibia 2019 (3 replies)
  44. Ft. Davis Texas May 2019 observations and sketches (5 replies)
  45. Deep sky from France (0 replies)
  46. The Galactic Nebula Show (5 replies)
  47. WBL 258 (1 replies)
  48. Hubble shoots Triangulum in hi resolution (1 replies)
  49. December predawn session: M95, M96, NGC 2903 (2 replies)
  50. M 27: are there colors in the Dumbell's nebula ? (4 replies)
  51. M 45 Pleiades, where are you ? (7 replies)
  52. Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner (0 replies)
  53. The four Mousquetaires of the summertime (7 replies)
  54. Coalsack naked eye (0 replies)
  55. globular cluster 6712 (0 replies)
  56. Galaxies: what is your top five ? (8 replies)
  57. M 51: deep and detailed study, with HII regions (1 replies)
  58. Omega Centauri versus 47 Toucan (4 replies)
  59. Omega Centauri (ngc 5139) (6 replies)
  60. Thor's Helmet (ngc 2359) (0 replies)
  61. NGC 5371 (7 replies)
  62. SNR IC 443 in green and red (5 replies)
  63. Zoomable SMC (0 replies)
  64. A few Gx-groups in Virgo (5 replies)
  65. Tarantula Nebula (6 replies)
  66. NGC 4088 - Arp 18 (10 replies)
  67. Frosty Leo nebula (0 replies)
  68. Is that Seirios B? (0 replies)
  69. NGC 1055 and Flame nebula (0 replies)
  70. The Stokes Parameter of M 1 (4 replies)
  71. M77 (1 replies)
  72. M 31 (0 replies)
  73. NGC 7026 (5 replies)
  74. Nearby Magellanic and Keenan's System (0 replies)
  75. M 27 in bicolor (4 replies)
  76. open cluster NGC 581 (8 replies)
  77. Western Veil Nebula - NGC 6960 (8 replies)
  78. NGC 936 "Darth Vader Galaxy" (4 replies)
  79. IC5070 NGC7000 And Denbe (0 replies)
  80. Planetary Nebula NGC40 - Bicolor (2 replies)
  81. Coma-Cluster Abell 1656 (central 18' fiel with 27") (2 replies)
  82. Eastern Veil Nebula - NGC 6992/6995, IC 1340 with 27" (12 replies)
  83. New album of sketches (1 replies)
  84. NGC 6503 and NGC 6543 Sketch (0 replies)
  85. M20 (4 replies)
  86. M 105 area (3 replies)
  87. Some recently finished drawings (3 replies)
  88. Ciel Extreme's album of sketches (13 replies)
  89. NGC 4800 and 5033 (0 replies)
  90. Arp 23 (7 replies)
  91. Ngc 4244 (3 replies)
  92. NGC 4038 and 4039 - The "Antennae" or "Ringtails" (4 replies)
  93. Ngc 2371/2, ngc 2392, ngc 3726, ngc 4051 (4 replies)
  94. Newbie sketching tips/tricks (11 replies)
  95. NGC 2022 with UHC-Filter (9 replies)
  96. A belated Merry Christmas (1 replies)
  97. Observations from Finnish deep sky -meeting 2013 (7 replies)
  98. M33 drawing (13 replies)
  99. Traveler NSA Club (0 replies)
  100. Ngc 55 (3 replies)
  101. another deep sky link (0 replies)
  102. Dissecting and Sketches of the Veil Nebula (6 replies)
  103. Veil Nebula - The Southern Filament (2 replies)
  104. Sketches September 2013 (1 replies)
  105. Planetary Nebula NGC7048 - LRGB picture (4 replies)
  106. first light with 24" @ M 27 (2 replies)
  107. NGC 7331, 7479, 7814, and again M74 with sn2013ej (3 replies)
  108. CCD :Herbig-Haro 380,381,382, RNO 127, V9424 Cygnus. Also : Magakian 859, Bernes 27 (0 replies)
  109. Ugc 9829 (vv847) (0 replies)
  110. Longmore Triton 5 in LRGB (2 replies)
  111. Coddington's Nebula, The Spindle and a Needle (1 replies)
  112. M65 (3 replies)
  113. SH2-239, LDN 1551 - Visible? (4 replies)
  114. High res image of our galactic center... (4 replies)
  115. Messier 83, Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (2 replies)
  116. NGC 507 and friends (1 replies)
  117. Friends... (0 replies)
  118. NGC 7775 and Comet 168P/Hergenrother... (5 replies)
  119. Abell 4 and Hickson 16 (12 replies)
  120. Highway 33 (3 replies)
  121. Ngc 5907 (0 replies)
  122. "Butterfly nebula" Minkowski 2-9 with large aperture (3 replies)
  123. Hickson 61 - "The Box" (1 replies)
  124. Recent Galaxies in B&W (4 replies)
  125. Some sketches (5 replies)
  126. NGC 253 + Barnard's E + M 27 + UGC 1281 + M 42 (6 replies)
  127. NGC 3132 "Eight-Burst" Nebula (0 replies)
  128. Abell 33 (1 replies)
  129. Boring Horse Head - Barnard 33 (7 replies)
  130. Hickson 44 (1 replies)
  131. M13 (10 replies)
  132. Ana's object (2 replies)