View Full Version : Sketches & Images
- M 33 sketch with low magnification (10 inch) (0 replies)
- Compilation of 14 southern planetary nebulae (1 replies)
- Sketches from NGC 6207, NGC 6974(E) and NGC 6995 (H) (0 replies)
- A different view on Messier 43 (0 replies)
- M 106 Sketch with 21 inch (0 replies)
- Sketches from a perfect Night (2 replies)
- NGC 4216 tidal stream (1 replies)
- SN 2023ixf in Messier 101 (1 replies)
- A Sketch of an unusual Meeting (3 replies)
- M 76 10" vs. 21" (5 replies)
- sketches of some southern planetary nebulae (2 replies)
- Palomar 15 Observation (0 replies)
- M106+IFN (0 replies)
- M 99 with 21" (1 replies)
- NGC 2976, NGC 2633, M102 Sketch with 21" (4 replies)
- NGC 2261 with 21" (0 replies)
- A great Comet (2 replies)
- The Homunkulus (4 replies)
- Messier 16 (Eagle nebula) (2 replies)
- Messier 17 (the Swan) (4 replies)
- Blue Flash with 21" (0 replies)
- Messier 51 (0 replies)
- Thors Helm and Perfect Sky (2 replies)
- Abell 21, Medusa (0 replies)
- IFN from Polaris to M81-82 (5 replies)
- Star pattern in Ursa Major (2 replies)
- a Cocoon and a Triplet (1 replies)
- Inside The Running Chicken Nebula SHOHSO (1 replies)
- Jupiter/Saturn conjunction 12/18/2020 (0 replies)
- some Planetary Nebula during very good seeing (3 replies)
- 10 Fantastic Finds From Hubble’s Deepest-Ever View Of The Universe (1 replies)
- The Grand Design (0 replies)
- two beauties from Chile (1 replies)
- Abell PNs in 20" (0 replies)
- Supernova in M61 (0 replies)
- Galaxies from 2020 (1st Quarter) (4 replies)
- M58 and M90 (0 replies)
- NGC 4567-8 (Siamese Twins, VV 219) (1 replies)
- Messier 51 trough 27-inch (3 replies)
- Messier 42 in color (0 replies)
- Supernova SN 2020ue in NGC 4636 (1 replies)
- NGC 185 (6 replies)
- Namibia 2019 (3 replies)
- Ft. Davis Texas May 2019 observations and sketches (5 replies)
- Deep sky from France (0 replies)
- The Galactic Nebula Show (5 replies)
- WBL 258 (1 replies)
- Hubble shoots Triangulum in hi resolution (1 replies)
- December predawn session: M95, M96, NGC 2903 (2 replies)
- M 27: are there colors in the Dumbell's nebula ? (4 replies)
- M 45 Pleiades, where are you ? (7 replies)
- Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner (0 replies)
- The four Mousquetaires of the summertime (7 replies)
- Coalsack naked eye (0 replies)
- globular cluster 6712 (0 replies)
- Galaxies: what is your top five ? (8 replies)
- M 51: deep and detailed study, with HII regions (1 replies)
- Omega Centauri versus 47 Toucan (4 replies)
- Omega Centauri (ngc 5139) (6 replies)
- Thor's Helmet (ngc 2359) (0 replies)
- NGC 5371 (7 replies)
- SNR IC 443 in green and red (5 replies)
- Zoomable SMC (0 replies)
- A few Gx-groups in Virgo (5 replies)
- Tarantula Nebula (6 replies)
- NGC 4088 - Arp 18 (10 replies)
- Frosty Leo nebula (0 replies)
- Is that Seirios B? (0 replies)
- NGC 1055 and Flame nebula (0 replies)
- The Stokes Parameter of M 1 (4 replies)
- M77 (1 replies)
- M 31 (0 replies)
- NGC 7026 (5 replies)
- Nearby Magellanic and Keenan's System (0 replies)
- M 27 in bicolor (4 replies)
- open cluster NGC 581 (8 replies)
- Western Veil Nebula - NGC 6960 (8 replies)
- NGC 936 "Darth Vader Galaxy" (4 replies)
- IC5070 NGC7000 And Denbe (0 replies)
- Planetary Nebula NGC40 - Bicolor (2 replies)
- Coma-Cluster Abell 1656 (central 18' fiel with 27") (2 replies)
- Eastern Veil Nebula - NGC 6992/6995, IC 1340 with 27" (12 replies)
- New album of sketches (1 replies)
- NGC 6503 and NGC 6543 Sketch (0 replies)
- M20 (4 replies)
- M 105 area (3 replies)
- Some recently finished drawings (3 replies)
- Ciel Extreme's album of sketches (13 replies)
- NGC 4800 and 5033 (0 replies)
- Arp 23 (7 replies)
- Ngc 4244 (3 replies)
- NGC 4038 and 4039 - The "Antennae" or "Ringtails" (4 replies)
- Ngc 2371/2, ngc 2392, ngc 3726, ngc 4051 (4 replies)
- Newbie sketching tips/tricks (11 replies)
- NGC 2022 with UHC-Filter (9 replies)
- A belated Merry Christmas (1 replies)
- Observations from Finnish deep sky -meeting 2013 (7 replies)
- M33 drawing (13 replies)
- Traveler NSA Club (0 replies)
- Ngc 55 (3 replies)
- another deep sky link (0 replies)
- Dissecting and Sketches of the Veil Nebula (6 replies)
- Veil Nebula - The Southern Filament (2 replies)
- Sketches September 2013 (1 replies)
- Planetary Nebula NGC7048 - LRGB picture (4 replies)
- first light with 24" @ M 27 (2 replies)
- NGC 7331, 7479, 7814, and again M74 with sn2013ej (3 replies)
- CCD :Herbig-Haro 380,381,382, RNO 127, V9424 Cygnus. Also : Magakian 859, Bernes 27 (0 replies)
- Ugc 9829 (vv847) (0 replies)
- Longmore Triton 5 in LRGB (2 replies)
- Coddington's Nebula, The Spindle and a Needle (1 replies)
- M65 (3 replies)
- SH2-239, LDN 1551 - Visible? (4 replies)
- High res image of our galactic center... (4 replies)
- Messier 83, Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (2 replies)
- NGC 507 and friends (1 replies)
- Friends... (0 replies)
- NGC 7775 and Comet 168P/Hergenrother... (5 replies)
- Abell 4 and Hickson 16 (12 replies)
- Highway 33 (3 replies)
- Ngc 5907 (0 replies)
- "Butterfly nebula" Minkowski 2-9 with large aperture (3 replies)
- Hickson 61 - "The Box" (1 replies)
- Recent Galaxies in B&W (4 replies)
- Some sketches (5 replies)
- NGC 253 + Barnard's E + M 27 + UGC 1281 + M 42 (6 replies)
- NGC 3132 "Eight-Burst" Nebula (0 replies)
- Abell 33 (1 replies)
- Boring Horse Head - Barnard 33 (7 replies)
- Hickson 44 (1 replies)
- M13 (10 replies)
- Ana's object (2 replies)
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